I imagine there are no angels on sites like Facebook or Twitter, it's only demons. Angels probably only use super obscure forums barely anyone knows about.
past the glittering lights and the showers of sparks and the cascading errors on its way to yr heart
【100% 無廣告 ,放鬆音樂】雖然大家都不認識,卻因這首歌洗滌淨化了我們的心靈,祝福各位能在繁忙的生活中取得平衡得到安穩和平祥和心❣️
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed"
the only coherent theological principle is universal love and benevolence for all beings
undying love for underground and DIY art, cats, and my friends.
in a place where no one ever goes
fog bank through an empty home
the world is a quiet place
and it keeps getting quieter
Your wings are soft.
I don’t want to go back.
"There's a track on decrepit karaoke of me playing in a snowy parking lot in the middle of winter at night, it's like -10C out and it was fucking with my equipment and my cables were all stiff"
the only way someone will ever get me into analog horror is if someone actually utilises the tools of the medium; by which i mean, if someone
actually bothered playing with the unique qualities of analog video, u might get me hooked. im eternally tired of fake vhs filters that dont
display the real tangible texture of a vhs tape, im tired of the weakest fake-shit imaginable cooked up by someone going off a blurry polaroid
of a vague facsimile of what the tape medium was like, it kills my soul and very being. vcrs and tapes arent even expensive, and in my mind ud
even then want the cheapest still barely functional ones to properly sell the aesthetic of the decay of the medium, the conceptualisation of a
rotting corpse embedded in the very way the corpse is struggling to communicate
A radio with poor reception plays fragments of famous songs… thus the world stop, buried in snow?
The origins of the Cynocephaly are unknown,
but ancient Lore hint at a curse. In Vetillian
mythology, the Elder God Norvoros, deity of Beasts,
cursed a Daronican army to live as beasts forever
after they desecrated a holy forest following their
victory over the northern rebels.
Something about the other dimension me and my friend visited.
Something about neon lights and night wind?
About deserts and sport cars?
About datahell, abandoned radiostations, blurry tripouts?
Something about.. everything?
"i think we're gonna have to evaporate this city"
>Love is patient, love is kind, it isn’t jealous, it doesn’t brag, it isn’t arrogant, it isn’t rude,
it doesn’t seek its own advantage, it isn’t irritable, it doesn’t keep a record of complaints, it isn’t
happy with injustice, but it is happy with the truth. Love puts up with all things, trusts in all things,
hopes for all things, endures all things.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
"I'm positive this song is about a vitamin. You know the best kind of supplement to your daily nutrition. It keeps me under the best kinds of stars, some goreish stars. Oh good heavens am I gone."
limia walked on my keyboard she says y76uuu8999o0ew23p9uil;dskj78rf4[//000000000000000 //qq 9 00/ b b q7yzmj7luzua1
"I am like some fairy thing. I dream about fairies dancing around the house with their rib cages showing like baskets under their flesh. I could drift up and away from here. I am so light. Bound by nothing. Not even time."
☆ COYOTE RITUAL ♥ HEAVY WEATHER ☆ FEBRUARY 14 lol ;).... oh yeah ... love is real btw x
"At the end of the hole" - split leaf philodendron
raytracing is2g "slonky" (fild?)
⟡ pls note the ai inflicts emotional damage (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
hegemony jellicle interim Risographed
0642555 instructions some goreish stars.
World-scale board game upon which it isn't clear who is winning or what side you are on
scottish wildcats, unreachable truths: "I’ll send my haunting melody throughout the town"
disintegeation of fragmentary structures held through the remains of an inifnite silence of scattered pieces cut into an everything. "had to explain what furries are to a friend on LSD"
Those arguing that blocking with the edge is better cite many historical records, as well, arguing that
their sources instruct using the edge to block because the mechanics of the hand and arm are much stronger
when blocking with the edge than with the flat. To further substantiate that edge-on-edge contact is the
proper way to block, proponents claim that one needs only to examine the construction of the crossguard.
Crossguards are aligned with the edge of the blade. If you were to block with the flat and your opponent’s
sword ran up your blade, there is nothing to prevent it from cutting your hand.
2 MHz,29.9999 MHz Link-11 (Also known as ALLIGATOR, STANAG 5511,
TADIL-A, MIL-STD-6011, and MIL-STD-188-203-1A) is a Tactical Data
Link standard (formerly known as Tactical Digital Information Link
(TADIL) used by NATO and the US Military for Maritime Tactical Data
Exchange. (doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.13800)
Baby, when you look at me, you know that I'll be here forever
Baby, when I look at you, I know that we'll be here together