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35 documents and counting! A lot of these are on the technical or scientific side of things (geology, minerology, astronomy) and aren't exactly page-turners, but as the vault builds hopefully I'll find things of more general interest. There's some good cover art material in here if you go searching.
Images sourced from these documents may be found on Flickr.
(1979) Lancelot Dykes Spicer - Letters from France 1915-1918 - A firsthand account of WWI as told via letters sent at the time.
(1953) Jorge Enciso - Design Motifs of Ancient Mexico - Lovely collection of visual motifs drawn from ancient Mexican cultures and artwork.
(1978) Barry Holstun Lopez - Of Wolves and Men - About the lives of wolves and the intricate connections between them and humanity across the centuries.
(2010?) K. R. Knight - Kitty Friends - Cute little picture book. Makes me inexplicably sad.
(1964) Herbert Hendin - Suicide and Scandinavia - Psychoanalytic analysis of suicide in various European countries.
(1993) Brent Watson - Finder Charts of the Messier Objects Volume 1 - M1 through M55 - A nifty guide to identifying the Messier objects in the night sky.
(1988) Gem Profiles - 78 pages, magazine-style introductions to a variety of gemstones, designed for jewelers.
(2014) Dragon Nhus (Winter 2013-Spring 2014) - 31 pages, the official magazine of the Coung Nhu Oriental Martial Arts Association. This edition focused on weapons.
(2020) Gazebo - My high school's literary magazine, with a variety of teenage poetry and associated creativity (ft. eir mazur guest appearance!)
(2015) Alice Bryant Harper - The Banana Slug - (Orig. printed in 1988) 19 page booklet with everything you ever wanted to know about banana slugs.
(2014) Eric C. Larson - Born Burning - 32 pages of local poetry from a DIY distributor, interesting stuff.
(1885) J. Norman Lockyer - Astronomy - 79 page antique astronomy handbook / schoolbook.
(1967) Ralph W. Stone & Eileen M. Starr - Meteorites Found in Pennsylvania - 40 pages, kind of what it says on the tin.
(2009) Alain Carion - Meteorites - 39 page introduction to the world of meteorites (origin, history, collecting, etc.)
(1957) H. C. Dake - The Agate Book - 65 pages, a helpful handbook for the agate collector and cutter.
(1965) The Story of Fluorescence - "An explanation of ultraviolet fluorescence with experiments and a descriptive list of fluorescent minerals."
(1954) Robert J. Wright - Prospecting with a Counter - A short guide to radiation, geiger counters, and using them to find minerals in the field.
(1955) Judith Weiss Frondel and Michael Fleischer - Glossary of Uranium and Thorium-Bearing Minerals - 45 or so pages, pretty much what it says on the tin.
(1992) Lesley Anne Ivory's Collectable Cats - Very cute collection of drawings, poems, and anecdotes.
(....) Unknown (Slide Script: The Virgin Islands) - Papers I found in an abandoned house.
(1988) James S. Kernaghan - Rocks, Minerals, and Gemstones - 14 page pamphlet to serve as an 'introductory study guide.'
(1972) C. A. Newham - The Astronomical Significance of Stonehenge - 32 page pamphlet, exactly what it says on the box.
(1991) Ken McNamara & Alex Bevan - Tektites - 30 page guide to tektites, formations made of melted soil and rock in the aftermath of a meteorite impact.
(1959) Florence - 64 page guide full of descriptions and picturesque photos.
(1966) Bryn Mawr College Freshman Handbook - Class of 1968 - 37 page mid-60s college handbook, historical slice of life and some whimsical illustrations.
(1961) John R. Gilbert - Cats! Cats! Cats! Cats! Cats! Cats! - 163 page book about everything feline. Lots of photos and artwork, fun read!
(2002) John H. Barnes and W. D. Sevon - The Geological Story of Pennsylvania - 46 page booklet about geology and history (pre-Archean through Cenozoic and more.)
(1973) Arthur A. Socolow - Common Rocks and Minerals of Pennsylvania - 35 page geology and rockhound booklet.
(1955) Scott's Introduction to the Study of Rocks and Minerals - 35 pg: locations, uses, descriptions, and how to prospect and test for uranium, as you do.
(20..) Mitsubishi Nuclear Plants - 39 page booklet on nuclear power produced by the company, featuring some lovely imagery.
(19..) Ancient Rivers and Ages of Ice - 12 page pamphlet on ice ages, geology, and reading the land.
(1969) The Phoenixville Lead and Zinc Mining District 1853 - 50 pages of notes on local abandoned mines.
(....) Loretto Chapel, Santa Fe, New Mexico - Little brochure with 9 picturesque photos.
(1967) Yoseido Gallery - Exhibition of Selected Modern Japanese Prints - Lovely 39-page collection of rare, then cutting-edge woodblock prints.
(1969) Yoseido Gallery - Young Talent - 55-page collection of Japanese prints and artwork (assorted related scans here.)