
US Battleships
Release date: 1940s?
Notes: I inherited a hollow preserved walnut from a relative, with holes in it and sewn together with thread. I recently cut it open and it's full of pictures of US Battleships. One of the stranger things I own.
Phil Elliott & Glenn Dakin - Vulnerable
Release date: 1989
Notes: Surreal horror comic from an anthology, Taboo 3. Found in my attic.
/x/ Books, Links, and Backups
Notes: Ongoing collection of conspiracy, creepypasta, and paranormal-related files downloaded from 4chan during a link trawl
Slides Photography (Italy, 1979?)
Release date: 1979
Notes: Family photos. Feel free to use them for collages or whatever.
WindowsMillenium2000 Deviantart
Release date: 2015
Notes: I have seen the face of god and it was weeping
Phoenixville Area High School presidential posters
Release date: 2019
Notes: When I was in high school the walls were COVERED in these posters, and I grabbed some because nobody else was going to. Some real gems in here, I just wish I saved more.
Hong Kong 1987
Release date: 1987
Genre: More family photos, used by ★嬉しい音★ (a friend) for artwork
next dubs label (merch + images)
Release date: 2022
Notes: Images from a deleted /mu/ based netlabel whose releases are also hosted somewhere on here.
Little St. James Pictures
Release date:
Notes: 3 GB of aerial photos of Epstein’s pedophile hell rock. This is the kind of thing you end up with when you impulsively download every Google Drive link you see.
Release date: 2018
Notes: From the comment section of a deleted video of this collection flickering by in the style of Death Grips' I've Seen Footage. A bit dated but a good time capsule.
Bianca Devins Livestream Tribute (Chat)
Release date: January 2020
Notes: Manual archive of January 2020 tribute livestream by the family of Bianca Devins (RIP) as it was raided by /r9k/. I do not support the train wreck seen here, just documenting a regrettable moment where internet causticity and real-life tragedy intersected.
"I mean holding a livestreamed memorial for Bianca is like holding a funeral for a guy who died of a crack overdose, inside a crackhouse"
Lainchan Poetry Collection [1492451983828]
Release date: April 25th, 2016
Notes: Cyberpunk poetry from imageboard/community/digital cult Lainchan and it's members.
HACK & SLASH (Deleted Pages)
Release date: December 2018
Notes: Deleted content from a D&D blog, featuring lots of speculative lore, biology, and interesting concepts.
Notes: Camera roll of unknown origin, presumably shared by a 7FORM member. Used on YaBB SE Dev Team's page (a forgotten 7FORM side project from 2019)
7form makes a book
Release date: November 2019
Notes: Another 7FORM artifact. Features yours truly, Claudia Sheffner, and someone else lost to the sands of time.
◉ - portfolio of sorts
Release date: 2022
Notes: Net art and digital sketches from experimental / plunderphonics artist Sputnik/◉
Kanoguti @rt Project
Notes: A bunch of rare art games, weird programs, and other digital experiments by enigmatic Japanese game developer Kanoguti. Given to me by my cousin on a CD like it was 2004 or something. [Incomplete mirror]
Release date: 2014-2024
Notes: AFAIK nobody bothered to try saving (a minimal personal website host using only plaintext and embedded images,) so I did what I could myself. 610 pages, ranging from Caard-like bios, personal projects, to spam and enigmatic nonsense.
bike-zine 1-3
Release date: 2019-2020
Notes: ''Bike-zine is a simple zine with biannual releases intended for the lain-o-sphere.'' Released exclusively on Gopher, an alternate internet protocol inaccesible via most browsers and search engines.