Once more putting this on hold to deal with school and whatnot; thanks to everyone who tuned into my rambling. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2025.01.19 Luciano Maggiore & Louie Rice - Synthesized Voices and Low Frequencies to Eat Crisps With released 8 July 2020 [Sound art] "58 minutes of music assembled using recordings of an online digital voice synthesiser reciting an exhaustive list of permutations of the words NO PA PA ON. Pauses in speech are punctuated with a bass tone and could act as a prompt to eat a crisp." 2025.01.18 The Innocence Mission - Now the Day Is Over released 16 November 2004 [Lullabies, folk pop] 2025.01.17 Sentimental City Romance - Dancing released 25 November 1982 [City pop] 2025.01.16 DJ Холодна - Песни released January 11th, 2025 [Plunderphonics hip hop] 2025.01.15 International Telecom - T​e​l​e​c​o​m​m​u​n​i​c​a​t​i​o​n​s released April 10, 2023 [Signalwave] 2025.01.14 Favorite 水 - A Series Of Repetitive Ideas: Collection released June 4, 2020 [Post-nightcore] 2025.01.13 Kaķīša dzirnaviņas [The Cat's Windmill] (1994) Cute little animated movie that apparently adapts a Latvian fairy tale. The animation style is quite endearing, and there's a part or two here that probably would've given me nightmares as a kid. I actually liked it enough that I exported a bunch of GIFs from it, in case you want a preview. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2025.01.12 SLOW HEAD - Night Glitters released June 19th, 2011 [Some early 2010s Tumblr shit] Or if you just want the best track of yesterday's mix, here you are. 2025.01.11 HTRK - Late Night Sounds (Confessions of a Mask) released September 5th, 2011 [Nocturnal electronica] On a lighter note than yesterday, here's some chill, field recording-infused chill electronica for urban nights. It's a nice sampler of the 2011 underground scene - vaporwave influence throughout, lo-fi recordings, synthwave, witch house; not comprehensive by any means, but just a good listen and nostalgic time capsule if this is the kind of thing you're into. Les Joyaux de la Princesse - Exposition Internationale Paris 1937 2025.01.10 Les Joyaux de la Princesse - Exposition Internationale Paris 1937 released 1998 [Dark ambient, sound collage] Les Joyaux de la Princesse is a dark ambient / plunderphonics / martial industrial project that often deals with France in the first half of the 20th century, using elaborate box sets to create almost obsessive documentation of moments in time now long coated in history's dust. Many Martial Industrial artists tend to have something of a semi-open love affair with their source material, and sketchy politics is almost a given in the genre. It's certainly arguable whether or not Les Joyaux de la Princesse falls into that camp, but I feel they come at it from quite a different angle, one of fascination and horror towards the militaristic moments they catalogue. This particular album centers around the titular 1937 Paris Exposition, and casts all the luxury and grand, fancy gilded spectacle of the event in a nightmarish new light. It feels like attending the event as a time traveller, seeing those last few tenebrous moments of Europe on the precipice of war before all hell breaks loose, or watching the Titanic set sail with all it's happy waving passengers. The last seconds of a dream before it becomes a nightmare. Harrowing shit. The Softies - Holiday in Rhode Island 2025.01.09 The Softies - Holiday in Rhode Island released September 12th, 2000 [Indie folk, twee pop] Sounds like hopeless swooning. Love is heartbreak. The Softies - Holiday in Rhode Island 2025.01.08 one of these days some eyes will open.. - pain is my catharsis released July 10, 2024 [Drone, ambient] Abysses of melancholy, endless expanses of bittersweet daydreams. Sun-soaked memories decaying into blurs. Lonely months spent in long hours of sunshine and sorry contemplation of lost Edens. If your words were caresses, my looks were kisses. I'd give this album a long hug if I could. The Gerogerigegege - Live at Tokyo Gay Center 2025.01.07 The Gerigerigegege - Live at Tokyo Gay Center released 1989 [Drone, noise] Not actually a live track, as far as I can tell; just another joke from the Geros, this time released on an edition of 10 vinyl that took decades to get ripped. That being said, I love this bare-bones drone noise thing more than I have any right to; it's probably just the result of nob twiddling or ultraminimal electronic noodling, but it's just a nice, lo-fi, soft noise. It's like the ultimate in non-harsh noise - repetitive, but unpredictable so it doesn't get monotonous or annoying, low fidelity enough to take all the edge off of it, harmless meandering it's pleasant, pointless way. Good background listening. 2025.01.06 Ornithologist - Talons released February 4, 2015 [Cybergrind, mathcore] Holy SHIT someone actually did it!! I've been hoping since like 2018 to find someone covering birdsong with human instruments, but I expected it to be piano or something, not avant-garde metal. Absolutely not complaining though, the concept (no actual birds sounds used in most songs, but the structure being based around bird calls) is unique and the execution is damn cool even if cybergrind usually isn't my speed. The center of the Venn diagram between bird researchers and extreme metal fans is probably exactly as small as you'd except, but I hope they all find this one day. Snow Strippers - Night Killaz Vol. 1 2025.01.05 Snow Strippers - Night Killaz Vol. 1 released 24 November 2023 [Electroclash, Electropop, Euro-Trance] It only took a decade or so, but at long last the magic of early 2010s pop has been chemically distilled and is now available in pill, powder, or MP3 format. Seriously, the emotions this thing manages to dredge up is unreal and the things it makes me miss never happened. Crystal Castles-ish melodies, some ghosts of witch house and rave music, heavy handed autotune (always a plus,) feels like it should have 𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔬𝔡𝔢 𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖚𝖘𝖊 in the title. If I may plagiarize a YouTube comment, "You could have told me this was an upload to a random college freshman's myspace page and I would have believed you. A relic from another era." Vashti Bunyan - Lookaftering 2025.01.04 Vashti Bunyan - Lookaftering released 25 October 2005 [Chamber folk] A small, frightened animal finally finds a quiet place to rest. It's dreams were recorded and are available here. Insect Grinder - Infected 2025.01.03 Insect Grinder - Infected released 2009 [Cybergrind, insect sounds] You just know the artist was being kept up all night by a locust somewhere in their room, then the cybergrind brain parasite kicked in and went "hey, I can sample that" and the rest is history. I also appreciate that we have no idea who this, is except for the fact that they're from Russia. Pkthundaga - time wedges and ranges po slots 2025.01.02 pkthundaga - time wedges and ranges po slots released 18 November 2012 [IDM, glitch] pkthundaga is somewhat buried in time in the abyss of weird internet music, but if you take the time to check them out I think you'll see why they're one of the finest examples of that particular breed of glitch/IDM/experimental fuckery the internet made possible. For starters: a) pkthundaga spammed albums on the early days of Tsundere Violence, often without covers or metadata b) he used at least 37 aliases, probably way more c) he has loads of lost (and mostly undocumented) self-released media (as well as the first Tsundere Violence release itself) d) he coded his own DAW, which most/all of his music was made in e) then this happened, followed by years of unbroken radio silence Overall, he reminds me of Terry Davis, if instead of religion he got very into IDM or something. Seriously interesting music (which actually predicted a lot of sounds later found in the post-nightcore scene years later) and I hope he's doing well these days. Actual legend. 2025.01.01 GLYDAN - I'LL THINK ABOUT U LATER released December 15, 2023 [Instrumental hip hop] Wow, that doesn't look right. 2025 isn't a real year. Anyway, this one's in a totally different style but hopefully continues the wintery atmophere. Feels like sitting by a fire thinking about pleasant but mildly sad things. 2024.12.31 Swattttttt - Hiperestrada 01 released March 29, 2024 [Electroclash, hard trance] I feel deeply validated that someone else sees the innate connection between this kind of dance music and oil refineries and distant city lights at night, driving way too fast. The Lithuanian vocals might be hard to discern behind the processing even if I knew the language, but that just adds to the atmophere; no words, only feelings. I only wish it was a full album instead of a two song EP, but at least there's a random 52 second ambient track at the end as like... an apology for not lasting longer? That's how I'll take it. Rad stuff. 2024.12.30 Aindulmedir - The Winter Scriptures released February 11, 2021 [Winter synth] "Winter music for bibliophiles and hermits." I can't much improve on the perfect description. 2024.12.29 соннов - ruzapoxo released December 26, 2024 [Ambient, drone] Sorry for the recurring ambient and ambient-adjacent releases here, but it's winter so that's what you get. I can only assume this is generative in the sense of соннов having a complex software or hardware setup that he has to get running and calibrated which then produces the kind of ambient we see literally 1875 (as of today) releases of on his page, much like an aeolian harp or windchimes. Perhaps some would dismiss that as somehow less valuable than specifically handmade music, and while I can see where they're coming from, I would say: Nobody calls a windchime soulless just because nobody's playing every note. It's handmade, then released into the world to chime on endlessly. The human touch comes in the genesis, collection and curation of these sounds, the rest is no more or less meaningful than the cloud formations on any given day at any given moment, or the sound of the ocean or the rain on your roof. Whether соннов is active artist or curator / observer, isolated coldness seeps through my speakers regardless in just the perfect way. 2024.12.28 Spiritual Front - Rotten Roma Casino released September 24th, 2010 [Folk Pop, Dark Cabaret] Self-described as "nihilist suicide pop," Spiritual Front has their roots in neofolk, but in the twenty-some years since their formation have swerved into a variety of other styles (even going as far as a Smiths cover album last year) without losing a dark undercurrent beneath it all. Love in hopelessness, interplays of sensuality and suffering. 2024.12.27 The Cat's Miaow - The Cat's Miaow released July 15, 2022 [Twee pop] "I can't listen to those songs anymore because they all remind me of the night you cried and cried and your face was red and sore and nothing I said was any help at all..." As gentle as a timid but sincere hug from a good friend you haven't seen in a while. 2024.12.26 hateoryx - say less (Number48) released September 5th, 2024 [Soundcloud rap, brostep] I forget if I posted this one already; alpologies if I did. ) Highly aestheticised soundcloud rap has been a thing for a while now, and every now and then I stumble across an example that leaves me scratching my head. I feel like it begun (or at least hit the mainstream) with Haunted Mound and that whole scene of over-the-top OTC-addict halloween characters (except Buckshot, who I'm convinced is actually just like that in real life.) Flash forward a couple years and the waters have been tested by artists like Twotimer and Heavnthral, who use naive aesthetics and very specific aesthetic visions they realize through odd takes on plugg/cloud rap, and by now even artists who usually don't do this kind of thing are throwing in one-off singles that take some post-internet era phenomenon and turn it up to 11 (this one being mid-2010s MLG culture.) I can't tell if this kind of thing will make things easier or way harder for digital historians in the future. Fun either way. 2024.12.25 i want to follow my love - try and try and try and give and give and give and take and take and take released December 21st, 2024 [Ambient, noise] I've been distant from ambient music listening for a while now because it's mostly chill and relaxing and I don't want chill and relaxing, I want quiet distortion and distant howling grief while still being comfy cozy ambient and then this thing falls right into my lap and hit the nail on the head. Merry Christmas, one and all! 2024.12.24 Richard Carver - Feathered friends released April 14th, 2023 [Field recordings, English folk music] Just soothing and wholesome. Not much more I can say, it's nice and simple and good to come back to every now and again. Cute birds, too. 2024.12.23 Death-Flavored Popsicle - Death-Flavored Popsicle EP released September 20, 2023 [Spazzpop] Goofy, lighthearted chiptune cybergrind pop, quite comparable to Bubblegum Octopus's earliest styles. Sounds like it could've been written and made by a kid to weird out their classmates with the lightspeed MIDIs, soft blastbeats, silly lyrics and bitcrushed vocals (none of which I mean in a bad way.) A very charming 73 seconds, that's for sure. :3 2024.12.22 Lose Weight DCLGT02P01C08-01 released June 2016 [Spoken word?] I have a certain affinity for spam. As annoying as it might be, there's some odd pockets of digital flotsam that just make me wonder, why? Who's profiting here? This isn't art, it isn't advertising, it isn't SEO manipulation, it isn't anything at all. There's no real reason for it to exist. Why is it so low quality, too? This is a 2016 upload, not 2006. Why the file names? As someone who spends enough time interacting with data that it takes a certain physicality in my mind, this is like finding an object in my house with no labels, compartments, moving parts, or function. It's just nice to have around. I'll keep it on my shelf. 2024.12.21 itsyaboypedro - "FUNKY BRAZIL" MIX released March 4, 2024 [Funk proibidão, Beat bruxaria] If the dungeon synth gothic ruminations of last week's posts weren't your speed, you can just blast them all out of the fucking water with this one. I have absolutely zero experience with this genre, and going into it completely blind, it's a sick collection of dance tunes that make all kinds of rhythmic and structures turns I never expected. A bit of an Escher staircase of a DJ set. 2024.12.20 heks - Upon This Blasted Heath released September 20, 2024 [Dungeon synth] Mossy stones. Cold metal crosses. Woodcuts; closed books. A cellar forever unopened. Light never reveals what was hidden inside. A room forever empty. Stories still whispered. 2024.12.19 Various - Making Records: Home Recordings c. 1890​-​1920 released August 28, 2024 [Field recordings, acapella, found sound] Wow, this is a whole home run of antique and antique-adjacent recordings this week. Didn't mean to do that. Around 18? months ago (over a year before this was released) I posted a track that ended up in this compilation ("bring back my kitty to me,") and now's it's come to haunt me as one of many recordings, collected here from a plethora of home-recorded wax cylinders. No names; no origins; no past and no future. As the anonymous man on the final track sings, they're all a million miles from nowhere. Memories attached to nothing, graves forgotten and bright sunny days, children's choirs singing and home festivities still happening somewhere long lost to us. There was a darkwave post here from a while back that had a track title; "Dreams of Dead Children That have Been Long Forgotten," and even if the exact phrasing is a bit over-the-top gothic, something about the sentiment there stuck with me. 2024.12.18 Lacrimorphosis - Street of Lunar Dead's released February 5th, 2024 [Dungeon synth] Piano-heavy gothic dungeon synth with overtones of sentimentality and faded glory. A voice in an empty home, whispering again and again, "those were the days." 2024.12.17 Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville's Phonautograph Recordings recorded 1853 - 1860 And speaking of phonoautographs, let's listen to what I was talking about with regards to torn shards of greyscale photographs recovered from shipwrecks and ghostly remnants of memories of memories being the only things the past leaves behind. Garbled as it is, something resenvkes a human voice is there, made out of noise and scratches, somehow recorded in proto-spectograms using smoke-marked paper and only recently (in the last decade or two) finally rendered audible. These sounds were sleeping for around 150 years in some distant tumbolia, unheard and unhearable until somehow they were educed back into the world of the living. Pretty damn cool, if you ask me. Crown of Cerberus - Her Majesty's Funeral 2024.12.16 Crown of Cerberus - Her Majesty's Funeral released April 28, 2015 [Ambient, tape music] I've been thinking about old media lately, the earliest recordings and photos from the 1800s, and how beautiful but eerie it seems to me to hear something so long buried in the abyss of time. "Abyss of time" is a phrase I come into again and again and again because it's the only accurate thing I can think of; it's like an ocean, getting darkier and blurrier the further down you go until the water damage leaves behind only faint recollections; snippets of song that sound like they're being sung up from behind a wall, photos so distorted they resemble what I see when I close my eyes too hard. The water damage of time leaves behind only suggestions of an outline, the blurriest echo, faint shadows in the deep. This sounds like if some long-forgotten phonoautograph prototype from the medievial era had captured snippets (infinitely degraded with time, worn smooth and almost entirely flaked away,) tiny fragments of churchsong and choir music, looped and collaged back into something outwardly resembling completeness but in truth only consisting of the same ghostly moments looped, repeating and repeating forever. Forgive my rambling, but it hit a deep chord. For fans of Steve Roden's Stars of Ice, which is the highest praise I can give an ambient release. 2024.12.15 Hunky Dory - Over The Rainbow released 2002 (recorded late 80s) [Twee pop] Hunky Dory was a twee pop group, mostly of kids (with one of their parents helping write songs,) who recorded an album in the late 80s (which went unreleased until 2002 due to label shenanigans.) The result is a time capsule of 80s production (drum machine and synths especially,) utmost twee sincerity, and a balance that defines what the genre means for me; the perfect unity of terminal melancholia and bright-eyed innocence. Maybe I just have few reference points for non-internet era music, but I'm reminded of Peter, Paul and Mary with their songwriting, and a Puff the Magic Dragon cover here wouldn't feel at all out of place. 2024.12.14 small mistake - sad bug after school music club (discography) recorded 2020-2024 [Breakcore, lolicore, noise] Not an official release by any means; I just took the liberty of compiling small mistake's tracks as best I could for my own MP3 player and figured I'd share in case anyone else was interested. While generally catagorizable as lolicore- or depressive breakcore-adjacent, they have a really unique sound that I can occasionally compare to waiting to die / loveaddictspropylhexedrineoverdose, but that manages to be unique enough that nobody really does anything too similar. (They're also in my personal top 5 -core artists for sure.) 2024.12.13 catface - catface bits and bobs 2020-2022 released 2022? [Electronic, pop] After a year and a half of hoping I'd find it (without ever actually hoping to,) my holy grail turned up on Soulseek today!? (That being old Soundcloud and YouTube uploads from catface, an electronic artist with an interest in 90s video games, the internet of yesteryear, and DIY dance music and managed to channel their love of these things better than anyone else I've heard.) To celebrate I took the liberty of dissecting this demo dump into a bootleg as best I could. Tracklist completely unofficial, please forgive any errors. Ranges from remixes, VGM-inspired tunes, and a twee pop tune. Celer - I Love You So Much I Can't Even Title This (The Light That Never Goes Out Went Out) 2024.12.12 Celer - I Love You So Much I Can't Even Title This (The Light That Never Goes Out Went Out) released 3 May 2008 [Drone, ambient, tape music] Sometimes loves comes as a rush of words, sometimes love comes without a sound, sometimes as a flood of passion, sometimes quiet and glacial, sometimes burning bright and fast, sometimes smoldering unseen forever. Even after everything ends, it's still some faint echo, rippling through tumbolia. What happens to the love of countless long-gone generations, whose bones are now dust? Where does a sound go when it echoes out into silence? When a memory is forgotten and everyone in it has long since shuffled away to elsewhere? This album, to me, is the sound of the forever-forgotten moments of unsaid affections and mutual secrets that somehow exist in some abandoned corner of the metaphysical conceptual abyss. 2024.12.11 Trollkjerring - The Last Summer released February 11, 2020 [Dark ambient] Trollkjerring is an interesting artist. While their projects do explore various ambient/dungeon synth stylings, they often revolve around a core concept of innocence. As Acheulean Forests, their whimsical dungeon synth paint a magical depiction of a fairy-haunted childhood, and perhaps a life haunted by half-memories of an unseen world. As The Spirit of Iuvenium, gothic darkwave explores a distinctly Victorian mourning of lost innocence, but still beautiful in it's lamentations. Trollkjerring is different; tragedy is presented without comment or glamorization. If the cover is anything to go by, this is a concept record regarding a 1970 familicide, and it's as fitting as it could be. There's something I've been meaning to say about older, analog mediums that differs from digital formats; they feel like a memory. It's an almost organic, physical process; VHS and cassette tapes literally rot like a dead animal. And the further in time you go, the generally blurrier and more distorted the pictures get, to the point where I regard pre-digital events, especially before the 70s, as being almost buried in a haze; seen through a fog, like the distorted recollections of missing person photos unseen in decades and forgotten. This album expresses all that quite aptly. That house probably doesn't exist anymore, and the bedsheets and rocking horse have long since been disposed of after trial, but in this surreal photo the blood's forever wet. Techno Viking - Algiz 2024.12.10 Techno Viking - Algiz released 2022 [Industrial hardcore, techno] Self-described "pagan techno" in the lowest fidelity possible, combining fun old-school gabber-type electronics with mostly incomprehensible vocals and traditional or pagan folk samples. The tape-recorded quality takes the harsh edge off of the hardcore without losing any of the energy. Possibly politically sketchy, but I mean, look at it. I can't take that too seriously and it's a fun listen. 2024.12.09 Nicole Kidman - Fox Party recorded Winter 2011/Spring 2012 [Ghost pop] That isn't a real genre but I like the name and it seems fitting for this kind of turn-of-the-decade ultra-lofi tape deck bedroom pop (in the most literal form - it wouldn't surprise me if this whole thing was recorded while wrapped in blankets.) This comes from a world where commercial appeal doesn't exist; it's way more comparable to loveshy notes passed in class, meant for an audience of one only, or lonely thoughts on snowed-in days in Winter 2011. 2024.12.08 Operation Sodasteal - Operation Sodasteal Please Insert Disc 2 released December 4th, 2024 [Mashcore?] There's like a bajillion artists going for "early net emo nostalgia" and 99% of them are basically a complete bastardization of what makes those original concepts/era good (and not in a good way). The poison of Net 3.0 bullshit runs deep. Operation Sodasteal is the embodiment of everything that a revival of this kind of energy should be - nostalgic cultural nods, but entirely doing it's own thing on it's own wave and on it's own terms. Plus if YTPs are your thing, Kaj is top tier there too. The guy's seriously an artist. (Also shoutout raine for compiling this bootleg, much appreciated.) 2024.12.07 Adam Cooley's Man of the Graveyard Man (2009) I could talk about Adam for a while, but I'll just say this: the idiosyncratic absurdity of Five Starcle Men, contained in one Tylenol PM-addicted young man from Indiana wrecking havok with the lowest-budget, most DIY hardware and software accessible. I mention FSM because their surrealistic, cryptic, isolated, viscerally insane music is one of maybe 4 or 5 artists I know that have reached that echelon of WTF, where it sounds like nothing I can think of but is so dedicated, one of a kind, and devoted to it's alien vision that it exists at the back of my mind just about forever. Adam is one of those artists. When he wasn't busy creating music, he was making poems (now lost,) video games (now lost,) and movies (most of which survive, thankfully.) Man of the Graveyard Man is a series of short animated episodes that are as good an introduction to his world as any. 1958-2009 - II 2024.12.06 deadbythebay - forget everything i ever said released October 12, 2023 [Bedroom scramz, screamo] A cute put painfully short little screamo tune (that I took the liberty of extending here.) The lo-fi amen chops in it are clever and add to it as a whole without being in the way. 1958-2009 - II 2024.12.05 1958-2009 - II released January 2010 [Ambient, drone] I went to this page on RYM specifically to read one of my favorite reviews, only to notice that it was gone. A little bit of archive.org scrounging helped, and luckily a screenshot was saved. I'm going to use it in leiu of my usual commenting today because it says everything about 1958-2009 better than I ever could. (Actually, as good as that review was, the one I was originally looking for was and remains lost, seemingly deleted in 2020 or so, which is even more fitting.) Mademoiselle Shorthair! - Mezzo 2024.12.04 Mademoiselle Shorthair! - Mezzo released 1996 [Twee pop] Mostly posting this for the cover of Since Yesterday. The happiest saddest goodbye ever. icy danmaku - Live @ Dreamsprite Virtual Fest 2020 (CANCELLED) 2024.12.03 I lied, there's no music tonight. The door is locked behind you, we're reading the Dead Sea Scrolls. But for real, although I usually focus my interests and energies on digital archiving, old-school physical fragmentology is still the coolest shit ever to me and the fact that there exists this in-depth of a public archive of every tattered shred of text is wonderful. I just wish there were more translations of the tiny scraps; I want to know what jagged sentence fragments and snippets of forever-lost writings are represented here. icy danmaku - Live @ Dreamsprite Virtual Fest 2020 (CANCELLED) 2024.12.02 icy danmaku - icy danmaku LIVE @ Dreamsprite Virtual Fest 2020 (CANCELLED) released May 1st, 2020 [Nightcore, HexD] 2024.12.01 DEXTRONAUTICUS - HYSTERICAL ARYLCYCLOHEXYLAMINE!! released January 14, 2023 [Mashcore?] Every so often (but quite rarely) I find some piece of music that gets lodged in my brain because I can't process it right. Something about it's nature and existence is just so bizarre (even to me, after dedicating my life to weird internet music) that it exists in a world of it's own and this is one of those times. Imagine all the cough-syrup abusing third-plat insanity of Five Starcle Men, the detail-packed intricate technicality of Scissor Shock/Adam Cooley (in which everything has like 5 things going on at once, all of which is intentional and put there very carefully,) the... general ethos/elements of mashcore, but used in a way that's more like kusoikore type shit, and a very idiosycratic series of terminally online themes. It's just gloriously fucked. I had to watch the spectrograms while listening just to wrap my head around it and the whole structure isn't *random,* it just has nothing to do with music as I've ever really thought about it. It's just like the ultimate manifestation of Dextronauticus's personal interests without any compromise for the outside world. Rock on, my guy. Christoph de Babalon - If You're Into It, I'm Out of It 2024.11.30 Christoph de Babalon - If You're Into It, I'm Out of It released January 1997 [Breakcore, dark ambient, drone] The sound of isolation and alienation. Top tier gloomy ambience, breaks that feel like jagged glass. Cold in just about every sense. Worldrequest - album25 2024.11.29 Worldrequest - album25 released February 26th, 2022 [Outsider House, Bitpop] Cute dance music; it's cut of the same cloth as PC Music in it's earliest and simplest days, just another perspective at the same sparkly universe. It calls the term "bedroom pop" to mind, but not in the sense of bedroom pop as the genre that actually exists, but the kind of stuff nightcore people played to each other on the old SPF420 Tinychat streams; weirdo teenagers building a digital world in which they're the big producers and top DJs and are in it for the love of the art and technical profience came second to abundant heart. My shitty 5$ Dollar Tree headphones are definitely improving the experience, too. Various Artists - 梵鐘 (Bonshou) 2024.11.28 Various Artists - 梵鐘 (Bonshou) released 1984 [Field recordings] Someone on RYM reviewed this not disparagingly, but still fairly negatively, describing it as "bleak anonymous recording of some old temple bell tolls." I understand the aesthetic and personal differences between people and the fact that my interior world is completely different than most other people (and likewise,) but every single word in that sentence sounds beautiful to me. Bleak, anonymous, sparse, old/obsolete, ringing out into silence - I got very hyped for the release from that line and it did not let down at all. Basically the type of temple bells recorded here are mostly museum pieces now, and this is a final attempt to save their actual music before they become showpieces behind glass. The recording is sparse, formal, austere, and genuinely lovely if you're the kind of person to see beauty in those ideals. I commend whoever decided to save these fragments of sound from dissolving back into the alethosphere, and the end result paints a world of moss and rust and emptiness. Also, that same review questioned that if they bothered recording the 梵鐘 bells, should they bother recording the noises of elevator in their Soviet Union-era bloc building? After all, it'll be obsolete soon too, and it sounds different based on building, age, location etc. The answer is yes, you should, you should record them and burn it to CD and send it to me, thanks. Land - Opuscule 2024.11.27 Land - Opuscule released 2002 [Dark Ambient, Martial Industrial] "A plain without a feature, bare and brown, No blade of grass, no sign of neighborhood, Nothing to eat and nowhere to sit down, Yet, congregated on its blankness, stood An unintelligible multitude, A million eyes, a million boots in line, Without expression, waiting for a sign." Operation Sodasteal - SVS 1.1 Additions 2024.11.26 Daniel Johann - The Earth Portrayed As God's Empty House released January 2, 2013 [Indie rock, dream pop] Another early 2010s benzopop classic (a term I stole from an RYM list and am becoming increasingly fond of.) Empty rooms, pianos that resonate with cold days spent alone, distant daydreams of love that feel close enough to rip up your chest. Blank white walls. Another absolutely lovely title too. Operation Sodasteal - SVS 1.1 Additions 2024.11.25 infinity crush - stumble pretty released February 8, 2013 [Benzopop] I've discovered that early 2010s Sam Ray is the greatest music ever created by man and that his friends are a close second. If "sleeping in on a snow day (in 2011)" isn't the most beautiful song title I've ever heard, I don't know what is. Highly comparable to teen suicide if it was fronted by Caroline instead of Sam. Operation Sodasteal - SVS 1.1 Additions 2024.11.24 images for slideshows compiled 2016 - now [Net art] I've clocked out a long time ago. chris††† is the only one who understands the world anymore. I saw the face of god and it was weeping. Bottom text. Operation Sodasteal - SVS 1.1 Additions 2024.11.23 Emilys Video released 2012 [Net art] One of my favorite pieces of net art from one of my favorite projects. Essentially the duo of netizen behind 0100101110101101.org compiled a two minute video from clips allegedly found on the darknet (if anyone else said that I wouldn't believe them, but with these two, it's probably the truth) and showed it to anyone who responded to their online ads, with the laptop recording their reactions. The original video was deleted; all that remains is the laughing, horrified, or stoic faces of strangers, individually or in groups, in their own varied homes, staring (or averting their gaze from) an unknowable screen. The original art piece was installed on various screens in a gallery, but it works quite well as a standalone YouTube channel too. I wish there was a word akin to "Voyeuristic" without the sexual connotations, because that's a concept I find myself reaching to a lot when describing art here. Fragments of strangers lives, ending up on my screen somehow. Moments and reactions and half-stated thoughts captured in 480p. Operation Sodasteal - SVS 1.1 Additions 2024.11.22 School Shooter - Alien Mode released 14 February 2018 [Power pop, emo, garage punk] A perfect combination of simplistic and catchy pop songwriting, punk ethos, emo songwriting, and bedroom pop DIY attitude, coming at you with all the subtlety and nuance of a baseball bat. While it is as uncompromising and heavy handed as you might expect from someone with the alias School Shooter, the sheer display of post-nihilistic post-millenial angst, condensing decades of musical tropes into the purest sludge of confused teenage feelings and swift downward spirals possible, is genuinely beautiful (if you're inclined to find beauty in such things.) Another core facet to the SS project (quite different from his latter subpar works as Negative XP that I don't really listen to or care about) is because in this era of his career he was utterly sincere. Edgy, provokative, comically blunt, but his heart was on his sleeve, and as a result there's no real boundary, no cynicism or irony, between myself and his songs. It's endearing, at least to me; his "fuck the world" dedication to what he cares about gives it the emotional immediacy I find in the most confessional emo or cutest twee pop. "Do you believe you're the one for me? Do you believe you're what I need?" (Also he got visited by the cops every few months while active under this name, can't imagine why.) Operation Sodasteal - SVS 1.1 Additions 2024.11.22 Internet Crush - Uncollected Demos & Random Bloop Blips Vol. 1-6 released 2017 [Electronic, future bass] Operation Sodasteal - SVS 1.1 Additions 2024.11.21 cute boy kissing booth - spring break! released April 5, 2012 [Twee benzopop] Operation Sodasteal - SVS 1.1 Additions 2024.11.20 Operation Sodasteal - THE FLIES released February 3, 2023 [Pop punk] There's two interpretations of this song, both of which I consider masterpieces: 1) the song itself, a modern neon pop punk masterpiece that floods me with nostalgia for friends I've never had and bittersweet feelings I'll likely never actually get to experience firsthand 2) the music video: I've very rarely found something this funny or this unsettling individually and even rarer both at once. I feel a previously undiscovered emotion. Jon - おチョナンさん 2024.11.19 Fimnur - Snowbound released September 12, 2023 [Winter synth] Snowbanks the color of wine. Midwinter evenings. Deer prints in frost, winding through the underbrush. The cessation of everything. Wind howls at night. Jon - おチョナンさん 2024.11.18 janis lago - vocal trance released November 16, 2024 [Trance, art pop] Vocal trance optimized for introvert's bedrooms instead of warehouse raves. Werewolf Jerusalem - God Has Shot Himself 2024.11.17 Werewolf Jerusalem - God Has Shot Himself released 2003 [Harsh noise] Don't let the noise description fool you; this is a smog-choked lament that's put together carefully and gorgeously (but that also happens to be loud as fuck.) Sounds like every wall we put up to protect ourselves tumbling down and being left to stare the tragedy of everything directly in the face and feeling every tiny death all around you. There's a certain beauty to be found in it's slate grey bleakness, though (also a serious contender for most haunting album title of all time.) Jon - おチョナンさん 2024.11.16 LOCAL NOTHING - LOCAL NOTHING released December 31, 2023 [Slacker rock] Bedroom indie math pop with the occasional toy instrument, vocals by a group of friends, and cute but competent casio-backed songwriting. Endearing all across the board. These memories never happened but they're still nice to look back on. Jon - おチョナンさん 2024.11.15 Plushie Violence-Committee - Hang-Tag Harsh Noise released November 15, 2024 [Harsh noise] Plushie HNW featuring: Spot (Pedal Worship) Squealer (Synthesizer, MS20) Brownie (Chains) Chocolate (Scrap Metal) Legs (Source Sourcing) Flash (Synthesizer, OB-Xa) Splash (Pedal Worship) Patti (Contact Microphone) Pinchers (Power Tools) Adorable concept and it's as solid a release as HNW gets. Textures that feel less like an MP3 and more like a tangible, corroded metallic object in your hands (with a side of felt and plastic eyes.) Gregory and the Hawk - Moenie and Kitchi 2024.11.14 Gregory and the Hawk - Moenie and Kitchi released 7 October 2008 [Folk pop, indie folk] Meredith is an angel on earth, I swear. Essential winter listening. "Maybe we both knew it at the time..." Jon - おチョナンさん 2024.11.13 gulfwargameboy - Itchy and Scratchy released April 20, 2024 [Chiptune] ✓ Chiptune ✓ Pop punk sensibilities ✓ Autotuned to hell and back ✓ Sentimental interior, goofy exterior It about ticks off all my boxes, confirmed good shit. Jon - おチョナンさん 2024.11.12 Muffin Fox - Lost inside my head released November 1, 2024 [Midwest emo, pop punk] Another release that reads like someone's diary in album form. A lot of love went into this and it truly shows. Jon - おチョナンさん 2024.11.11 Crater Creek - Crater Creek released October 22, 2022 [Emo, power pop] The find of the month, at least. A shame I didn't find it in October, but Halloween never really ends. Actually fucking fantastic power pop fueled by b-movie horror themes and an almost tangible nostalgia. Highly recommended, "unidentified crying object" hits incredibly hard as both an emo loser and a conspiracy theorist prone to delving into this stuff until I don't know what's real. If you have other recommendations for self-indulgent emo stuff like this, please end it my way. Jon - おチョナンさん 2024.11.10 Young Muslim - This Could Be Us But U Playin released February 17, 2014 [Vaporwave] Vaporwave is not dead; not will ever be. You can't kill a feeling. It'll live on forever in the hearts of cyberian natives. There's beauty in late night broadcasts and weather reports and empty offices and cell phone screens and cities at night and infinity beauty in mundanity if you only tune into it's signal. More clean and digital than most of the genre, and about as smooth as music gets. Incredibly calming, in my opinion. Soundtrack to late night hotel pools alone. Luxury in blissful solitude. Jon - おチョナンさん 2024.11.09 my elven spirit hatches - WaningGibbousFuryOfDance​[​R​A​V​E​R​'s G​U​I​D​E to 2​0​1​1​]​ANTHEM MESSAGE​.​.​.​Purely from the heart​愚​ー released February 13, 2023 [Vaporwave] Ignore the sketchy Google Drive link, you'll be fine. Lo-bit nightmarey neon rave tunes from bootleg CDs ripped from bootleg tapes then downloaded from Limewire in the dead of night with bundled malware. Feels radioactive. Jon - おチョナンさん 2024.11.08 Jon (ジョン) - Songs for Ochonan (おチョナンさん) released 1995 [Avant-folk, childrens music] Did the cat make this? It sounds like it (obviously I mean this as a compliment.) Primitive, simplistic naivity; improvised accordion bumbling and Jon's childlike voice. Feels like it came from another world, in the sense of an entirely separate interior experience. None of the feelings I experience are here at all; it's something else entirely. Music by kittens. Adolf Wölfli / Baudouin de Jaer - Analysis of the Musical Cryptograms: The Heavenly Ladder 2024.11.07 Adolf Wölfli / Baudouin de Jaer - Analysis of the Musical Cryptograms: The Heavenly Ladder released 2011 [Chamber music, modern classical] Adolf Wölfli was an early 1900s outsider artist known for his elaborate, intricate, and impossibly dense drawings, some of which had musical notation built into their winding structure. (I hope you read about him on your own; it's sad but fascinating.) Regardless of whether he intended his music to ever be actually played is less than clear, but a number of musicians have attempted to play his pieces, and the results are as odd and occassionally beautiful as you might expect. It's music from another mind's whole separate world, carefully taken out and transplanted into our own with almost scientific precision. Music not meant to be heard is such as interesting concept; found notation, recovered from tumbolia. The patterns of sound held forever in the eternal silence of still drawings. I've been planning something similar with the bits of sheet music visible in Louis Wain's works for some time now, but it'll probably be far more fragmentary than this. Adolf Wölfli / Baudouin de Jaer - Analysis of the Musical Cryptograms: The Heavenly Ladder 2024.11.06 The Spirit of Iuvenium - The Nameless Love released February 24, 2022 [Darkwave, neoclassical] There was a (now deleted) RYM list called "puberty in innocence" that focused on this kind of nexus of Victorian purity, childhood daydreams, and abstract notions of love; forgotten dreams and nightmares, morning comfort in delicate lace and unspoken desires. I forget if this was on it, but it would have fit perfectly. To quote the bandcamp: "there is a palpable, nigh-obsessive nostalgia for childhood innocence and an idealistic fixation on the purity of romantic love - disguising a dark transgressiveness and intense pain hidden just beneath the surface." LFY - Neon Lights Appear 2024.11.05 teen suicide - hymns released November 25, 2012 [Acapella, indie folk?] Likely the most heartbreaking thing I've ever heard. Feels like a slow, gradual, imminent death. LFY - Neon Lights Appear 2024.11.04 Twotimer - Lighthouse released November 4th, 2024 [Cloud rap] It's so rare that I find music that makes me take a step back from the computer and audibly say, "what the fuck is wrong with you?" Twotimer holds that distinctly at least two times over. This is beyond shitposting. Genuinely avant-garde. It's growing on me like mold. LFY - Neon Lights Appear 2024.11.03 Wolf Eyes - Dog Jaw released 2004 [Noise] Wolf Eyes are apparently a big name, but I admittedly haven't heard much (anything) of theirs until now, so it's about time I start. Genuinely such a comfy listen if noise is up your alley (minus the parts with intellegible vocals lol) A whole little universe of gritty soft grey textures with it's own entire language of tiny hidden structures. Many nooks and crannies and crevices to hide in. LFY - Neon Lights Appear 2024.11.02 Graz - Kandi Kid Knife Fight released May 6, 2008 [Mashcore] 16 years later and it's still completely fresh, but less in an "ahead of it's time" way and more of a "time is a flat fucking circle" way (What program did 2000s artists use to chop their amens? It has such a distinctive sound that I'd love to steal.) LFY - Neon Lights Appear 2024.11.01 generation z - anime organs released March 18th, 2020 [Nightcore, glitch] Disintegratory, dissociative nightcore reality. Truly one of the albums of all time. LFY - Neon Lights Appear 2024.10.31 -.. .. ... -... .- -. -.. . -.. ....... .-. . .--. . .- - . .-. - -.-. .-.. released August 13th, 2024 [Ambient, ambient noise wall, radio broadcast recordings] Radio towers flicking on the horizon. Vacant staring. The shards of nostalgia and faint feelings left spinning silently in an empty haze. Abstract comfort. LFY - Neon Lights Appear 2024.10.30 LFY - Neon Lights Appear released September 11th, 2011 [Minimal synth] Ultra lo-fi synthpop dirges. Hazy vocals reverbed beyond comprehension, melodies from a lost 80s garage demo. Decades and decades of distant memories, an infinity of moments slipping further all the time. The sound of the fog that slowly wraps around every moment we hold dear. "those were the days." Various Artists - Childhood Friends 2024.10.29 loveisheavenly - but just know that I did love you, with everything I possibly had released June 24th, 2014 [Impressionism, Indie Folk, Bedroom Pop] First two tracks: Even without that cover, I still think it would remind me of a Van Gogh painting. "Together fornever" is a very apt title. Like twee pop performed entirely on piano in an empty home. Last two tracks: Possibly the epitome of Bandcamp solo acoustic indie folk twinkling. Really, this release is exactly what it looks like, no more and no less. If you're a simple fellow like me with a huge soft spot for twinkly sad pop, you'll find everything you need. Various Artists - Childhood Friends 2024.10.28 Fluffii Fox - My Love (Fluff Mix) [Synthpop] Someone reached out to me today about this artist, who at some point in the last couple years nuked their online activity. I admit that I never actually listened to them until now, and never might have if I wasn't prompted to, but I'm glad I finally did. The drumless, slowly building atmosphere reminds me a lot of A. G. Cook, but that's probably just me. With minimal elements it does a good job of creating a genuinely touching little piece that hurts a bit, if I'm being honest. It does a better job at capturing the intensity of love than 95% of music I listen to that tries to do that. Let me take you out Let's look at the stars Shall we count them all? I think that will be fun Various Artists - Childhood Friends 2024.10.27 Current 93 - Nestled Under a Blanket of Soft Black Stars... (Soundchecks) released 1999 [Neofolk] I sometimes find myself enjoying demo compilations, scrapped versions, and outtakes of artists work more than their actual final recordings. A fully-produced, fully-concieved song can be overwhelming sometimes, and I often stick to bootleg comps of acoustic takes and tape demos for when I don't feel like being completely caught in the current (unintended) of the final product. It can just be too much sometimes. I took the liberty of splitting up the soundcheck for a 1999 C93 show for just this purpose. Stops and starts, lo-fi recording - while fragmented and likely never intended to actually ever be listened to, Michael Cashmore's ambient magic is in full effect and it's an interesting casual look at the band. This is also the recording sampled in "The Little Kitten Shrugs and Arches," a distinct contender for the best ambient track ever made. Various Artists - Childhood Friends 2024.10.26 Atariwept - Everett released June 23rd, 2016 [Outsider Screamo] Garden Angel's (now Atariwept) works always felt strange to listen to. I'm used to (and cherish) complete honesty and unfilteredness in music, but something about hers crosses the line and feels like reading someone's diary or somehow tuning into thoughts most people never share. It's intimate to the point of being uncomfortable, a stranger handing you their heart, still bloody and beating. We don't have many accompanying music videos, but it's comparable visually; bits and pieces of life, references and edited images, spliced and combined in a way I haven't seen anywhere else. Various Artists - Childhood Friends 2024.10.25 Lake Mary & M. Sage - Wolfwalkers In Daylight released June 23rd, 2016 [American Primitivism, Ambient] Sunny day folk. Empty of thoughts, staring at the sky for what could very well be forever. Clicked for the werewolf theme, stayed for the immeasurably comfy vibes. I haven't heard american primitivism yet but I have to check it out now, seems to be Americana freed of its usual trappings and allowed to shine in all it's glory. Country music in a perfect world. Various Artists - Childhood Friends 2024.10.24 Various Artists - Childhood Friends released 1995 [Slacker Rock, Indie Folk, Noise Pop] Buried indie pop gem; the second I saw the cat I knew this was going to be a masterpiece. Something about hearing these longing, sweet voices and distictly 90s tunes, draped in DIY garage production (bedroom pop having not yet come into style and with most of these bands probably never seeing the inside of a studio proper) and tape lo-finess like a cherished blanket is comfy in a way only forgotten cassettes like this can be. Health & Safety - Health & Safety 2024.10.23 Dj Revalgin - ...we used to laugh and smile vol. 2 released February 11th, 2024 [IDM, trip hop, dark ambient] It's getting colder by the day, and you know what that means; Waqs season (colloquially known as winter) is nearly upon us. There's something just so soothing and comforting about his particular brand of melancholy that goes so well with the shortening days, be it his wistful drill'n'bass or more recent explorations of drugged-out screw sludge. Health & Safety - Health & Safety 2024.10.22 pl310et - - released October 19th, 2024 [Ambient] I'm genuinely reminded of A. G. Cook at his most ambient and minimal, like if someone took the most calm, meditative moments of 7G and extrapolated them into a whole EP. Harmonious juxtaposition of nature and synthetic materials, artificial sound and ecological webs. Abstracted vocals, digital fairies. Health & Safety - Health & Safety 2024.10.21 Health & Safety - Health & Safety released November 4th, 2016 [Ambient, drone] Sterile, alienated pieces. Hospital ambient in the same vein as Emotion X and other deathdream, from an isolationist perspective that feels like it might break out in menacing power electronics if only it had the energy, and instead prowls and lurks in a lower level stasis like a coma patient. The thousand yard stare on the cover says it all. Graustich / Coma Detox / Whiteswan / Edge of Decay - Stay Yourself Whatever the Cost 2024.10.20 100%sweetㅤ҉ㅤ⠀꩜cafe - Grief Consumed Cocoon released August 25th, 2024 [Unknown genre; electronic? witch house?] Desperation to comfort and be comforted Secret feelings turning like a knife in your chest Feeling butterflies in your stomach for the first time in as long as you can remember Collapsing blisses, impotent heartarche Grief consumed cocoon Graustich / Coma Detox / Whiteswan / Edge of Decay - Stay Yourself Whatever the Cost 2024.10.19 Graustich / Coma Detox / Whiteswan / Edge of Decay - Stay Yourself Whatever the Cost released April 27th, 2016 [Industrial, Harsh Noise, Power Electronics] Pacifist as I am, I still have to admit a certain cold beauty to be found in grey militancy. Veneration of ashes, distant bombardment; marching toward death in the depths of winter. This release could have ended in track 1 and I would have been quite satisfied, but for those with different aesthetic interests in their noise, you might find more of value. Stylistically it's interesting too; track 3 uses exclusively shortwave radio - no laptop, no pedals. No Artist - Road Death 2024.10.18 No Artist - Road Death released May 11th, 2019 [Found Sound, Sound Collage] To be honest, I mostly listen to power electronics for the samples. As skillfully done as the actual musical elements of the genre might be, they're about equal in focus to whatever pieces of found sounds find their way out of news reports or online videos or whatever and into the sea of noise they're recontextualized into. This release just skips the middle man and gathers the samples themselves, splicing 1950s drivers educational films, traffic accident first responder documents, dashcam audio of actual vehicle collisions, and other audio sources into a nightmare of gore soaked asphalt, grievous injuries, and high-speed but still slow-motion catastophes we risk entering every day we take our cars out on the road. Safe travels. 7038634357 - 191022 2024.10.17 7038634357 - 191022 released October 19th, 2022 [Ambient, Drone, Noise] Barry White's Tell Me Who Do You Love is evaporated, decimated, and sublimated in every possibly manner in an hour long venture through all manners of ambient-adjacent plunderphonia. I've heard people call it a DJ mix, but it's more like putting the song through a series of specialized chemical equipment in an empty, sterile lab somewhere to rarify it to it's utmost essence, breaking it into it's pure molecular constituents. Purified, filtered, reduced, elevated. zxjkcblhchjbsd - Sincerity 2024.10.16 zxjkcblhchjbsd - sincerity released October 7th, 2024 [Drone, Noise] Sounds like: - The clattering of a train, riding through rough terrain (and everything left behind) - The crashing noise of the seaside, heard mutely from under a dock (and quaint memories of what it used to represent) - Being inside during a rainstorm (and who you wish was there with you) It's rare, maybe a first, that a noise release wrenches up in me the feelings usually associated with bittersweet twee quaintness, but somehow the droning organ and implacable, distant clattering and roaring somehow does. (And part of me asks, would I have gotten all of this out of it without that cover and title? But if the cover was a random found image I would have taken it as a deep-internet-ish piece of sonder, or if it was gore or some such xeroxed edginess it would be a lament, but still with much the same overtones, I think. The weather might change but the world within will remain the same, and for me it's a sweet mirror of dandelion wishes and regret.) Autumn's Grey Solace - Within the Depths of a Darkened Forest 2024.10.15 Autumn's Grey Solace - Within the Depths of a Darkened Forest released October 9th, 2002 [Etherial Wave, Dream Pop] A changeling's mourning. Falling asleep in a dream. Haze in the mountains. Slow motion wandering through ruins. Augustus - Thank You Stephanie 2024.10.14 yayazizi's shortwave recordings [Radio broadcast recordings] Small world, I stumbled across yayazizi and thought they were cool, but buried in their site is a link to Catland. Funny how it all comes full circle. WebSDRs are one of my favorite online phenomena ever. It's an absolutely endless abyss of everything from normal radio stations, hobbyist broadcasters, military data systems, number stations, and any number of unidentified signals echoing through the atmosphere from god knows where. yayazizi's harvested a nice collection that covers most of these and more, great work. Augustus - Thank You Stephanie 2024.10.13 Internet Story released October 17th, 2011 Movie time today! Digital mysteries are my specialty, and primary interest in life if I'm being honest. The fae folk are definitely still with us, but moved home due to further human encroachment on natural lands and now reside as metaphenomena lurking at the edges of a network nobody will ever fully map or understand. Fiction as it is, the slow collapse of the situation here, buried in the midst of early 2010s YouTube and allegedly undiscovered by anyone but the faceless narrator, is a prime example of what I'm talking about. Augustus - Thank You Stephanie 2024.10.12 The Carousel - Sorrow Is The Way To Love released 1990 [English Folk, Twee Pop] Traditional folk elements, melded with a more 80s/90s twee ethos. Polyphonic, almost lilting, and borderline angelic. Heavenly choir of collapsing love; bittersweetness embodied. I heard someone describe "Scarborough Fair" as too pretty for it's own good, and I can't imagine what they'd say about this. Augustus - Thank You Stephanie 2024.10.11 Emperor X - 10,000-Year Earworm to Discourage Settlement Near Nuclear Waste Repositories released May 12, 2014 [Indie Folk, Sound Art, Technical] "A ray cat is a proposed kind of cat that would be genetically engineered to change appearance in the presence of nuclear radiation." - Wikipedia The (very oversimplified) problem with nuclear waste is that it's probably gonna be around longer than we will and remain dangerous for most of that time. If the situation hits the fan and we send ourselves back to the stone age, how do we make sure our descendants steer clear of our nuclear deposits and don't contaminate themselves (and humanity's future survival) with radiation damage? Luckily many people have thought of how we would create universal messages, and these ideas have included: - Covering dangerous areas with giant ominous spikes (generally considered bad vibes regardless of culture) - Giant skull statues and symbols (also pretty universal) - The creation of legends as to why the gods / spirits / whatnot don't want us in specific areas - Landforms specifically designed to make forboding droning noises in the presence of wind - Glowing cats This release includes a folk song designed to assist in the ray cat concept if it is ever implemented, as well as simulations of an aeolian hellscape droning, and a shrill-noise generation to repel any would-be inhabitants. If any of this sounds interesting, I highly encourage you to read the notes that come with it. Every track is explained, and while a good tune and an enjoyable listen overall, it's very much a functional, utilitatian release (if currently only hypothetical,) more like an accompiment to a scientific study or Human Interference Task Force report than a usual album. Augustus - Thank You Stephanie 2024.10.10 PHUCKED recorded 2001-2006(?) Unusual entry today, since we don't actually have Phucked (as far as I know,) just bits and pieces of it on YouTube. It was a self-produced, self-released DVD with maybe a 20 dollar budget made in the mid-00's by a bunch of doofuses from Maryland, and seems to be a masterpiece of teenage idiocy. Maybe I'm just sheltered, but I feel like most of these stunts could have just as well ended up on Liveleak if anything went slightly wrong, and while there does seem to be some crime-themed plot spliced in between the clips of people jumping off roofs into cardboard boxes or flinging themselves downhill on office furniture, it's probably improvised anyway. I certainly hope it turns up in full one day, talk about a time capsule. PHUKED Trailer PHUKED DVD Menu Video Scissor Shock video They also did a music video for Scissor Shock, an absolutely nutty, borderline outsider experimental music project that's probably is to music, whatever Phucked is to movies. No-fi, no budget surrealistic teenage nihilism spazzouts, occassional moments of beauty shining through an intricate nest of collapsing art that exists less so by itself and more as a byproduct of a life lived with zero fucks given where smashing a car's windows and putting yourself in serious bodily danger is on par with buying junk from yard sales and making videos with your friends. Augustus - Thank You Stephanie 2024.10.09 Augustus - Thank You Stephanie released June 2nd, 2014 [Bitpop, Twee Pop] An absolutely adorable track from a member of Kero Kero Bonito, dedicated to a random internet user who helped him translate a source for his paper. It's incredibly wholesome, is probably on par with the best KKB from that era, and actually reminds me a ton of Rocketship? The organ-sounding synths, his voice, the style of melody, it's seriously reminiscent of them, like if they continues their 90s tweegaze style into the sounds of the 2010s. His voice is genuinely as good as Sarah's. Feels like a sunbeam on a cold day, or a cool breeze in the middle of summer. Styles & Breeze - You're My Angel 2024.10.08 Styles & Breeze - You're My Angel released 14 September 2005 [UK Hardcore, Hands Up] A couple days ago I mentioned how beautiful and even tragic some happy hardcore manages to sound while still being 100% dancefloor compatible, and I think this epitomizes that. Who decided "You're the only sunshine in my life" was a good lyric for a hands up track? Don't get me wrong, it totally works, but still. It feels like there should be a happy/sad dichotomy, but there isn't, there's no difference at all between the two here. I guess that's how love is, the having and the longing. No real difference, ultimately. Track goes incredibly hard too, the emphasis on melody works beautifully and it sacrifices no level of rave-ready energy. 19 years old and still shines unchanged. 2024.10.07 lunaht_ - faux-emotional maturity released October 7, 2024 [Mashcore, breakcore] Very reminiscent of DJ Sailor Moon's multi-hour albums, appropriating and stealing sample after sample into an amen-blasted idiosycratic mashed-up emotional wreck. The longer, 9+ minute track is particularly interesting, but I can't really comment on anything too much. It's like trying to review someone's diary entry. I definitely enjoyed it, but take care of yourself, luna. I don't think there's anything I can say to make things better, but I wish you the best for whatever words are worth. <3 Fuan No Tane 2024.10.06 That is not the cover of a limited to 20 power electronics tape, just a cropped photo used in favorite manga of all time. Granted I haven't read too much in the way of manga, but it's place is uncontested and unlikely to ever change. Subtle, surreal horror - the unexplainable veering into our lives, moments left without any context or elaboration, tiny and almost invisible creacks in reality - has been a fascination of mine my entire life and Fuan no Tane (不安の種, lit. "Seeds of Anxiety") epitomizes everything about it I love. I don't believe in the kind of paranormal things that can be quantified, explained, understood. I know beyond doubt there's things in the world beyond science or normality, but they're quiet, surreal glimpses into things we'll never begin to understand, gone before you know it, or cut off like a dream before any kind of conclusion can be reached. There are things man was not meant to know. Fuan No Tane - Volume 1 Fuan No Tane - Volume 2 Fuan No Tane - Volume 3 2024.10.05 Dying Adolescence - in their feelings released January 9, 2015 [Indie rock, bedroom pop, emo] I can't get enough of self-indulgent angsty indie rock. I'm a verifible addict. This one in particular reminds me a ton of sodaboy64 in style, teen suicide in the instruments, and Car Seat Headrest with the vocals sometimes, so basically my holy trinity in one succinct bundle. The lyrics are sometimes a bit awkward and I can't help but wonder if English is his first language, but I'm definitely not complaining, it almost adds to the general atmophere. Bedroom pop softness with a more energetic slacker rock basis. Cool stuff. 2024.10.04 file transfer kiss - doll sitting on a dusty shelf released July 12, 2024 [Drone, ambient, lo-fi, plunderphonics] Little else I've ever heard has been able to so perfectly capture forgotten, worn out spaces filled with dust and dirt and moths. Deer taking refuge from storm in abandoned house. Carpet littered with dead ladybugs. Creaking warped floorboards, water-damaged bookshelf. Dune - Expedicion 2024.10.03 Dune - Expedicion released July 12, 2024 [Happy hardcore, breakbeat hardcore] I cannot believe that this isn't widely considered one of the cornerstone albums of happy hardcore. I mean, it is well-remembered and Dune certainly is still somewhat legendary, but I still feel it deserves to have more than 77 RYM ratings. It's also a peak example of just how emotional this genre can get. "Rainbow to the Stars" is almost tearjerking, and "So Beautiful" is completely self-descriptive. I can't remember the name, but I feel like there was a happy hardcore music video with a lot of Alice in Wonderland imagery and that's exactly what I'm picking up here. This kind of completely idealistic, gorgeous music is like one of those Escher illusions where it could be both concave or convex and keeps on changing as you look at it. Almost tragic. Wonderful either way. 2024.10.02 Cory Arcangel - Arnold Schoenberg, op. 11 - III - Cute Kittens released July 6th, 2009 [Modern classical, sound collage, found sound] An attempt at reconstructing Arnold Schoenberg's, Drei Klavierstücke, op. 11- III, exclusively using footage of cats walking across pianos, sourced from 2009 YouTube. I'm just glad this many videos of cats on pianos exist. Distinct contender for greatest music video ever, both cuteness-wise and concept-wise. Peak net art, and this border of intentional music creation with things that just happen (on both the part of the cats and the camerapeople,) and the curation thereof, is very interesting. Just who is the musician here? Arnold Schoenberg? The cats? The men and women behind the cameras? Cory Arcangel? You, witnessing and appreciating this? It's like the way the act of field recording almost makes someone a performer or artist in their own right, just with all the boundaries blurred beyond recognition. Plus it's just very cute. Can never go wrong with cats doing cat things. 2024.10.01 burial garden - natural history released September 12th, 2024 [Harsh noise (audio) & Documentary (visual)] A live harsh noise accompaniment for a slow and largely silent structural documentary. Visually, the film used here is one of my favorites ever (after this introduced me to it.) These quiet back rooms filled with shelves and shelves of taxidermied animals, boxes of specimens, preserved and carefully dissected, walls of books that almost seem to be sleeping, concrete floors and walls. This side of austere academia fascinates me immensely. The life and death of organisms, data, and some hiberation of a complex and nameless phenomena that exists between the two. Hearing a crew of 7 talented noise artists performing in ensemble (over Discord) to soundtrack it in real time, glacially changing their wallish textures as it goes from room to room and unmoving focus to unmoving focus is just fitting. It could very easily be just the amplified noise of the space, or distorted recordings from contact mics attached to the camera. In the open spaces I can so easily hear the noise of a crowd of students, pulling books from shelves and whispering amongst themselves, or the sound of AC units and grey machinery of unclear purpose in the footage of concrete hallways, or even vaguely animal calls in the scenes of taxidermied rabbits, staring into space. Gorgeous work, my commendations to everyone involved. 2024.09.30 Realfake Newsource & Pattern Noticer Personally I'm quite a conspiracy theorist, but even if you aren't I think there's still something of great aesthetic or artistic value in the concept of a real-world twilight zone that may or may not exist depending on who you ask, the outlines of which are sketched out by redacted government reports, drone footage of restricted locations, and connections drawn between far-flung fragments of media somewhere in the underbelly of the satitized internet. Real or not, there's something fascinating about these concepts (precisely what I had in mind when I made my conspiracy study page,) and it seems I'm not the only one merging serious paranoiac thought and art. Realfake Newsource is about as idiosyncratic as artists get, splicing newsreels, buried interviews, found footage, and word salad surrealism into an (almost beautiful, in a fucked up sense) simulacra of the bleeding edge of cultural thought. HOW TO DISARM A DOMESTIC MONSTER - PART 1 ties with the video linked above as my favorite of his works, but it was a tad too spicy for YouTube and thus got relegated to the abyss of Bitchute. Pattern Noticer is less prolific, but the mind-boggling depths to which they go, finding connections nobody else even suspected, more than accounts for it. Either this is a form of outsider art reflecting the inner experience of schizophrenic thinking, or something that might make you question the nature of the narrative we're being sold. There's things we don't understand, I can say that much for sure, and that there's people in closed rooms who know more than we do. 2024.09.29 chris††† - Social Justice Whatever released 1 June 2017 [Vaporwave, sound collage, YTPMV] There's a quote from a net artist I love that I think about every time chris††† comes to mind: The collage is an attempt to capture the overflowing, hysterical emotions of adolescents in their now private-public bedrooms. The supposedly entertaining activity of playing games is here linked to disturbing feelings of sadness, violence and depression. But it also mirrors the frustration we can all feel about life amidst so many networked devices and so much data. - https://0100101110101101.org/my-generation/ Depending on who you ask it's a god-tier shitpost, a genuinely nostalgic venture through 000s / early 2010s internet memories, or something between the two. It's very Negativland-esque; finding a surprising humanity and beauty in a memetic wasteland. The same way most vaporwave takes tropes and motifs from the deteriorating cultural sludge of the 80s and 90s and repurposes them into something of genuine human emotion, turning empty corporate promises into utopian dream visions or cyberian advertising into the blissed-out haze of a late night lit by a CRT or endless masses of forgotten televised media into something simply beyond words, this does the same to it's source decade and culture. Very much a product of it's time, both 2009, 2017, and now. 2024.09.28 angel kiss - silk fingers released September 16, 2024 [Drone, ambient, noise] One of the most beautiful noise albums you will ever listen to, I promise you that. Genuinely like burning up while ascending to heaven. Blissful evisceration. "one more mile to the sky," title and song, hits me somewhere deep. Lamo, you're a beautiful soul. Boyd Rice and Friends - Music, Martinis, and Misanthropy 2024.09.27 Boyd Rice and Friends - Music, Martinis, and Misanthropy released 1990 [Neofolk, spoken word] I was at Keegan's house trying to beat this new-age meditation game that uses your heartrate and bioelectricity from little clasps on your hand and ear but absolutely sucked at it. No matter what I did or how relaxed I tried to be, it was barely registering me as doing anything, until Keegan put this album on just to try to mess me up even more, at which point it immediately spiked to much better levels. We kept on filling every inch of the screen with PNGs of Boyd and it kept on fucking getting better? I hit the 97th percentile of whatever metric the game uses to judge concentration / mindfulness and the rest was basically a breeze. It might've been that my heartrate is usually oddly low and us laughing at the swarm of Boyds enveloping the screen was enough to raise it to what the game wanted, but it was still one of the best hour-long streches of my life. Every time my performance dipped Keegan would yell at me to think about Boyd Rice going to Disneyland or something and it went right back up. Surreal night. If you're reading this Keegan I apologize for the butchered retelling, but I felt compelled.

Also this image exists now, I guess.

2024.09.26 Hookman (2004) found December 7th, 2023 [Pure cinema] screen recording is a browser beat (vaporwave subgenre produced entirely by in-browser YouTube skipping and chopping) alias of plunderphonics master chris†††, but also serves as an outlet for him to reupload footage found on thrift store DVDs, blank taped-over VHS tapes, and the contents of secondhand SD cards. The whole channel is more than worth a perusal at least. You KNOW a movie is good when it credits the entire crew in the opening for "writing it as they went along." Truly one of the films of all time. MGMT - In the Afternoon 2024.09.25 MGMT - In the Afternoon released 11 December 2019 [Neo-Psychedelia, gothic rock, jangle pop, darkwave] Immense thanks to meowboy for introducing me to this song, which became one of my top 10 favorites in less than a day after first hearing it. The only thing I can compare it too offhand is Strawberry Switchblade, of all things; few other things fit the description of "gothic twee." Life is too important to take seriously. The flower children know the way. Heroin Party - Summer Made Me Blue; Summer Gave Me Sky 2024.09.24 heroin party - summer made me blue; summer gave me sky released October 29th, 2012 [Ambient, drone, field recordings, tape music] My entire life I've wanted to exist in a quiet, rainy place where I can be alone forever. Worn blankets and autumn trees verging on winter against grey skies. This album feels like home. 2024.09.23 Super Famicom - P.S. if the answer is no, then try to forget I ever asked released December 2003 [Indie Folk, emo] That's not the actual cover art, but I can't find the actual cover and I like this one and it's my site anyways. In a perfect world this would be remembered as a gem of early bedroom pop or acoustic emo or DIY teenager music or something, but instead it seems to have been entirely buried and forgotten. I found it on Soulseek looking for something else, liked the title, and found the audio equivalent of a box of abandoned love letters. Possibly the cutest album I've ever heard. 2024.09.22 frail / BROKEN_CANYON - frail / BROKEN_CANYON released September 6, 2024 [Drone, ambient] 01. that is the prettiest cover i've ever heard 02. these are some of the prettiest sounds i've ever heard sounds like being alone in an industrial space grown over by nature. nothing else exists 2024.09.21 Linkin Park - In The End (J. Ka Ching Tycoon Remix) Released December 27th, 2018 [Bubblegum Bass?] Yesterday's post was more a mental bookmark than anything, something of potential note. This one has earned a place in my heart years ago, though. Bubblgum bass, at it's best, is so jam-packed full of ideas that can listen to it dozens of times and still notice new flourishes buried in there; essentially all the best of top 40s dancefloor electropop, and all the best of post-everything avant-garde maximalism. This classifies. It's not as absurdly dense as some A. G. Cook stuff, but it's a gem of non-PC Music bubblegum bass, and the fact that it's a fucking Linkin Park remix is the icing on the cake. 2024.09.20 Syzy - The weight of the world released June 28th, 2024 [Future Riddim, Brostep, Bubblegum Bass] Aggressive brostep usually is not my thing, but the production on this, very bubblegum bass-inspired and sparkly without relenting on it's bass attacks, caught my eye. Time will tell if it earns a permanent place in my music library or not, but if dubstep or adjacent genres are more your thing, it's definitely worth a listen.

my little pont is jesus god is me :3 - 6 songs like in nature
released June 29, 2024 
[Acoustic emo, lo-fi]

Acoustic emo rips me up inside like nothing else.
I feel like low audio quality instantly improves most music for me; it takes things from songs and albums to environments.
The 32 kbps audio quality and wind and whatnot just twists the knife. Don't we all just want to be loved?

one wheat mark fan - untitled
released June 12, 2024 
[Drone, ambient, field recordings, lowercase]

I'm not sure who this is (if it's a side project) or anything about the comic it's dedicated to, but it's an interesting addition to the 
fandom-based experimental bandcamp underground with the likes of ES: Volume 3 and whatnot. Context aside, it's a piece of sparse experimental
ambient. Reminds me of grey concrete bunkers and industrial complexes, but comfier than that description would typically imply.

flowersfightforsunshine - flowersfightforsunshine
released January 16, 2024 
[Emoviolence, screamo, noisecore]

How far into no-fi rawness and sloppy extremity can you push emo until it becomes noisecore? flowersfightforsunshine wants to find out.
Emoviolence usually isn't my thing, but the dedication and passion shines through. There's releases and then there's artifacts, normal
music and idiosycratic things that exist simply as a byproduce of the creator's unique needs. I think this is the latter.
The ambient interludes are lovely, too.

a rainy day in 2012 - i don't wanna think about it
released August 19, 2019 
[Lo-fi, emo, dead animal songs]

Have you heard of my little pony is jesus, god is me :3? if not, they're an interesting and highly idiosyncratic final-wave emo project active
for the last couple years, but i did some digging found like 5 more aliases and obscure early projects, including this one, which has the
best project name I've ever heard. Tape-recorded rainy day pop in the vein of teen suicide. Also, I don't know where the Last.FM profile picture
is from, but it touched my heart.

 Nails ov Christ - The Lord Loves Holocausts
Nails Ov Christ - The Lord Loves Holocausts
released Unknown (1990s?) 
[Power electronics, death industrial]

My cousin and I somehow stumbled across this album when looking for something else totally unrelated on Discogs, had a good laugh at it's sheer
edginess, put it on, and accidently randomly jumped to the interlude in the middle that samples peaceful choir music (reversed.) It was a surreal
moment of emotional whiplash and I went to check it out later. The rest of it is obviously supposed to be punishing harsh noise and power electronics,
but the sheer low fidelity makes it almost just blankets of howling sound, like high winds on a winter night. It's basically just harsh ambient.
Added to my personal list of comfy noise, even if I feel like it was supposed to be anything but.