
Black Wailing - Through Eternal Winters
Release date: December 1994
Genre: Dungeon synth, black ambient
Notes: One of my first dungeon synth recordings and still a standard I refer to. The thrift-store Halloween tape production value honestly adds so much to it; this isn't posers in a studio with professional recording equipment, these are strangers standing around you in a circle in the woods and you don't know what's gonna happen next but it isn't good. So beautifully cold. That cover is also the pinnacle of dungeon synth to me; enigmatic, anonymous, ancient and unknowable, xeroxed almost beyond recognition. Remember, tape rots just like bones do and you can hear it, drifting into it's own forever night.
Aetherius - Aetherius 1.
Release date: 2022
Genre: Dungeon synth
Notes: Etherial ambient and modern classical. Probably only really dungeon synth by association.
Release date: 2022
Genre: Black metal, dungeon synth
Notes: Who the hell uploads an entire album in a single 32 minute MP3 like seriously man
Pleasant Owl - Gentle Satan
Release date: August 21st, 2020
Genre: Comfy synth, ambient noise wall
Notes: Lovely pastoral comfy synth for wandering around old groves at twilight. The ambient noise wall closer is comfy too (hence it's name.)
Emit - Unknown Presences Whisper
Release date: 2002
Genre: Black metal, black ambient, noise
Notes: "A Lunatic Hermit Dies in his Woodland Home" is the perfect encapsulation of this project. Between Emit, Ahulabrum, and Les Légions Noires, there's this secret subbasement under a trapdoor in the cellar beneath the normal black metal underground. Surreal, cursed, zero-budget, tape-recorded, delirious, and honestly just genuinely fucked. Normal people don't do things like this. People that do things like this don't live in the same universe you or I do.
Angel Arch - Glowing
Release date: 2022
Genre: Dungeon synth, ambient
Notes: An odd, ambient realm. Sounds like a will-o-the-wisp, trying to lure you into the briar oh so sweetly. Soundtrack for a movie scene of a character following a prancing group of moonlit fairies off a marked path, never to be seen again. (At least the first track is, the rest has a different, but still pleasantly off-kilter vibe.)
Twilight Stronghold - Promo Nov. 1412
Release date: November 27th, 2021
Genre: Black metal
Notes: I like to make a distinction, at least in my own head, between lo-fi and raw. This is pure lo-fi.
wooden casket - disemtombed!
Release date: 2022
Genre: Dungeon synth, chiptune
Notes: While probably not the greatest combination of the genres out there, it's worth a listen for the concept and nostalgic sound alone. Pretty neat.
Blóðsúthelling - fórn til herra okkar Óðins (demo 4)
Release date: 2022
Genre: Black metal
Notes: Raw black metal promo from a label that was created, released a bunch, and got itself nuked over a Sonnenrad profile picture all in the span of like two months. (Average bandcamp black metal experience)
Ahulabrum - Magonia
Release date: 2005
Genre: Avant-garde black metal, black ambient
Notes: One of my favorite black metal weirdos. Ahulabrum knows they're out there, he knows the truth, but he doesn't know if he's gonna find them or if they'll find him first. Esoteric, paranoniac, unidenfied, still missing.
Gammal Sed - Blót
Release date: 2010
Genre: Black metal, black noise
Notes: How far can you take black metal into realms of low fidelity before it begins to fall apart at the seams like DNA under heavy radiation? Gammal Sed wants to find out.
Vzaéurvbtre - Urvdrem Uatre Uetre
Release date: 1996
Genre: Dark ambient
Notes: Tape of unsettling violin scratching, from the same black metal circle that brought you a tape of staged torture (on the album titled Torture (by the artist Torture)), whatever this is, and may or may not have actually lived in an ancient castle. I mean, I believe it.
Judaswiege - Denken in der ewigkeit
Release date: December 1st, 2010
Genre: DSBM
Notes: I'm gonna steal necro666's RYM review because it says it better than I can; "Cheap demo mp3s recorded in a filthy bedroom are sometimes more thought provoking and mind opening than a proper release and a 500$ corpsepaint. This Costarican one-man project takes Ildjarn primitive energy further, deconstructs it until he gets free folk black improv without any drums, just a guy playing poorly some minor chords and screaming the fuck out of his lungs [...] I know, I know, you can't call this metal, or even black metal, but I somehow feel this shit is more sincere than anything I have listened to in last 2 years."
Anti_Boof_Association - předávkování kokainem
Release date: 2022
Genre: Grindcore
Notes: Black-metal influenced grindcore, with vaguelly conspiratorial samples.
Release date: 2022
Genre: Tanzelcore3
Notes: Drug-fueled lo-fi techno dungeon synth, but still with a pounding black metal spirit.
Release date: 2022
Genre: Black metal, dungeon synth
Notes: Lo-fi black metal alternative with beautiful dungeon synth pieces.
Völkisches Blut productions - Anti_Boof-Blóðsúthelling Split "Towards a new beginning"
Release date: 2022
Genre: Raw black metal, grindcore
Notes: I think the cover is the Buffalo shooting livestream? It was released around the time. In usual Völkisches Blut form, it's absurdly raw black metal, with random forays into goofy hardcore electronic.
Völkisches Blut productions - Blóðsúthelling-Jake Movez Split "Enlightened Autospy"
Release date: 2022
Genre: Black metal
Notes: 3 tracks of black metal, one noise loop, and three completely out-of-place electronic hip-hop tracks. Truly kvlt.
Blóðsúthelling - Keisaraleg blóðsúthelling (demo 1)
Release date: 2022
Genre: Raw black metal
Notes: Occasional sad synths. Lo-fi black metal ranging from slow and trudging to rapid and pummelling.
Plants! - My Mobile Little Greenhouse
Release date: April 16th, 2020
Genre: Comfy synth
Notes: Botanical comfy synth, verging on ambient and easy listening. Very pleasant.
Split Lip Loser - talking to myself
Release date: January 2021
Genre: DSBM
Notes: Immensely raw depressive riffs and vocals that are like... do you know what kittencore is to emo? This is like that, for DSBM.
Corrupted - Collection 1995-2002
Release date: 2023
Genre: Sludge Metal, Drone Metal, Doom Metal, Dark Ambient
Notes: Bootleg of rare works from the classic Japanese sludge/drone/doom group.
Cist - Murder Music
Release date: 2020
Genre: Metal
Notes: Not black metal, just regular metal. I'm bad at IDing this kind of genre, sorry. I believe this is a bootleg of a Myspace-era grind, compiled by Octa Möbius Sheffner and featuring their cover art.
Furmaster - Fur Metal Attack
Release date: September 27th, 2023
Genre: War Metal
Notes: No hostages.