Some things I've been up to that probably won't go anywhere else but that I still wanted online somewhere. ________________________________
Finally getting into doing anthro art. Not very good, and I probably won't get much better.
Something between kanji, musical notation, and Klingon. Inspired by a dream telling me to make "runes" out of objects around me.
Stray thought captured while on walk staring at the moon. Images from Flickr (taken around 1995.)
Found fragments, spliced together and repurposed. Original image from Of Wolves and Men.
Sudden urge to fill pages with nonsense (Nov. 19), censored with floppy disc and glass paint scrawling.
Stood by kitchen window, made one mark for every car passing on highway with speed and trajectory matching each car. Didn't look at it until I was done. Inspired by the works of Steve Roden.
Collage made from disintegrating books found in my closet. Two versions. About hypothermia.
Promotional material, offered free of charge to Monster Beverage Corporation. Billboards, posters, shady website adspace; just imagine the possibilities. .