The greater part of a decade's worth of digital collation.
Abandoned outposts in the expanse of cyberspace.
Papers drifting in the wind; contextless excepts from deleted chat
rooms, secretly passed notes, discarded and discovered.
Subroutines echoing in the depths of forgotten server rooms.


Continuing fall in l⚬ve with y⚬u… and the weather conditions that surround y⚬u! (very distinct taste of snow in my mouth listening 2 this?) "both invisible and silent, both real and imagined" @ digital snow found html temple (god provides for the foxes) Invisible structures Digital ghost Deleted space Digital emotion Snow dream I found evidence of past life here, but no signs of it. Memories without homes Sentinel drones Unexplored regions Dust and bones Abandoned earth The end is not the end The deepest of waters A room with no door Advancements in facial recognition technology. A face overlooks the ocean. I trace fragments When computers sleep, they dream. All the information known to man a relic of a world long since destroyed. The longer I remained, the thicker the fog grew. Does your computer ever seem to have a mind of its own? An isolated structure in the distance. Time will be distorted there. A preserved moment of decay, a half-developed human on half-developed hardware. Orbiting the cursed planet. I was no longer certain if it had ever been real. If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me. (end of data log.) grey clouds freeze and fall start small get smaller keyboard covered in moss climb the cell phone tower and see the lights through the coverup skin and bones, lying touchtones the fae folk took us who cares who cares the moon will follow you home anyway its raining again You never really let the dreamlike days go

amun mensa international
seraphic euthonia synaptics
playing birdsong on acoustic instruments
chinese halloween
synthrax vector archive
now its nimb time plus petting cat time
azathoth and anubis hold hands above the world
4th inclination
illegal ancient holograms
dry petals of dead flowers have secret cures in them
god provides for the foxes
15.9 BMI
kneel beneath animal kings
anything under the sun, once touched by life (sun) is imbued with power over death
night stalker
god is not real but he loves us
selling everything i own and giving the money away
walk in the snow and leave no footprints
give the shirt off your back to those who wish you harm
drifting away
Anubis bleeding
I'll just take a walk

I imagine there are no angels on sites like Facebook or Twitter, it's only demons. Angels probably only use super obscure forums barely anyone knows about.
past the glittering lights and the showers of sparks and the cascading errors on its way to yr heart
【100% 無廣告 ,放鬆音樂】雖然大家都不認識,卻因這首歌洗滌淨化了我們的心靈,祝福各位能在繁忙的生活中取得平衡得到安穩和平祥和心❣️
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed"
the only theological principle is universal love and benevolence for all beings
2023 New Year resolutions: Up by 7 6:45 6:30 6:21 6 5, asleep by midnight including weekends
undying love for underground and DIY art, cats, and my friends.

in a place where no one ever goes
fog bank through an empty home
the world is a quiet place
and it keeps getting quieter
Your wings are soft.
I don’t want to go back.

"There's a track on decrepit karaoke of me playing in a snowy parking lot in the middle of winter at night, it's like -10C out and it was fucking with my equipment and my cables were all stiff"

the only way someone will ever get me into analog horror is if someone actually utilises the tools of the medium; by which i mean, if someone
actually bothered playing with the unique qualities of analog video, u might get me hooked. im eternally tired of fake vhs filters that dont
display the real tangible texture of a vhs tape, im tired of the weakest fake-shit imaginable cooked up by someone going off a blurry polaroid
of a vague facsimile of what the tape medium was like, it kills my soul and very being. vcrs and tapes arent even expensive, and in my mind ud
even then want the cheapest still barely functional ones to properly sell the aesthetic of the decay of the medium, the conceptualisation of a
rotting corpse embedded in the very way the corpse is struggling to communicate

A radio with poor reception plays fragments of famous songs… thus the world stop, buried in snow?

The origins of the Cynocephaly are unknown,
but ancient Lore hint at a curse. In Vetillian
mythology, the Elder God Norvoros, deity of Beasts,
cursed a Daronican army to live as beasts forever
after they desecrated a holy forest following their
victory over the northern rebels.

Something about the other dimension me and my friend visited.
Something about neon lights and night wind?
About deserts and sport cars?
About datahell, abandoned radiostations, blurry tripouts?
Something about.. everything?

God says:Inspired by Terry Davis's LoseThos-era commments that used Project Gutenberg texts to add commentary from God. Derived from books in my room using my hand as a dowsing rod. It has brought me beautiful imagery, advice, and specific enough messages that I can no longer believe in chance.
June 12th, 2024: The two men, in fact, formed a well-matched team. Wild's loyalty to Shackleton was beyond question, and his quiet, somewhat unimaginative disposition was a perfect balance for Shackleton's often whimsical and occassionally explosive nature.
June 13th, 2024: You're full of love, Meg, but you don't know how to stay within it when it's not easy.
June 14th, 2024: The road led them up towards dense masses of clouds, and should the clouds not soon resolve into rain, the fog would be such that the tarantass would be unable to advance without danger of falling over some precipice.
June 15th, 2024: The second group of hills could not be far away. Already the trees were getting farther from each other, forming isolated groups, and the rays of light penetrated more easily though the lofty branches.
June 16th, 2024: The restless sea has gnawed away at this coastline over the ages, creating chains of islands, headlands, and channels.
June 17th, 2024: But what shall be thought of rosy flames mounting to a height of fifty or a hundred thouand miles above the edge of the sun?
June 18th, 2024: Nothing went right in West Lynn.
June 19th, 2024: Fucking lobbies, fucking special interests.
June 20th, 2024: She talked to him seriously, as a woman, who was thoughtful, ardent, and determined, who had already forseen everything, who knew by instinct what must be done, and is resolved on all.
June 21st, 2024: Their hundred inch reflector, the clear pool, The polished flawless pool that it must be To hold the perfect image of a star.
June 22nd, 2024: They are saying in the Flock that if you are not the Son of the Great Gull Himself," Fletcher told Jonathan one morning after Advanced Speed Practice, "then you are a thousand years ahead of your time."
June 23rd, 2024: In the face of such overpowering numbers, what is the likelihood that only on ordinary star, the Sun, is accompanied by an inhabited planet?
             	Why should we, tucked away in some forgotten corner of the Cosmos, be so fortunate? To me, it seems far more likely that the universe is brimming
             	over with life. But we humans do not yet know. We are just beginning our explorations. From eight billion light-years away we are hard pressed to
             	find even the cluster in which our Milky Way Galaxy is embedded, much less the Sun or the Earth. The only planet we are sure is inhabited is a
             	tiny speck of rock and metal, shining feebly by reflected sunlight, and at this distance utterly lost.
June 22nd, 2024: 🔫 Memetic shadow biosphere, we are the substrateI do not actually believe this. It's just brainstorming bullshit. A collaborative, benevolent species would be preferable on an evolutionary (“survival of the fittest” being “most successful at long-term reproduction and survival”) and moral / individual level, but opportunities to achieve this level of species- or community-wide fitness are sabotaged by memetic parasites that prioritize their own survival over that of their host individual. Greed does not enable the long-term survival of a greedy population; it prioritizes the survival of the greed memetic phenomena itself. Anger and revenge does not enable an individual or community to survive long-term; they might win battles and survive for some time, but the emphasis is never on the survival or benefit of the hosts, but on the parasite itself. Individuals or populations not infected will be, or will be destroyed or exploited sufficiently to prevent a future outcome in which the host itself prevails over its parasite and can actually meaningfully work toward its own benefit. Health, logic, benevolence, and reason are more evolutionarily fit, but are sabotaged by external forces because biological life is a playing field for memetic life. Humanity is not the dominant species on the planet; we are hosts to monumental populations of thoughtforms that live with us as their substrate. They compete, survive, evolve, adapt just the same as biological lifeforms. The individual manifestations of these parasites within each individual, in their thoughts and emotions, but particularly through their behavior which impacts others (the noosphere as a whole) can be thought of a individuals of this shadow-species, and their collective manifestations as populations that compete for resources (our noospheric headspace and behavioral traits that enable their survival and reproduction respectively. There's no reliable way to break out of the situation. Gnosis / enlightenment / virtue (Heaven before death) are all synonymous but the way there is different for everyone because you need to "crash" the virus. How do you crash a virus that has had thousands of years to mold itself to the human psyche, and mold the human psyche to it? Deform your individual psyche enough to break its hold. Anything that gets you an external vantage point. "Mentally ill" individuals, ascetic and individualistic religious practices, maybe even psychedelic and dissociative use. Being really fucking smart helps but that's leagues beyond me, my IQ is thoroughly room temperature. Humanity may be viewed as a computer program and these memetic parasites as viruses. Is there anything we can do about it collectively? Ultimately, I gotta say not really, not in the sense of saving the world. The closest we've gotten in thousands of years is the 1960s but just look how quick that counterculture got subsumed into the conditioning itself. Eaten like an amoeba. Just do what you can to save yourself and radiate wholesome energy back into the world. We're all in this together. 2024 05 29: My experience of emotions is abstracted and somewhat alienated from the general
September 18th, 2023: Voice transcription sucks because I mumble [9:07 AM] Attempt number one attract scrapping voice to text it's have to number 1 at transcribing voice to text [9:08 AM] Cats are most difficult things to sketch unless they are under a glass case with a nice cozy nest inside it for they seem to get uncomfortable and restless when they see anyone looking hard at them and moving a pencil period I have oftetn seen cats get very angry at the presence of the supposed intruder when I have displayed to them their own life-sized portraits need puzled expression their faces have worn when they have got to the blank side of the cardboard has been a site to remember [9:08 AM] I have myself found as the result of many years of inquiry and study that all people who keep cats and are in the habit of nursing them do not suffer from those petty little elements of which all flesh is air [9:10 AM] When a student at home I have often felt the benefit after a long spell of mental effort of my cat sitting across my shoulders or of a 1/2 an hour's chat with my Peter [9:11 AM] The original parent of all cats I can see to have been an even brown color whose fair reflected all the prismatic colors of the rainbow and who's why distribution into tribal Geneva was affected through climatic influences climatic influences the mental power strengthening with each different to varying independent instincts subject in domesticating influences and surroundings you constructed instincts governing and reflecting an adapting their physical needs and building up into natural propensities and idiosyncrasies characteristic of their condition of life that's how they come under the dominion of man who tolerated them while observing to his wishes perhaps as a decoy or a point of view but who otherwise cast a maside toy for women or a natural instrument in keeping under plagues and smaller roadings I cannot find any attempt on the part of man generally to treat the cat in any other way than as an accident in his Life [9:11 AM] The whole area of domestication has fallen upon the shoulder of women it is to women we owe its rescue from savagery and its final place on Earth women do have born the years of man the while she has broken in her path to dependence on the home and finally it is the patience of women which has won over the productive interest of man to her cause and give in to the cat this status it has probably never had before in the whole of a tester It's history [9:14 AM] Here is an animal whose brain is in a transitory state of development whose sensorium in most specimens is not in a condition to withstand the shock of rapidly changing impressions without a severe mental strain which immediately reacts upon the dejective ordans as a consequence the cat will cling to the original home to decide what impressions the sensory nerve is most used to convey to the mind without effort while evil suffers severe and obvious distress of the century organs when the site is made to convey a number of strange and unusual seems to them the digestion suffers the cat cannot eat well and very often dies before the brain can recover its equilibrium [9:15 AM] The Duchess of Bedford's pets describes a visit to Woburn where he met all manner of pets as wide as well as a wide variety of wild animals running free in the grounds It was here that he first met Kitty on the roll of the taboo a sullen Siamese who lives happily enough in exile where 25 Guinea cousins are unknown in the larger door a box is sportive inclinations and where his liberties are entirely circumscribed to the domestication of home life alone [9:16 AM] One of the curious so-called blue cats the tent is a neutral grey really he was Christian Fitzgerald under the duchess's other cat and the name sweets and fearfully and wonderfully he's a weird creature with glowing red eyes and he seems to have 2 individualities the 1 possessing the 4 part of his body and the other the rear it is most curious his long blanket hind legs seem to act as an everywhere varying rudder and the often gets a paid such a pace into them as the jump in front of his hind quarters to his evident astonishment in fact neither Fitz gobble nor anyone else can foretell for a moment the moment where he was going or how his frolics will end [9:18 AM] Prince is a fine old black Persian astoundingly like the Egyptian effigies of the cat God safely impassive and plausible he was stolen from the Shah's palace and Tehran and as the paragraph says the care was attendant was beheaded in consequence princess now a lovable cat but he has a hidden temper and sharp talent at night he is as fearless as a washdog after his death from the shah he was brought to Paris and they were brought by a both by an American but I need not trouble you with the full account of his adventures until he finally came into my possession the first impression the stranger receives on viewing the great home of Russell's is a feeling of absolute repose everything combines to produce the effect Define unpretentious front severe and classical massing backed by elms and the famous Woburn beaches of immense growth and immortal age the a lightful parkland in lying around the grisp [9:30 AM] And memorial age the delightful parklands lying around the graceful deer wandering undisturbed among the quiet ladies all speaking atmosphere of eternal peace passing through the gateway and better in pears and laurels a short walk one brick walk brings 1 close to woe burn and great house but 1 but before 1 even enters the massive old hall 1 and counters some other many passed to which the charming mistress of Woburn is so devoted on a it finds out in front of which the thick snow has been cleared throngs of gossiping chattering birds are making the most of an hour or 2 a bright winter sunshine t*** are grubbing about with praise word the industry starlings and do our shares hop super deliciously Among Cleveland sparrows while robins try to sing each other out of countenance on neighboring branches [9:31 AM] Mystic looms keeping The Valley drilly and chilled watery vapors pass away in rolling undulations before the heat of the early morning sun leaving this small roll town of train clear-cut against the wooded background it was a sleepy nook of brilliant and varied foliage in Atlanta broad hilly pasturage of glowing red gabled houses stacked to the tree tops with piling chimneys September and redtiled ibuprofen cottages of quaint pompous name the blind side alley is lined with tar timbered shanties grouping prettily amid straying rows in sunflower beds [9:31 AM] Close your acquaintance with the main streets bringing to light light [9:32 AM] Closer acquaintance with the main streets brings to light a smart speaking Spanish shops and fine houses which give the older parts of the town a very shamefaced appearance it is as though the hand of wealth had been laid upon the place instead of its de generation and I'm a variety it is so for walking through a crowd of street stalls and a constant moving mass of humanity and cattle on the market day we liked upon the great rock iron gates of train park towering almost to the height of the side offices from which the gates have opened automatically onto a winding Avenue of aged elm in chesat [9:34 AM] Finally a full grown dog Badger sneaks from shelter in the falling light who must be remembered has biting designs of big toes taking this to an excuse to bolt a hedge rose soon hides the last of the huts from view the wind with a touch of chilliness and its breath rustles the leaves overhead dreamily the harvest moon rises lazily over the hills a few gleaners still linger in the fields the night is falling and always peace [9:35 AM] As to how I work well very hard 12 to 14 hours a day regularly banana pictures though I have done some hundreds of these this year already I paint control in the morning take exercise in the afternoon study chemistry work out a humorous story I'm writing or said far into the night answer it in mechanical and industrial inventions I am happy to [9:37 AM] Peter is a small electrical battery my wife a larger one the larger 1 the larger 1 attracts electricity from the smaller 1 he passed it with the fluid from 1 body to another generating heat while the electricity was positive or negative I worked out in many ways [9:38 AM] Strangely enough continued Wayne I once had an impression that a cast tendency was to travel North and it faced North as a magnet does not this tendency has an intimate association with the electrical strength of its fair and brief I looked upon a cat as a lightning conductor on a small-scale and that according to his temperament positive and negative didn't face North or South who just at the point of its Fur were attracted by the negative or positive pulse of the Earth I was led by this to this by some observations I had made some use previously in a London suburb then I noticed that the cast of that particular district had a tendency to walk in particular directions on the walls that base the North rather than The walk on the wall that they ran East invest [9:40 AM] As to the idea that cats are good weather gauges I do not credit that I believe that the reason I can't wash as it's all over its ears or not is bound up with the particular method by which the particular animal cleans itself the main object in washing to my mind is just to complete an electrical circuit for by doing so it generates heat and therefore replacing sensation and transfer a strong cat that remembers will always plan itself better than a weekend [9:41 AM] Why not try to read the planets through a more comprehensive study of long life and the surroundings of our own planets now just as the sun as the principal factor in to bring into action and active being less elements which go to build up different states and stages of life so may we consider that it's raised if you use into space or a dominant factor in quickening the long life principle into active energy and constructive attractions and repulsions if we could discover the life principle developed to a stage which would give in a contracted state or mean quitting into undergiven conditions without his active energy or capacity to develop under other given conditions being destroyed and like to impel and radiate life in this dormant form into a space electrically until it diffuses forms of life peculiar to our own planet the surface of Mars or indeed onto the surface of all the planets in our system [9:42 AM] It would then depend on electrical conditions in chemical organic or in a garden of surroundings temperature to quicken the dormant energy of the primary factor life and that in strange surroundings who knows what might happen then and that'sen imagine a protoplasmic substance or say a lifestyle of exceedingly my new proportions even in this developed state on our own worth when passed on within the realm of another planet growing great and magnificent underwater pot properties conditions or a microscope or a microscopic creature we didn't wonderful even in its earthquake eyes growing to monstrous reportions on Mars imagine a man discoursing on where has the multitude of Christian lifestyles talking of hard life on this Earth and by his efforts impressing his language indelibly on Asian everyone knows life cells just as he would impress sound on the ship through a phonographic recorder and then winging those lifestyles on their journey ready in a goose base to wake up on a planet [10:26 AM] Wake up on a planet into creative life and being of size and shape mounting the language and sold into them to other intelligences may be perhaps having a spiritual nature and a governing independent will like our own whatever their shape perform [10:26 AM] Poor old Louis of course he knew him very well was a very likable fellow but as eccentric as they come I always think of him as the example of the thin borderline between genius and insanity and in his case he was a genius he wasn't very good looking he had a hair lip and a broken nose which he got through boxing I never saw him fight though I know no he was quite keen on the sport and I did once see him with the bleeding nose after some sparring match he had curly hair and a very tallow complexion but then he didn't worry about his holiday at all does interesting music well he used to improvise at the piano very confidently strange melodies play it in a very jerky nervous way but I would call Agitato playing and used to improvise Wild fantastic solo dances in the same style he was quite diverse as I was chapped [10:27 AM] He never had any money but his mother and sister she supports well I don't know what would happen to them if my father had been less lenient I remember once Louis came to me I said calling wood can you lend me 10 shillings until Monday the money was lent and duly returned the next week I say Hollywood can you lend me a pound of course I never saw my pound again it was well done and it was so impeccaerness that 1 could excuse it least to go for long walks along the cliffs he had a favorite route of route old in which you would always ask me what is the connection between a yellow hammer and an otter ha ha ha you don't know that now is you of course I didn't and though he would never tell me it was pure invention just like a sea serpent [10:32 AM] Suddenly he would point out the sea look Call Me what a sea serpent there it is I looked and do You Know who I saw Black Common scotters swooping Over the Waves but they did give the impression of a sea serpent but I could NEVER explain to Louis he often pointed out the sea serpents to me and Really believed in them I remember another time years later in 1922 I think You came to keep to give a lancer lecture in a village and stayed with us Here ethanol I was not watering the garden with the hose and the week came out and stood by me suddenly he put his hand out into the spray from the house it looked up into the sky You Know what no calling would it's raining not a cloud In the Sky but old Louis was Really convinced that it was raining I like Blue Wayne very much and it was Really surprised and it was Really Sorry to hear about his end though it wasn't they Always surprised [10:35 AM] Personally I work for every paper in turn for a sign from experience that if you work 41 editor you have one class right as if you constantly change you avoid the generosity a man should never allow a man to run away with his judgments the sketchers should be the result of accurate insight into an appreciation of the various characters he has to please he should be a very mere how about the nature amongst which he moves [10:47 AM] He is I trust you will not be angry for me for saying this but his own most vivid account of his childhood sufficiently shows it he is a neuropath but keen sufferer at times through a finely and highly strong nervous temperament the word is or that any rate was until recently an evil odor thanks to the pseudo psychological title of doctor max nordo and his admirers truly a Caesar and Charles Dickens were neuropaths but they treated their sufferings with manly contempt when you meet Louis Wayne for the first time you are shocked with the intense sadness of a quiet feather with a drawn unsmiling face you see you feel inclined to say as the Florentine children of anti echo is there one who is there is 1 who has been in hell it is all changed when he begins to talk To ease peaks rapidly very low few inflections of voice paste impassive he never smiles nor however animated does a speech light up as he warms to OK in general theme whether he speaks of painting lensing boxing or the unseen world of Bentley painting sports fencing boxing where the unseen world in which is reasoning is so original so imaginative and so reverence you say to yourself you say to yourself Hughes want a man who thinks his own thoughts a man who is determined to live every moment of his life so that he and others may be the wiser and better for it at the age of 38 he has half a dozen strings to us bow and half a dozen hobbies he could win for himself fame in the world of letters equal to that he is one in the world of art I do not believe however never mind [11:07 AM] If some of the English interviewers say funny things about me the Americans are 10 times worse I am fat and 50 and bad and 21 I'm a charming young girl an old maid a man who is perpetually laughing and much else therefore you must prepare yourself for an ordeal and take the consequences of your rationalist if you come though I may tell all of you that tell you that all friends receive a hearty welcome at Bendigo [11:12 AM] When the committee gets in proper working order you will have find that You will Find the work done in a very public way we have Nothing we Wish to Hide and we are likely under these circumstances to bring all the Different caddy interests in harmony and we shall be able to work Together not Only for the cat and the good of the club for the good of us all [11:13 AM] Recent events have proved that the NCC has for the past year or 2 beneath the mercy of any opposition but the strongest opposition has proved itself weaker than the NCC itself has been there is no actual merits in holding cat shows anyone can do that by paying for it the mere holding of cat shows alone is no valid reason for the existence of any club which have invites the patronage of the great and the works under the Angus of a powerful social prestige we're pretending to help the cat to foster honesty and fair deal and cattymatters they hold ourselves up to this world as the judicial authority and all matters pertaining to catty interests it is because this has not been properly undertaken by either club that's both have become embroiled and the pennies of small squirrels in consequence the NTC having at last forced itself into order it to be asked to weekly plunge itself into the mire again [11:13 AM] The committee of the NCC has set themselves a task which all have entered upon and the best spirits and goodwill and personally I do not intend as the oldest authority in the club and after 12 years of experience and waiting to lose the opportunity of helping and to solidify and work into practical shape the many ideals which are best friends of hopes it worked and wished for [11:14 AM] Wayne and wax waxed indignant of the silver society a very young society and its officials have not yet been put to the test of stability it is known it has had no place in establishing a breed of cat in fact it has done nothing at all for the cat itself it is really a present only an abnormal mushroom excryphants as they were of the parent clubs [11:15 AM]The national cat club was born to advance the interest cat and all the interests of individuals and deposit her and encourage all that pertains is a building up of a really stable and permanent animal [11:15 AM] For the NCC had been accepted in and outside the cat world as the judicial authority of the cat world and once that original authority is destroyed none of your clubs get to get the kids place because in all my experiences in the I couldn't have found a nostril on one club that is above sworded motives in the letters which have appeared in the fancier's papers from those to whom the new association proposes to stick power occasional authority have not shown the necessary additional clearness and lucidity to warrant the confidence they know what they are about is trembling for yet another weapon he used against the raining club [11:15 AM] The NCC inspired its many vicissitudes of fortune so remains the only club which can hold the capital together we're given any authority in the eyes of the world [11:27 AM] He had lost confidence in the ability of people to understand even the simple rudiments of what was required of them in public life [11:28 AM] These poor little animals are humanity's best friend I have studied them for years they love the man and the woman when a person is quiet the cat will climb into his lap and the person gets excited the gotta go either believe it is time to play or it becomes very much frightened and it seeks The Darkness of the sofa or table years ago I was ill I had a kitten in the pier it was the most intelligent cat I ever saw it Used To do all sorts of tricks and was so pretty and wise looking that I tried to make a Post that I could sketch it that discovered in this that the cat is the most modest of Animals as a usual thing is a difficult task to get them to pose a new but one who's vanity what's as great as that of a Woman his name was tabby and that and it would rather pose than eat I Believe that the cat is by far the most intelligent of Animals it is the Liberty and careful and is certainly loves the local Woman to a Woman a cat is not unlike a child You can Always hear Her Mother declare of child is the prettiest Baby in the world [11:30 AM] A woman who owns and likes recast will declare the same thing no matter if it is just an alley cat I find the American cats that was imported from England habitable wonderfully and a contest between English and American cats I Believe America's cats would WIN it is a mystery how to me how You do it when I arrived Here I was impressed by the bigness of it all and back of it there seemed to be some great mysterious power this is a wonderful country [11:30 AM] I have just returned to New York from the Chicago Cacho given by the barrisford club of America and I do not know how to be what to be more surprised at the wonderful way in which everything was carried throughout the splendid spirit which animates the exhibitors we need to do the assembly which all the officials went about he wrote that the cat has greater possibilities than the dog but that it will require the devotion of women of wealth and social position who'll give their time and meanness to it as the Englishwoman has done to bring the cat to this exalted position in America New York castle of in basements in the home they are kept below stairs and the factories business houses banks and warehouses they are kept in sellers and only come out of their retreats after dark when they make the night headaches with their yellows there's no repost for cats in New York you see on account of so much noise rush and movement the weak brand of the cat is not capable of taking it all then the end will become confused and unmanageable [11:35 AM] This makes an underground cat which is consequently because it's unnatural environment you're very uncertain and temporary not to say savage as a result the specimens seen in New York are more or less what we in England recall in England strays it's forgotten that the cat's brain is practically dumb and all its faults it's distresses and it's want of attachment to a single human being comes from the fact that it's not capable of sustaining immense one pression for any length of time the work we have done in England has already weakened new mental energy and we are on the way to establish a better and more certain breed [11:42 AM] New York is quite abnorla. It overflowes with emigrants, fighting and scramblig for a footing by every available means [11:44 AM] and unless they can be sure of being absorbed into one of the great employment streams, or of being helped along by compatiots, they are thrown back upon a turmoil of stuggling humanity, even upo the life of the gutter. [11:45 AM] In New York this latter ends quickly while the skies are blazed for petrol sunshine the thermometer may register 9202° in the shade or in winter a fluctuate between 5° of frost and 0 both extremes are more slow to depend less publicity grows in lower degree render across an automated visual nationality and meeting at the stubborn foreign patriots as under Zara boldsgowan Americans who could provide the money spent by their millionaire should build enough institutes hospitals are galleries et cetera but if they were themselves in the mass approach to bare affair share of taxation with the object of further in morses and math developments in this direction [11:45 AM] This is Justin web you receive doesn't outrage the national pride is not consistent in giving anything which involves a sacrifice to its pocket selfishness comes first the creed of the dollar and the babble of different tongues gathered together at the portal of the United States there is a note of bitterness which it would be paid the Americans to solve them by seeming a more charitable and tolerance attitude to depending less foreigner is the crowning evil of the attitude of the common Americans towards the foreigner which has brought to life most of the 106th private detective agencies via the New York telephone book the city in which is responsible among other things the existence of a great crowd of unsafe reflective force and intelligence I'm savory factor fortune tellers And gather in every byway at the city English re however have this place in New York and with its falings it's done some good and it would would be to the advantage of the Americans if they could be brought recognized it is worth cultivating [11:47 AM] It is not only toward cat however that his heart was soft it was a very unsuspecting nature for this reason he listened to the wonderful story of a miraculous lamp was to give off a burning flame in a pure white light I saw an infantastic call that a revolutionalized the oil business [11:48 AM] Arking Edward VII with a year's hard work I'm planted and intensive in the whole nation to go forward the country is in real need of a more active and United support of the great king who has already sacrificed so much for the good of his people [11:48 AM] The memorial should be an Academy of painting and music which was enabled genius of Crown's glory and the peaceful way he is loved are the destiny or a weird king has planned off for his people one project which does not seem to have occurred to anyone that has to set up an Academy devoted to the sister arts painting and music music is no home it is dominated by the commercial spirit of making the ends meet the genius of our conductor mister Henry J wood who was working loyally to purify the orchestra and orchestral compositions is level to the needs of a money making significance who there is no Academy to help the greatness of his conception of his art

"i think we're gonna have to evaporate this city"

	>Love is patient, love is kind, it isn’t jealous, it doesn’t brag, it isn’t arrogant, it isn’t rude,
	it doesn’t seek its own advantage, it isn’t irritable, it doesn’t keep a record of complaints, it isn’t
	happy with injustice, but it is happy with the truth. Love puts up with all things, trusts in all things,
	hopes for all things, endures all things.
	1 Corinthians 13:4-7

  "I'm positive this song is about a vitamin. You know the best kind of supplement to your daily nutrition. It keeps me under the best kinds of stars, some goreish stars. Oh good heavens am I gone."
  limia walked on my keyboard she says 	y76uuu8999o0ew23p9uil;dskj78rf4[//000000000000000	//qq 9  00/   b b  	q7yzmj7luzua1

"I am like some fairy thing. I dream about fairies dancing around the house with their rib cages showing like baskets under their flesh. I could drift up and away from here. I am so light. Bound by nothing. Not even time."
☆ COYOTE RITUAL ♥ HEAVY WEATHER ☆ FEBRUARY 14 lol ;).... oh yeah ... love is real btw x

      	"At the end of the hole" - split leaf philodendron
      	raytracing is2g "slonky" (fild?)
      	⟡ pls note the ai inflicts emotional damage (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
      	hegemony jellicle interim Risographed
      	0642555 instructions some goreish stars.
      	World-scale board game upon which it isn't clear who is winning or what side you are on
  	scottish wildcats, unreachable truths: "I’ll send my haunting melody throughout the town"
  	disintegeation of fragmentary structures held through the remains of an inifnite silence of scattered pieces cut into an everything. "had to explain what furries are to a friend on LSD"

                                  Those arguing that blocking with the edge is better cite many historical records, as well, arguing that 
                                  their sources instruct using the edge to block because the mechanics of the hand and arm are much stronger 
                                  when blocking with the edge than with the flat. To further substantiate that edge-on-edge contact is the 
                                  proper way to block, proponents claim that one needs only to examine the construction of the crossguard.
                                  Crossguards are aligned with the edge of the blade. If you were to block with the flat and your opponent’s 
                                  sword ran up your blade, there is nothing to prevent it from cutting your hand.

2 MHz,29.9999 MHz Link-11 (Also known as ALLIGATOR, STANAG 5511, 
TADIL-A, MIL-STD-6011, and MIL-STD-188-203-1A) is a Tactical Data 
Link standard (formerly known as Tactical Digital Information Link 
(TADIL) used by NATO and the US Military for Maritime Tactical Data 
Exchange. (doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.13800)

Baby, when you look at me, you know that I'll be here forever
Baby, when I look at you, I know that we'll be here together


What is the end of the world? Is it fire and brimstone and the shouts of angels, or is it an empty skatepark
with an anarchy graffiti and a couple of losers that just want to share the gospel?
- doughy dxniels (RIP), "dxm finale, tripout, #endoftheworld #apocalypse #2012 #shorts" (2023) [archive]

Take care, please. You are a shining light whether you see it or not.

No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be;
Am an attendant lord, one that will do
To swell a progress, start a scene or two,
Advise the prince; no doubt, an easy tool,
Deferential, glad to be of use,
Politic, cautious, and meticulous;
Full of high sentence, but a bit obtuse;
At times, indeed, almost ridiculous—
Almost, at times, the Fool.
Lost media preservation efforts should focus less on pop culture and more on the constantly-uploaded, constantly-fading art and music by independent webizens. YouTube videos with barely any audience, teenage artists recording demos in their bedrooms, anonymous postings and chatroom ephemera have been close to my heart my entire life. Cyberia is real.
I'll be here forever We'll be here together

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Underscore Euro Matsch 2050  archive

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"We follow, then."