
Luke McGowan - Robo Ursonate
Release date: March 9th, 2006
Genre: Spoken word, sound art
Notes: Robo Ursonate is a speech-synthesis program interpretation of Kurt Schwitters' classic sound poem Ursonate (1921-32). The text from Schwitters' original score was simply cut and pasted into a commercial text-to-speech synthesis program and left to do its thing with no attempt to correct interpretive error or structurally alter the system output.
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ - Viva babe curry live at the cobra
Release date: 2019
Genre: Field recordings
Notes: Recording by ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ of someone else's live show in public. The line between audience and artist is... very blurry here.
Sam Watson - The Unexplained Sounds of Amateur Internet Radio Broadcasts
Release date: June 18th, 2019
Genre: Deep internet, found sound, spoken word, radio broadcast recordings
Notes: I've had this one on my lost media list for years before someone got it to me! Contextless sounds and monologues found scattered throughout the digital aether and just as quickly lost to it. Late-night broadcasts that might as well be from some cast-off shard of unreality.
nonlinearmixtape - IMG_2232.jpg (curated By Wouter Van De Kuijt)
Release date: 2018
Genre: Field recordings
Notes: Voice memos field recordings. Pleasant lo-fidelity sound in the first one, interesting scenes throughout, too short to waste any time.t
Gay Rice - A Rainy Spring Night
Release date: August 20th, 2020
Genre: Field recordings
Notes: Suburban nature recordings.
Unknown artist - Go Underground To Avoid Prosecution
Release date:
Genre: Field recordings, dark ambient
Notes: Unknown origin; possibly a Bull of Heaven fan project? Unlikely to ever recieve clarification.
Christopher Fleeger - Acousmostomy: A Collection of Field Recordings
Release date: 2018
Genre: Field recordings
Notes: Originally released on tape. Collections of various sounds, such as "Insects, Distant Trains, and Coyotes" and "Red Hot Knife on Dry Ice." Seemingly a love letter of sorts to field recording itself.
bzeye - kloset
Release date: 2022
Genre: Field recordings
Notes: Origin unknown; possibly sent to me via email. Unsure if ever publicly released. Cryptic, even without it's (absent) backstory.
Mine Now Forever - You Will Be Adored. You Have No Choice
Release date: 2019
Genre: Spoken word, avant-folk
Notes: Voice memo poetry, guitar free improv and personal ramblings. I feel like I shouldn't be listening to this.
Mine Now Forever - Only Use This Power For Good, Never For Evil
Release date: 2019
Genre: Spoken word, avant-folk
Notes: Voice memo poetry, guitar free improv and personal ramblings. I feel like I shouldn't be listening to this.
Mine Now Forever - Tuesday On A Sunday
Release date: 2019
Genre: Spoken word, avant-folk
Notes: Voice memo poetry, guitar free improv and personal ramblings. I feel like I shouldn't be listening to this.
Mine Now Forever - Wanting Is Good Actually
Release date: 2019
Genre: Spoken word, avant-folk
Notes: Voice memo poetry, guitar free improv and personal ramblings. I feel like I shouldn't be listening to this.
Pleasantly Surprised By Your Inquisitiveness - Play Time
Release date: February 17th, 2022
Genre: Field recordings, ambient
Notes: Largely uneventful but comfy video game and indoor field recordings, presumably during a snowstorm (or at least I like to think so.)
Abishai - Random Recordings
Release date: July 6th, 2017
Genre: Field Recordings, Noise, Birdsong, Turntable Music, Free Improvisation, Modern Classical, Nature Recordings, Vaporwave, Show Tunes, Ambient, A cappella
Notes: A whole bunch of random audio fragments from Abishai, some field recordings, some more conventional music (albeit in a wide variety of styles.)
Misc 4chan Vocaroo
Release date: 2022
Genre: Spoken word
Notes: Originally collected for a sound collage piece that never came to be. Given vocaroo's ongoing deletion (by it's very nature,) any archival-minded people who want to trawl Desuarchive or 4Plebs and grab as many as possible will be doing the world a favor (if you think doing anything to preserve chan culture is doing the world a favor, which is dubious at best.)
Sean B. Carroll - Endless Forms Most Beautiful
Release date: July 19th, 2009
Genre: Spoken word
Notes: Audiobook on evolution.
Marcel Broodthaers - Interview with a Cat
Release date: 1995 (recorded 1970)
Genre: Interview, animal sounds, spoken word
Notes: While certainly a nice recording on it's own, I'd suggest reading this review of it. An excellent take on creativity. Mrow.
Unknown artist - Unknown (Swedish Cassette Anthology)
Release date:
Genre: Found sound
Notes: An unmarked tape featuring various field recordings, children's laughter, conversation, and other excerpts from the life of an unknowable Swedish family, cut off from us by the wall of time but together, at least for 268 seconds.
Sture Palmér & Jeffery Boswall - A Field Guide to the Mammal Voices of Europe
Release date: 1975
Genre: Field Recordings, Animal Sounds, Nature Recordings, Education
Notes: Creatures and critters making all kinds of noises.
Release date: 1979
Genre: Data sonification
Notes: One of the few releases here to make a chill run down my spine. While it's probably moreso a data sonification of UV rays or whatever esoteric measurement it was using than an actual direct recording of the outer solar system, the idea of listening to something so utterly lonely, a piece of 1970s technology coasting through emptiness next to the incomprehesibly large form of Jupiter... eaugh. It's like the part of me that's creeped out but endlessly fascinated by the deep sea and side-scan SONAR photos, turned up to 11.
Our World's Sounds - Cats & Kittens
Release date: 2003
Genre: Field recordings, animal sounds
Notes: I cannot listen to this or I will cry. I cannot think about this too hard or I will cry. Sell all you have, give it to the kittens.
Vihart's Storia
Release date: 2009
Genre: Spoken word, storytelling
Notes: Stories with accompanying music by mathemusician Vi Hart, known for her "Doodling in Math Class" series on YouTube, popularizing hexaflexagons, and inventing burning paper instruments.
ChillBitz - Mall Sounds
Release date: July 18th, 2018
Genre: Field recordings
Notes: Readymade mallsoft.
Lord Huron recordings
Release date: 2022
Genre: Field recordings, rock
Notes: My family knows I record things all the time. I don't think they get why, but they try to be supportive and record things for me sometimes, like this concert. Love you, mom.