none of these are genres or subgenres or subsubgenres or whatever.
i'm unsure how much the artists here know or influence each other; while certainly coming from similar places,
it's essentially collections of musical projects that exist in the same folder in my mind that i revisit often.

nothing more or less, no objective existence; mental bookmarks externalize for later reference.
archiving is half the job; remembering is what matters. i don't want to lose these in the current.

nameless scene of emotional noise
highly confessional, personal, lengthy titles
collaged, distorted, dreamlike covers, often borrowed in part or whole from other sources
hnw, anw, drone, harsh noise,
themes of longing, love, or despair
raw noises, tired hearts

other thoughts:
reminiscent (to me at least) of i miss you sis. if they coexisted, i would store them in the same folder in my mind, but as they don't it's likely convergent evolution
some precident can also be found in the confessional or depressive works of A Future of Meaningless Tomorrows (At Times, I Get a Little Cruel even features anthro art, like most releases highlighted here)
visually, an (almost certainly coincidental) precident can be found in the works of mhzesent, who collaged the kind of art usually seen here in a similar dreamlike distorted obliterated style

nameless corner of fifth-wave emo
highly influenced by mlpijgim :3

nightcore, acoustic emo/screamo/skramz, extreme lofi, noise
00s + 10s nostalgia
recurring blood everywhere; butterflies, gore
digital collages, extreme diy
long and idiosyncratic naming schemes, plethora of aliases

noteworthy artists:
ill never forget the time that you tried to kill yourself in front of me / filled with agonizing thoughts and blood / my little pony is jesus god is me :3
pony necklaces (and angel wings covered in scars) / herobrine is satan / rotting teeth fill my gums/ i love 98 / osaka
I hope the part of me I hate dies / angelina west
in summer of 2019 i dreamed of everything i have now and couldnt be more dissapointed / love letters i love you
Deapfth Pop Records (label)
garden angel is an important predecessor

i've got a lot of stuff from this scene i need to archive
very very self-effacing, 50% of the above links got deleted from their original pages. small circle of artists; obfuscated identities, confusing meshes
like a scared animal making itself look bigger than it really is
i'm pretty sure the core members of any given section on this page could fit into one room

meditative signalwave; computergaze; televised ephemera worship; zen constructs, autumnal moments
meaning and beauty found in broadcast ephemera
nature and technology; trees and fields, snow falling
found vhs screenshots
unedited covers, almost unedited found sound
curation over creation
looping and repitition; minimal destructive sampling
moments held eternally
short, enigmatic titling schemata
spiritual sense of peace; zen, moment held forever outside of time

most vaporwave just doesn't do it for me these days; slowed and reverbed samples don't resonate with me. this does
it could almost be entirely it's own movement; if vaporwave never existed, this very well might have.
it's almost a field recording movement at times, with some multi-hour albums of monolothic sample curation
i love it so so much
early morning silence; quiet thoughts
when i die i hope i go to one of these moments, leaves falling in silence forever

"isn't this just broken transmission?" (terms also used; satellitesoft, signalwave)
it's more innocent and sincere and naive
complete and total effacement of artist
it barely exists; it's almost gone

post-soundcloud rap alt rock indie?
groups:season after season
six days after christmas
months after months
bonfire hoes
artists: forgiveness funeral
i wanna be a jack-o-lantern
petals on your coffin
ill treat u like angels do
till death do we start
i wanna be mesmerizing to you
i wanna go to pluto
your name crawls on my skin
requiem for you
and now for something completely different
if only i was perfect for you
graves/fuck march my ex was born
Rotted Since 2000
september 11 we met
put y🎃ur cigs 🎃ut 🎃n my skin

covers often sourced from media (cartoons often)
background of soundcloud rap, but sometimes verging into folk or rock (produced by other people like beats)
like they treat folk and whatnot with the same concepts and ethos of soundcloud rap, just switching formats
none of these people have ever heard of capital letters
idiosyncratic use of mixes; short, 3-6 minute sets being released alongside normal tracks
rarely over two minutes long; many tracks under a minute
overlap/connections with the remnants of old incelcore scene
repeating snippets at varying pitches to pad out short tracks; sped up and slowed down editing common; text to speech tags

i think a lot of these tropes began with cabingory?
then skeleton (crew: gothangelz) added onto it, then other groups formed
like season after season is the main one; then bonfire hoes and months after months and other people

all the other stuff on this page i'm 95% confident talking about and have kept an eye on for as long as they've existed,
but this one i'm an outsider to. i might be conflating different trends in the current soundcloud underground as a single
thing, but i definitely think these are all part of the same phenomena that, as always, has no name.

is this like, tiktok influenced? maybe two people in this scene are over 18
the others i love aesthetically or musicially, and while there is some cool stuff here the appeal is mostly that of lifting a rock in the woods and finding an entire community of bugs living underneath it