Click labels to expand.
I owe absolutely everything I do to sampling. As such, here's a list of every sample I could remember; credit where credit is due.
Infinite thanks and apologies to everyone who got caught in my crossfire. Occasional other commentary added.
Artists I owe a great debt of inspiration to: Raine Mazur, lunaht_, Silver Dove, seb, hanging stars,
Adam Cooley, Octa Sheffner, Favorite 水, Plastic Neesound, and far too many others to name.
Souls of Mischief's Cab Fare (A. G. Cook Edit)
i don't really feel like eating anymore's i don't want 2 be here anymore lol
DJ Sailor Moon's What's This Life For ?
The Quick Brown Fox's Knocked The Fuck Out
Hixbi Fox's Paws Up!
A. G. Cook's Hiya
Uranium's Ripping Up Wax
Annoying Ringtone's Move It To The Dancecore
SALEM's Sick
i don't really feel like eating anymore's no one cares ab your wannabe noise project you faggot (heroinaddictrmx)
Far East Movement's Like a G6
teen suicide's if i cleaned everything
Track 1 samples The Cat's Miaow's Not Like I Was Doing Anything.
Track 2 samples The Cat's Miaow's Crying
Track 3 samples sorisu's ok to cry
Track 4 samples glitterpop!'s hey kuzu
Track 5 samples The Softies's You and Only You (and Les amitiés particulières (1964))
Track 6 samples horridd's my girl
Track 7 samples guccihighwaters's im so sick of this
Track 8 samples Brighter's Christmas (Live @ Thekla, Bristol 16 December 1991)
Track 9 samples deadxbug's cupcakes.
Track 1 samples deadxbug's cupcakes.
Track 2 samples Lil Raptor's Vibez.drift
Track 3 samples OBJECTS SEEKING PERFECT SPACE's snow girl.
Track 4 samples deadxbug's feels like... & Uvvy's Cig in Your Eye
All audio sourced from Gregory & The Hawk's Moenie and Kitchi.
Cover from Kaķīša dzirnaviņas [The Cat's Windmill] (1994.)
Track 1 samples Not Your Dope's 5 AM.
Track 2 samples Marshmello x YUNGBLUD x blackbear - Tongue Tied (MU Remix)
Track 3 samples Nurko - Let Me Go (feat. Alina Renae)
Track 4 samples From First to Last - Emily (UV Remix)
Track 5 samples Luude & TWERL - Paradise (feat. Lost Boy)
Track 6 samples The Media Men's dick
Track 7 samples SLOW HEAD - Night Glitters
Track 8 samples Ben Phipps - Mrs. Mr. Feat. Lizzy Land (Alex Sladman Remix).
Track 1 samples sweetcafe's grief consumed coccoon, emily bewley's people, and Zr3a's Good Morning! Noise.
Track 2 samples Julia Brown's Only One Thing I Know (That Can Take Me Away) and The Way You Want (Original Demo,) as well as mirrormage's unarmed. Breaks sampled from Shoebill & Sonny Shimoda's Squat Party Soundclash (Remix Pack).
Track 3 samples teen suicide's hymn 2 and haunt me x3, ghostyneko's over cover, Renard's Hank Made Me Vomit (Good Riddance Undying Shitlord,) @rexiedd's I Think I Broke The Amen, and something by 天音 [Amane.]
Track 4 samples Gregory & The Hawk's Sweet Winter Hello and pill friend's forget me.
Track 5 samples James Benning's Landscape Suicide, Terror Cell Unit's Blood on Your Hands that Will Never Wash Off, and tabby cat diaries & silver dove's untitled.
Track 6 samples starry cat's deserve and is a collab with i don't feel like eating anymore (@i-cant-stop-purging.)
Track 7 samples catbeat's everything went quiet and i was 8 again.
Stray ambient track that didn't fit into any other projects.
Samples some snippet of Ricky Eat Acid; title paraphrases cute boy kissing booth.
Cover includes a page that fell out of a book of mantras.
My favorite release I’ve done. Not that its any good musically, just that it says everything I could ever want to say.
Titles with help from andrew; cover & tape design likewise.Unsure of cover origin.
Track 1 samples an unknown track for most of the song, a monologue (of unknown origin) from h3artcrush's ϟϟ mix 2k16-18 ##WORLDSAFUCK, and a noise jam with an old friend.
Track 2 samples Rose McDowall's Crystal Nights, Constrict's Xenomorph, and Another Sunny Day's Anorak City.
Track 3 samples Nez's Die When I Say So, cute boy kissing booth's first snow of the year, and Nails Øv Christ’s Creeping Back To Power.
Track 4 samples:
• Plinth (For C.S. & Bracken)
• i don't feel like eating anymore (i'm a cute dog boy. i can vomit on your floors and whine. give me attention.)
• heroin party (when you wake up ill be gone little cat)
• memory twin (last spring i had a fever and my pet passed away)
• Strawberry Switchblade (Deep Water)
• pill friends (forget me & ~purgatory~)
• teen suicide (tape collage 2012)
• Björk (Cocoon)
• Current 93 (I Have A Special Plan For This World)
• Our World's Sounds (Cats & Kittens)
• Gerald Heard (Talks about LSD)
Track 5 samples Le Roman De Renard (1937,) Death in June's Death is a Drummer, Graustich's Peace Eternal, and Michael Cashmore (on Current 93's 1999 "Soft Black Stars" soundcheck.)
Compilation of ambient tracks; one of my few worthwhile releases, hopefully.
Cover is inspired by mothguts and uses a photo I took on a floppy disk camera and flowers from Geocities.
Track 1 uses no samples.
Track 2 samples Cute Boy Kissing Booth's the first snow of the year and Nez's Die When I Say So.
What track 3 samples is unknown, sadly.
Track 4 samples Julia Brown's Library.
Track 5 samples 65daysofstatic's Massive Star At The End Of Its Burning Cycle.
What track 6 samples is unknown, sadly (the ending samples Blank Banshee's BB0 cassette bonus track.)
Track 7 samples Steve Roden's Stars of Ice, some YouTube video, and CRT麻痺.
Track 8 samples Julia Brown's Library.
Track 9 samples Gregory & The Hawk's Fin Song 8 (Orange River Remix.)
Inspired by warm feelings. I hope some of it carries over.
Cover found on an open directory index of someone's camera from the early 2010s.
Track 1 samples The Sundays's You're Not The Only One I Know (plus noise by various artists I forget, sorry.)
Track 2 samples She She Her Her's Tiny (plus breaks from Venetian Snares and Sam Fauchon.)
Track 3 samples Julia Brown's Library.
Track 4 samples Pinkshinyultrablast's Deerland (plus more forgotten noise tracks.)
Noise included but was not limited to:
• Merzbow's Pulse Vegan
• Taint's Dau ghter: Victimology 2
My second actually good breakcore album (hopefully, anyway.)
Album art steals from @toshoneko & the cover of 孤山逐霧如夢自遠.
01. Samples Cities Aviv's Not that I'm Anywhere and Mage Tear's Black Sheep in a Churchyard (+ SFX from Hyi's Misery and drums from A. G. Cook's A-Z.)
02. Samples sky 空's countryside 田舎 (and subbass from Small Mistake's Promise U Won't Laugh?)
03. Samples Venetian Snares’s Bezcitny (noises,) chocofriendz’s fido's lead & Furry (With Rope Wound)’s Enochian Weather (vocals,) osno1’s im like a dang jungle gym (melody,) and Waqs (drums.)
04. I totally forget what this one samples, sorry.
05. Samples Dune's So Beautiful and Orca's 4AM. There’s at least one other sample I’m forgetting, too (the drums used throughout.)
06. Samples Gregory & The Hawk's Fin Song 8 (Orange River Remix) (and the non-remixed version.) Uses SFX from my old kenku ep (“dialup.”)
Antimilitant industrial experiment.
The cover is xeroxed from a book on World War I and a patch design by my friend meowboy.
Samples one kick from a Death in June track (probably To Drown a Rose,) most sound effects from a three-record
set officially released by the US military in the 1960s that I found at a thrift store (playing more or less at once,)
a video from a resident /x/ poster, and a choppy vocal chant from 65daysofstatic.
This is a very functional, non-artistic release on my part.
It's an unsent love letter, not much more or less.
01. by starry cat
02. by by alex g.
03. by by bulldog eyes
04. by mage tears
05. by julia brown
06. by alex g.
07. by imafuckingfurry (@imjusthappytoseeyou)
cover stolen from jacato.
thanks to online blood bank for releasing
and endless love and respect to all the artists i borrow and steal from.
Inspired by:
• pre-quarantine mhzesent releases
• an open directory I found containing someone's camera rolls from the 2000s
• the idea of being a carefree college student in the early 2010s
• the freedom of junk food and video game indulgence (although I actually do neither)
Samples an unknown song played on an old artwork livestream by Octa Mobius Sheffner.
Cover from Waffleimages (IIRC.)
Just another distant, confused bunch of affectionate break tracks.
Track 1 samples Miranda Cosgrove's Hey You and tiku sens's generic af.
Track 2 samples Dido's Thank You (specifically, the track sampling it I did a while ago: Okay thanks)
Track 3 samples grieve in may's hummingbird (I still can't fucking figure out if their name is a DI6 reference or not?? Am I dumb?)
Track 4 samples dj gas station coffee's remix of julia brown's "library."
Track 5 samples lava_girl99's sunset of my life, ever's talking with fireflies in the garden at night,
a bunch of live Masonna footage from YouTube, and The Brief Life of Catherine (1988.)
Track 6 samples some track by sleepsereneslewndreams (I forget which one,) vocals from small mistake's caught cleaning up yr mess (which
they sampled from Bjork's Cocoon,) and teen suicide's hymn 1. The drum beat is sampled from something on D.J. Mix 99.
Album art from Nagabe and @toshoneko (also original photography and the cover of 孤山逐霧如夢自遠.)
Two experiments in original songwriting (although they both use samples because of course they do.)
I said "bloodbells" by accident on the first one. It's layered from like 3 vocal takes.
Cover images found online from nowhere in particular.
Track 1 samples Dido's Thank You (plus SFX from Renard's Spaghetti to cover up parts when I hit entirely the wrong note.)
Track 2 samples Lil' Beastman's Moonlight Tranquility (& drums from Rocketship's Love So Estranged and background noises from Le Roman De Renard (1937.))
Old school NXC single. Cover scribbling by d.
No modification besides speed; all credit to originals.
Made as a swan song when I wasn't sure if I was gonna keep up with music. Spoiler alert; I did.
Track one originally by DJ Techno Fox.
Track two originally by Kyle Hume.
discord clips from public servers and forgotten youtube videos in 144p
"excerpt from ceaseless whole."
Made by searching public discord servers for videos taken by users, downloading dozens of them,
collaging them together, and rendering the whole thing in lo-fi to make it more coherent.
The idea is that this isn't something I made, just a found excerpt of something that already existed
and is still playing right now whether I'm there to filter it into something applicable to Bandcamp
or not. Cover taken from Google Images (unknown origin) in February 2019.
Every track from Messier, rendered in 500% speed nightcore.
Created to make the editing and sampling more obvious, when it's not all so glacial.
See the “Whatever” tab below for Messier samples. Cover from Flickr.
Made on day four of a fast when it was snowing a lot and I was living in the hallway at school behind a nativity scene where security guards couldn't find me.
Cover features screenshot of video taken by d.
Track 1 samples greenhouse's ink1, oaf1's think abt it, and seb.
Track 2 samples every track from MyLove4U synced up and nightcored.
Almost literal audio translations of two dreams: one of taking a train at night that rattles around softly in the snow and leaves everything
behind, and another of falling asleep in a church graveyard as a disembodied choir sings.
Track 1 samples Julia Brown's Library and a snippet Silver Dove posted to a private channel.
Track 2 samples Hood's The Hay Harvest Had Special Charms and Reynol's Blank Tapes.
Cover art by Danielpup and Komako Sakai.
Emotion processing mixtape; analysis of secret crushes.
Almost pure nightcore; I apologize for only remembering some samples when much more credit is due.
Track 7 samples khai dreams’s ultimately.
Track 8 samples Gregory & The Hawk’s Season Poem & Steve Roden’s Stars of Ice (drums from D-Mode-D.)
Track 10 samples starsculptor’s interlude.
Track 11 samples ゑでぃまぁこん [Eddie Marcon]'s 「スロウな夢 slow na yume」
Track 12 samples Lacrosse’s This New Year Will Be For You And Me.
Track 14 samples an untitled track from ________’s MyLove4U.
Track 15 samples sky 空's countryside 田舎.
Track 16 samples another untitled track from ________’s MyLove4U.
Track 17 samples Luxury Elite’s Blush (Monroeville Music Center Remix.)
Track 18 samples Mark Redito’s 3am Apologies.
Valentines day mixtape.
• The Smiths - This Charming Man
• Renard - Love Song
• @capoxxo - searching w mayh3mp x D-Mode-D - The Secret Crow EP
• @capoxxo - i miss what we had x Renard - I Really Do
• Renard - Bara Love Blast Dogges (Acoustic)
• railpressureflip - Breaking Ties
• Okosan - [Various WebSDRs]
• ядерная зима - коробка передач
• NIGHTCORE (eir mzr) - ill be floating around u like a ghost
And it also uses samples from CDR's sample packs throughout and D-Mode-D's Secret Crow EP.
More Jacato art spliced into the cover, plus a post from /cm/ and As You Leave
Random track collection, but very emotionally cohesive, at least from my perspective.
Three styles, one feeling.
Track 1 is a mix and includes:
• Dilly - Hands
• if i die in missisippi - your best friends cat
• sodaboy64 - peachy
• dissociative youth - run away from me
• heelflip - 11-9-21
• dissociative youth - untitled demo
• bulldog eyes - neighborhood
• OK Friends - for the zip
• ill never forget the time that you tried to kill yourself in front of me - cut up angel palms
• Ranger Raccoon - Pink Tuxedo
Track 2 might sample Ai Aso's Agenda, as well as an episode of Shinigami no Ballad.
Track 3 samples ゑでぃまぁこん eddie marcon「スロウな夢 slow na yume」
Cover uses Sour Gout's As You Leave and snippets of art by Jacato.
Unsure of most samples here, except that each track had a noise and ambient sample, and that some of the noise comes from Unknown Data's X-5AS482.
Track 4 samples lil tracy's heart (as does the bonus track.)
Title paraphrases starry cat ("every winter month, i fell in love.")
PC Music remix EP.
The versions on sub65 include SFX from Furcadia.
Track 1 samples Hannah Diamond's Attachment (+ an unknown track ripped from a PetitTube video years ago.)
Track 2 samples Life Sim's IDL and Snareskin & Luke Cusato's Hollow Husk.
Track 3 samples A. G. Cook's Keri Baby and Kero Kero Bonito's Flamingo.
PC Music tribute. Ambient pop remix experiment.
Track 1 is a rework of LIZ & A. G. Cook's Lipgloss.
Track 2 is a rework of The Chainsmoker's Daydream.
Cover uses William Basinski notation, image from a PC Music forum post, and Wave Notation 2: Still Way.
Tribute mashup mixtape to PC Music (2013-2023.)
Cover taken from an online ad.
Track 1: Doss's The Way I Feel & Carly Rae Jepsen's Call Me Maybe (SAINT PEPSI Edit)
Track 2: Hannah Diamond's Hi & Daniel F Jones's Hi
Track 3: Life Sim's IDL & Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream (DJ Micropulse Remix) & Unknown Artist's Nordonade.
Track 4: CORDIFORM's ALL NITE & Alessia Cara's Wild Things & A. G. Cook's DJ Every Night
Track 5: CORDIFORM's ALL NITE & A. G. Cook's Superstar
Track 6: Charli XCX's Track10 & DJ BELLZZ's Pomeroy Nick
Track 7: Charli XCX's Vroom Vroom & Eugene's Go Hard & Sophie's Jump
Track 8: A. G. Cook's Superstar & Gwen Stefani's The Sweet Escape
Track 9: Wiley's Flying & DJ Warlord's Warsteed & @fireboy44's Ultimate
Track 10: TRONICBOX's Love Me Harder & Ariana Grande's Love Me Harder (A. G. Cook Remix)
Track 11: A. G. Cook & Liz Y2K's Lipgloss
Track 12: A. G. Cook & Liz Y2K's Lipgloss & Charli XCX's Boom Clap
Track 13: Unknown
Mediocre amen break shit whatever.
Another pointless EP made for fun.
Track 1 samples:
• A. G. Cook - Lifeline
• Renard - Banned Forever (Daydream RMX)
• Reizoko CJ - One hour hero
• Hannah Diamond - Concrete Angel (Instrumental)
• 100 gecs - xXXi_wud_nvrstøp_ÜXXx (Hannah Diamond and Tommy Cash Remix) [Instrumental]
• Igorrr & Ruby My Dear - Biquette
• A. G. Cook - Beautiful
Track 2 samples Bladee's Side by Side.
Track 3 samples internetparty's Leave it All Behind.
Track 4 samples BFF's forget.
Track 5 samples capoxxo's costume.
Track 6 samples Jia Peng Fang's Cherry Blossoms.
Cover art features the cat from ParaDise LOVE MIX by dDJ AngelBoi.
Also borrows elements from ☆♀☆♀STAR GIRL☆♀☆♀'s old Bandcamp banner, original photography, and stolen art I can't find the source of currently.
Title paraphrased or quoted or something from MyHouse.WAD.
Track 1 samples (some remix of) Porter Robinson's Goodbye to a World & something by J-Core SLi//CER.
Track 2 samples Echosmith's Cool Kids & Sleeping at Last's Saturn.
Track 3 samples lou's i see ghosts (k3lyxoxx) and mich's lucky one.
Track 4 samples capoxxo's searching & Joji's Gimme Love.
Track 5 samples fank's she big on my time til i rush.
Little breakcore thingy.
Cover uses a pamphlet I picked up IRL and imagery from Gifcities.
Track 1 samples Kero Kero Bonito's Make Believe, some live interlude by your arms are my cocoon, and someone on YouTube circuitbending a speak-and-spell.
Track 2 samples ghost by gregory and the hawk (live)
Track 3 samples dissociative youth's untitled demo 2.
Track 4 samples Akamushi's Dry and Soft & Catz (Nintendo DS) Theme.
Hyperspeed more?sugar worship Pusheen-inspired NXC mixtape.
Track 1 samples (some remix of) Carly Rae Jepsen's Run Away With Me.
Track 2 samples (two remixes of) Marshmello's Happier.
Track 3 samples (some remix of) The Chainsmoker's Roses.
Track 4 samples internet crush's thinkin' bout how you could be my internet crush on a sunday (and a song I can't ID right now from a now-private Doughy Daniels video.)
Track 5 samples A. G. Cook's Beautiful.
Track 6 samples Danny L. Harle's Super Natural (+ Porter Robinson's Divinity.)
Track 7 samples Fairlane's First Time.
Track 8 samples (some remix) of The Chainsmoker's Hope.
Track 9 samples SkulKids's Falling.
more?sugar worship nightcore.
╔══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╗
cutiecore - first love (feat. bff)
mahoudreams - LUV U BB
A. G. Cook - ID (My Girl)
mark redito - 3am apologies
A. G. Cook - Keri Baby ft. Hannah Diamond
Pusher - Clear ft. Mothica (Shawn Wasabi Remix)
Treasure Hunt - FLY AW4Y
cutiecore - distance
A. G. Cook - ID2 (My Girl Reprise)
ribb0n - ≧◡≦
Shawn Wasabi - Burnt Rice
DJ Cat Ghosts - RN AWY (TAKE ME W/ U)
Alessia Cara - Wild Things (Jesse Bloch Remix)
A. G. Cook - Beautiful(XVNNiBOii Remix)
Zedd - Clarity ft. Foxes
TheFatRat - Fly Away ft. Anjulie
R3HAB - Icarus (R3HAB & Skytech Remix)
╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝
Largely a tribute to @miukiemusic on YouTube & mid-2010s pastel VSCO/Instagram aesthetics.
Track 1: Unknown, sorry.
Track 2: Unknown, still sorry.
Track 3: Shawn Wasabi's Otter Pop & Trifect's Screen Love
Track 4: Vbnd's Best for You & snail house's hot lik & khai dreams's ultimately
Track 5: Shawn Wasabi's Spicy Boyfriend & Trifect's Screen Love
Track 6: Eden's Drugs & Gnash's i hate u, i love u & Lil Peep's Life is Beautiful
Cover sby Susan Seddon Boulet.
Forgotten samples, perhaps fitting.
It does use bits and pieces from old phonograph cylinder archives.
The Wolven Minstel project was the intended soundtrack of a short story I never finished; what remains of it can be found on
Never (CTRL+F, "mountains and woodlands".)
Cultural debris late-nite TV sludge.
Cover from Flickr:
Among many other things:
• Various gum commercials
• William Gibson audiobook
• tAtU - All The Things She Said
• Mariah Carey - Boy (I Need You)
• The Beach Boys - Disney Girls (1957)
• Roger - I Want to Be Your Man
• Christina Aguilera - Beautiful
• Jamm - You and Me
• MTV tape from the mid 2000s.
Faux-nostalgia experiment; exploring vaporwave fascinations.
Cover from Wikimedia.
There's more samples, but I'm forgetting them because I'm an idiot. Partial list:
• Some songs from Jim Andron's Tetris (1992)
• Cassie's Don't Let Go
• EchoDDT's Ten Times Better
• 「サンセット Network❾❶」's Subscription Television (PROGRAM ~ SURFING)
• Cassie's Not Love
Random files scraped from the bottom of my hard drive(s.)
Cover taken in an abandoned house by a family member.
Track 1 is random glitching from Winamp throwing a fit.
Track 2 technically got it's source audio from somewhere, but who knows.
Track 3 samples Depeche Mode's People are People.
Track 4 samples the Voyager Golden Record and Printed Circuits's Movements.
Track 5 samples the Lavender Town theme (and a split second of Igorrr's Tout petit moineau.)
Track 6 samples the silence between lines in some Star Trek: TNG episode.
I have no idea what track 7 is or come from. Keegan might've sent it to me.
Yabujin-inspired mixes, quickly made and released while on vacation on a now-deleted Soundcloud.
Track 1 is inhuman sterility, track 2 is fly aragic hardcore.
• Danny L Harle feat. Carly Rae Jepsen - Supernatural (felicita remix)
• Hannah Diamond - Reflections
• Treasure Hunt - TR34SUR3 HUNT
• Venetian Snares - Chinaski R.I.P.
• Benedictine Monks Of St. Michael Of Lourdes - Anon: Salve Sanctus Parens
• A. G. Cook & Charli XCX - Track 10 (Extended Mix feat. Lil Data)
• felicita - wwwwwubit (Lipgloss Twins Edit)
• CDR - Test Tone
• DJ Hyperdeath - Mindless Bliss
• Life Sim & AG Cook - Womp (KittyPuppy Edit)
• Chippy Nonstop - Alone (Depressed Tenager Remix)
• MC Boing - Boing Beat VIP
• A. G. Cook(?) - ID (Standing in the moonlight)
• Unknown Artist - [2009] Plant Club
• User 771815816 - bb_-_Hair_type320KbpsCDQ
Track 2 (ஓ 𝑀𝒞 𝒫𝒮𝒴𝐿𝒪𝒞𝐼𝐵𝐼𝒩 𝒰𝒩𝐼𝒯𝒯𝒯 ☣♅☣ 【】இ ║▌║█║ ):
• Screamr [Pupgrind Digital] - 6 DESTROY long.wav
• A. G. Cook - Behind Glass (Waveform Mix)
• CDR - Test Tone
• Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
• yungx$t - Crunchtime Freestyle (Snippet)
• User 771815816 - rare w3_BC _AMMM - NEXT TIME (PROD YEN5K) BLUEZzz (PROD W#BCAM) [USERRR]
• Renard - Dominate
• frans white - ~ HAPPY HARDCORE MIX ~
• DJ 4RCA$H - elixir
• Unknown Artist - Music from Saharan Cellphones
• Пикато - ÐÐ²Ð¾Ð»ÑŽÑ†Ð¸Ñ [Originally title garbled by faulty TXT encoding.]
• radio zombie talkshow - Scissor Shock Remix Build A Church
• local. <3 - iv | the on'line (draft) [hello_today]
• Unknown artist - Tugas dikbangpes Gelombang 2 peleton 5 .Bripda viga lixwi.M
• Unknown artist - hafiz amir hneef rizvi
• ノロイ [Noroi: The Curse] (2005) (Trailer)
Samples various gum commercials from YouTube; same with the cover.
Specifically, track 3 samples: 1988 Wrigley's Doublemint Gum Commercial. Unsure about the rest off the top of my head.
Good god, I can't believe I actually did this stupid thing. Am I genuinely brain damaged?
There's probably some CDR and Waqs samples, plus acapellas and other stuff. Not listening to 7+ hours of amens to find out.
Samples Danny L. Harle's Happy All The Time & @pat_16120's move in2 love.
RIP Sneakers & Coco.
After like, 3? 4? splits with Eir, I FINALLY did one where my side doesn't absolutely suck. Fifth times a charm, I guess.
Thanks for putting up with me.
Track 8 just uses a bunch of sample packs.
Track 9 samples:
• 40oz to Life - On Fire
• Annoying Ringtone - Napalm Breath
• Toromi [とろ美] - etc... ラブ
• PANTSU SCUM - 10/8/2018 (Vaenus Remix)
• ・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=)-・゚✧ - Temmafest (2021-11-06)
• Mark Redito - 3am Apologies
• Vaenus - I Hate Phoenix
• Mordecai Mapper – Untitled. Extratone. 16_04_16
• os29 - Fox
• dj foot fetish fursona - continued stroking himself, paying no mind to the plate of food. 'And...rrff.. I've got something for y
• Vaenus - Fuck Phoenix
• Nero's Day At Disneyland - The New Romans
• Blank Banshee - Teen Pregnancy
• Oceanlab - Clear Blue Water
• capoxxo - dying on the dancefloor
• D-Mode-D - [The Secret Crow EP]
• Vex'd - Thunder
• Hannah Diamond - Hi
• capoxxo - 7 months
• Pop Cube Trailer 1 - Hannah Diamond & A. G. Cook In The Studio
Track 10 samples:
• Never Illegally Download
• Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me
• Something by Nabokov's Super Slumber Party, probably Beautiful Extratone Thing
• DJ Skinhead - Extreme Terror
Track 11 samples:
• (Some scene from Six Feet Under I can't find right now)
• Dream Street's It Happens Every Time
• (Donnie Darko) Go suck a fuck
• i miss you sis's divorce
• Farrah Abraham's On My Own
• go kill yourself
Track 12 samples A. G. Cook's Superstar (and Pop Cube Trailer 1)
Track 13 samples A. G. Cook's Silver.
Track 14 samples Liz Y2K's BTR 2GTHR & Hannah Diamond's True (Life Sim Remix.)
Produced during 100 hour stretch without sleep.
Track 2 samples a religious CD I found at a Chinese grocery store.
Track 1, 3, & 4's samples are unknown. My apologies.
I wish I remembered where I got the cover.
First one: DJ set made for some 4th of July URL show. I don't think it ever got played thanks to technical difficulties.
Second one: Dumb DJ set made for Amen Side Up.
noisetripper - tatu paradox
Annoying Ringtone - Extratone In A Perfect World
A. G. Cook - A-Z
Charli XCX - Track10
Trent Sinclaire - Playing Internet Toughdog
dark cat 〜 BUBBLE TEA (GYNX VERSION)*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
iku - Hey Cutie
I:gor - Coretoon
MC Boing - Boing Beat VIP
oaf1 - its hard :/ (vs. hatezuki cover)
sunk1st - vol 1 pg 1 - rawr XD
cyndaw - Look At The Nightcore
fairchild - T4 T4 4 N0W!! 〃◕ᆺ◕〃
Assorted vaporwave tracks made throughout the year, compiled in mixtape format.
Cover scanned from a thrift store purchase.
Track 1 samples Simon & Garfunkel's Old Friends.
Track 2 samples an Indonesian TV channel ID in 2006.
Track 3 samples Chuckii Booker's Games and DJ Windows XP's Sometimes I Feel Happy, Sometimes Sad.
Track 4 samples A. G. Cook's Haunted.
Track 5 samples hold music I got put on.
Track 6 samples internetparty's Leave It All Behind.
Track 7 samples internetparty's Leave It All Behind.
I forget what track 8 samples, sorry.
Track 9 samples Slough (Doughy Daniels) and Cassie's Hope You're Behaving (Interlude).
Track 10 samples A. G. Cook's Superstar.
I made most of these in Arizona on my laptop at night.
Just walked out away from the RV into the open desert and channeled vapor using whatever samples I had.
Track 1 samples Bladee's Close.
Track 2 samples something from Bladee & Ecco2k's Remote Utopias.
Track 3 samples something from Bladee & Ecco2k's Remote Utopias.
Track 4 samples something by Eir.
Track 5 samples Spandau Ballet's True.
I have no idea what 6 samples.
Track 7 samples something from Bladee & Ecco2k's Remote Utopias.
I nearly got run over by a car in Philly taking the cover photo. No regrets.
Blends various field recordings taken over 7 years or so; no samples otherwise (although some musical snippets are captured in the original recordings.)
Visuals here.
This one is a mess: around a thousand snippets and Audacity projects made from 2018-2020, reinterpreted as some form of whole.
This list is incomplete, but I seriously doubt I'll go through and fix it so here it is.
Samples listed here.
Track 0001
fuvk - anywhere
ghostbusters vhs - chill, dad
bedbug - i recorded this last night when you were sleeping <3
Dmitry Core - Sub Drop (Bass Drop sample)
Simon & Garfunkel - Old Friends
身元THIEF - Saint Pepsi's My Coke Rewards Login Info
atlas - defeated
The Quick Brown Fox - Dragon Shakes His Tail
internet crush - and now that you're gone...
Reizoko CJ - All your base are belong to ME
Iglooghost - Göd Grid
Toto - Africa
Nero's Day at Disneyland - Song For Dead Malls And Their Surrounding Communities
Lake Michigan - Harbor
fuvk - fardel bear
Igorrr - Toothpaste
tomppabeats - rain jacket over a puddle
Igorrr - Cheval
Iglooghost - Göd Grid
The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby
Bring Me The Horizon - Hospital for Souls
身元THIEF - Saint Pepsi's My Coke Rewards Login Info
Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No.1
They Might Be Giants - Boss of Me
lil holden ft. GLXY - New Kids
alt-J - Breezeblocks
The Killers - Mr. Brightside
Hannah Diamond - Hi
Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No.3
[YouTube] SCP-1692 "Came Back Haunted"
Macintosh Plus - リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー
[Unknown - Blank Banshee Teen Pregnancy live]
[YouTube] high there holden
twenty one pilots – The Run and Go
[YouTube] Six Feet Under — Stop Listening To The Static
[Unknown ambient - William Basinski?]
[Unknown chiptune]
Current 93 - I Have A Special Plan for This World
[Unknown xFinity ad]
Starset - Die For You
Kero Kero Bonito - Flamingo
Chuck Person - A3
~von - chiptune.c4f2555f.wav
lil holden ft. slobber my corn - propane
My Chemical Romance - Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)
Network Of Individualized Sonic Extremism - Wide-Angle Representation of a Physical Space
tomppabeats - rain jacket over a puddle
The Chordettes - Mr. Sandman
Lord Huron - Ends of the Earth
[Unknown - Star Wars YTP]
Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No.3
Vi Hart - Loading Bar
[YouTube] Musique Concrete
Lund - Broken
Lorde - The Love Club
[YouTube] Original Sony Walkman Commercial 1983
Taio Cruz - Dynamite
Vi Hart - Loading Bar
[Unknown - Possibly Beautiful Mutants?]
[Undertale] Toby Fox - Monster Encounter Sound Effect
Men At Work - Down Under
Oh Wonder - Ultralife
[YouTube] Mozart's Requiem Mass in D Minor II - Dies Irae
[YouTube] you could go to 5 or six stores
Smash Mouth - All Star [Replayed]
The Kingston Trio - I'm Going Home
The Time Machine (1960)
GOTH GIRL - day 115: drive
Blank Banshee - B:/Start Up
Paul Desmond feat. Gabor Szabo - Music for a while
[Scratch] Drum sample
ジャズ (Jazz) 福居良 (Ryo Fukui) - I want to talk about you (1976)
The Rembrandts - I'll Be There for You
[Unknown - Gunshot SFX]
Madness - Our House
[YouTube] this house is a FUCKING NIGHTMARE vine
[Microsoft] Windows OS SFX
Starset - Die for You
[YouTube] Never Illegally Download
Antony Raijekov - Yellow Flowers
Jake Chudnow - I Sleep With The Fan On
Lorde - Ribs
ジャズ (Jazz) 福居良 (Ryo Fukui) - I want to talk about you (1976)
[Scratch] Drum sample
Simon & Garfunkel - Old Friends
ジャズ (Jazz) 福居良 (Ryo Fukui) - I want to talk about you (1976)
The Time Machine (1960)
[Unknown - YouTube cat purr SFX]
[YouTube] SCP-1692 "Came Back Haunted"
65daysofstatic - Weak4
[YouTube] Nero’s Meme at Disneyland
oliviaway - night madness
Renard - In Stereo
Gregory & The Hawk - Ghost
░▒▓新しいデラックスライフ▓▒░ - ➜A NEW TIME IS IN YOUR HANDS「それを実現させる!」
Florence + The Machine - Howl
Men at Work - Down Under
Simon & Garfunkel - Old Friends
[WebSDR recording]
The Enoch Light Singers - My Way Of Life
[YouTube] SIMULACRA: Superior Sequel to Sara is Missing
Nero's Day at Disneyland - Song For Dead Malls And Their Surrounding Communities
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
Taylor Swift - Blank Space
The Kingston Trio - I'm Going Home
I cugini di campagna - 64 anni
Gregory & the Hawk - Boats & Birds
Gregory & the Hawk - Avalanche! Oh, Avalanche!
fuvk - fardels bear
Gregory & the Hawk - Loser
trashton - love like you (feat. noah mead)
Paul & Linda McCartney - Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey
[Unknown experimental sample - Vektroid, Starflight Iguana?]
memory twin - to become nothing
[YouTube] I am in Love with you | A fault in our stars | Dil bechara
Alex G. - Nintendo 64
Dmitry Core - Sub Drop (Bass Drop sample)
Renard - Take Me To Space and Back
The Quick Brown Fox - Wanderlust
Ryoji Ikeda - data.matrix
Gorillaz - Tomorrow Comes Today
Renard - Hank Made Me Vomit (Good Riddance, Undying Shitlord) or You Are My Forever-Shining Guardian Light But You Can Still Suck a Fat Dick
[Unknown - Blank Banshee?]
Antony Raijekov - Yellow Flowers
Muse - Micro Cuts
Toby Fox - Bonetrousle
steve roden - winter couplet
Twenty One Pilots - Ride
The Cure - Fire in Cairo
65daysofstatic - Natasha Kills the Devil
Hiroshi Yoshimura - 小鳥たこちのカフェ (Kotoritachi No Kafe)
Twenty One Pilots - Ride
The Enoch Light Singers - My Way Of Life
[YouTube] SIMULACRA: Superior Sequel to Sara is Missing
Koji Kondo - Title Theme (Title Theme - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
GOTH GIRL - day 115: drive
[Unknown ambient - William Basinski?]
Taylor Swift - Blank Space
Men At Work - Down Under
Macintosh Plus - リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー
Dorothy Ashby - Django
[WebSDR recording]
Mustard-In-Law - Squeeze Dried Ebi Tempura
[Unknown - Bird SFX?]
[Toby Fox] Undertale SFX
Taylor Swift - Blank Space
[Unknown - Bird SFX?]
Macintosh Plus - リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー
The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist
[Unknown - found SFX?]
Dorothy Ashby - Django
Chuck Person - A3
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Can't Hold Us
[Unknown - Abbott and Costello?]
ももももP - Nyan Cat
Chemical Hypnotist - warp.-x
Taylor Swift - Blank Space
No Trend - Reality Breakdown
Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No.3
Igorrr - Toothpaste
tomppabeats - rain jacket over a puddle
Woo - Make Me Tea
Cage The Elephant - Come A Little Closer
[Unknown - chiptune]
The Killers - Mr. Brightside
[YouTube] you could go to 5 or six stores
[YouTube] Land Of The Lost - Intro
ジャズ (Jazz) 福居良 (Ryo Fukui) - I want to talk about you (1976)
grandson – thoughts & prayers
The Kingston Trio - I'm Going Home
Taylor Swift - Blank Space
Florence + The Machine - Bird Song
Simon & Garfunkel - America
[YouTube] Original Sony Walkman Commercial 1983
The Queenstons - Guiding Light
t.A.T.u - All The Things She Said
Fukuwa - EYE アイ 歌ってみた
Dorothy Ashby - Django
[YouTube] Original Sony Walkman Commercial 1983
[YouTube] Star Trek Original Series Intro (HQ)
[YouTube] Goosebumps Intro Theme Song - DVD Quality
[Personal] Leon SCP
Miranda Cosgrove - Leave It All To Me
[Unknown - YouTube mall SFX]
Simon And Garfunkel - For Emily, Wherever I May Find Her
fuvk - anywhere
Rihanna - Umbrella
[YouTube] Original Sony Walkman Commercial 1983
lil peep - starshopping
[Unknown - oliviaway]
Track 0002:
Rihanna - Diamonds
Unknown Artist - Pygmy Girls' Initiation Song (Zaire) (Golden Record - The Sounds Of Earth)
printed circuit - movements
Gregory & The Hawk - Ghost
Men At Work - Down Under
Blank Banshee - Ammonia Clouds
[Microsoft] Windows SFX
Water Borders - Rome (ft. Glasser) (Nero's Day at Disneyland Remix)
Igorrr - Toothpaste
Rob Dougan - Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Variation)
Men At Work - Down Under
Diabarha - 40's Splittercore
Nero's Day At Disneyland - Action Winter Journey
Reizoko Cj - All your base are belong to ME
The Time Machine (1960)
The Chordettes - Mr. Sandman
The Killers - Mr. Brightside
Renard - Beetles
[Undertale] Toby Fox - Monster Encounter Sound Effect
2Pac - Changes
[Microsoft] Windows SFX
Venetian Snares - Nepetalactone
Elle King - Ex's & Oh's
[Unknown sample - ambient?]
Lord Huron - Ends of the Earth
The Enoch Light Singers - My Way Of Life
The Quick Brown Fox - Wanderlust
Starset - Die for You
[YouTube] SCP-1692 "Came Back Haunted"
Gaelic Storm - Scalliwag
[Unknown SFX - animal, person?]
The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist
[Unknown sample - Scalliwag?]
twenty one pilots - Ode To Sleep
Don Henley - All She Wants to Do Is Dance
░▒▓新しいデラックスライフ▓▒░ - ➜A NEW TIME IS IN YOUR HANDS「それを実現させる!」
Macintosh Plus - リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー
Taylor Swift - Blank Space
Lorde - Million Dollar Bills
Pogo - Forget
[YouTube] you could go to 5 or six stores
[YouTube] Mental Health Hotline
[Unknown - drip-133]
blink-182 - All The Small Things
Blank Banshee - Purity Boys
Blank Banshee - Ammonia Clouds
[YouTube] you could go to 5 or six stores
fuvk - anywhere
Taio Cruz - Dynamite
Vitas - 7th Element
[Unknown - Beautiful Mutants?]
They Might Be Giants - Boss of Me
[YouTube] you could go to 5 or six stores
Of Monsters and Men - King and Lionheart
Of Monsters and Men - Yellow Light
Gregory and the Hawk - Olly Olly Oxen Free
[Unknown - Sun Lux - Lost it to Trying?]
Caravan Palace - Aftermath
[Personal] Water park and 2017 school dance
Oh Wonder - Ultralife
teen suicide - no, the moon
Psykosonik - Silicon Jesus (Break The Screen Mix)
[YouTube] this house is a FUCKING NIGHTMARE vine
Phonograph cylinder - 결코 끝나지 않는 쇼에 내 친구들을 환영 해주세요 [welcoming message]
Phonograph cylinder - 나는 컴퓨터가 내 일을 할 수 있다고 믿는다 [takeover initiative]
Phonograph cylinder - 컴퓨팅 및 로봇 공학에 대한 세 가지 규칙 [unemployment rates]
Phonograph cylinder - 공원에서의 간단한 산책 [robotic waltz]
Phonograph cylinder - 항생제 감금소에 갇힌 돼지 [the singularity]
Phonograph cylinder - 타이틀 트랙 [the end]
Anna Kendrick - Cups (When I'm Gone)
Unknown Artist - Pygmy Girls' Initiation Song (Zaire) (Golden Record - The Sounds Of Earth)
Blind Willie Johnson - Dark was the Night
[YouTube] Never Illegally Download
~von - chiptune.c4f2555f.wav
tomppabeats - beautiful love
[YouTube] SCP-1692 "Came Back Haunted"
Gaelic Storm - Scalliwag
[YouTube] high there holden
[YouTube] SCP-1692 "Came Back Haunted"
Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No.3
Death Grips - Takyon
[Unknown - Star Wars YTP]
[Unknown - YouTube Applause SFX]
Beautiful Mutants - When I Run Out of Miracle Whip
Lorde - The Love Club
Smash Mouth - All Star
[YouTube] you could go to 5 or six stores
[Unknown Japanese sample]
My Chemical Romance - Jet-Star and the Kobra Kid / Traffic Report
[Unknown rock sample]
[Unknown - Abbott and Costello?]
[YouTube] The sound a TV makes when dropped down a stairwell
Gaelic Storm - Scalliwag
Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No.1
Bring Me The Horizon - Hospital for Souls
[YouTube] A Defense of Comic Sans
Toby Fox - Megalovania
Renard - Great Expectations
The Queenstons - Guiding Light
t.A.T.u - All The Things She Said
Gregory and the Hawk - Blind and Unwise
[Unknown ambient - William Basinski?]
GOTH GIRL - day 115: drive
Don Henley - All She Wants to Do Is Dance
Blank Banshee - B:/Start Up
[Scratch] Drum Sample
The Chordettes - Mr. Sandman
Venetian Snares - Ever Apparent All Being Shoulder
Don Henley - All She Wants to Do Is Dance
[Unknown experimental sample - Vektroid?]
Hiroshi Yoshimura - 小鳥たこちのカフェ (Kotoritachi No Kafe)
Twenty One Pilots - Ride
Nero's Day at Disneyland - Lost in Bonerland
The Kingston Trio - I'm Going Home
The Killers - Mr. Brightside [Replayed]
65daysofstatic - Another Code Against The Gone
Muse - Micro Cuts
65daysofstatic - Weak4
[SFX] iyatsu. lofi sample pack vol.1
[Unknown ambient sample]
$uicideboy$ - Kill Yourself Part III
Vance Joy - Riptide
[Unknown ambient / experimental sample]
The Killers - Mr. Brightside
Ranger Raccoon - Pyramid of Pillow Fights
$uicideboy$ - Kill Yourself Part III
Florence & the Machine - Dog Days are Over
The Queenstons - Guiding Light
Florence & the Machine - Dog Days are Over
Simon & Garfunkel - Old Friends
Paul Desmond feat. Gabor Szabo - Music for a while
[Unknown - YouTube clips of cat purring and storm]
清水靖晃 [Yasuaki Shimizu] - セミ取りの日 (Semitori no hi)
ジャズ (Jazz) 福居良 (Ryo Fukui) - I want to talk about you (1976)
Vance Joy - Riptide
Florence & the Machine - Dog Days are Over
Paul Desmond feat. Gabor Szabo - Music for a while
[YouTube] SCP-1692 "Came Back Haunted"
[YouTube] A Defense of Comic Sans
Toby Fox - Megalovania
celadon city - empty room (laptop funeral remix)
Oh Wonder - Ultralife
[YouTube] Mozart's Requiem Mass in D Minor II - Dies Irae
[Unknown experimental sample - Vektroid, Starflight Iguana?
[Unknown experimental sample]
Citizen King - Better Days (And the Bottom Drops Out)
My Chemical Romance - Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)
The Kingston - I'm Going Home
Igorrr - Toothpaste
[Unknown - Windows SFX]
[Unknown rock sample - punk?]
alt-J - Breezeblocks
The Kingston - I'm Going Home
Lord Huron - Ends of the Earth
[Unknown ambient / BGM sample?]
Fukuwa - EYE / アイ 歌ってみた
[Unknown dramatic sample]
[Unknown sample - Of Monsters and Men?]
Gregory & The Hawk - Ghost
[Unknown ambient - William Basinski?]
Gregory & The Hawk - Ghost
[YouTube] The Magic Flute - Queen of the Night aria (Mozart; Diana Damrau, The Royal Opera)
[YouTube] Max Headroom 1987 Broadcast Signal Intrusion Incident
The Time Machine (1960)
Gregory & The Hawk - Ghost
[Unknown ambient - William Basinski?]
[YouTube] Max Headroom 1987 Broadcast Signal Intrusion Incident
3amperson - A Hydraphone In The Styx
[Unknown - Abbott and Costello?]
[YouTube] The sound a TV makes when dropped down a stairwell
alt-J - Breezeblocks
The Time Machine (1960)
Black Eyes Peas - I Gotta Feeling
[Unknown whooshing SFX - The Time Machine (1960)?]
The Enoch Light Singers - My Way of Life
Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
$uicideboy$ - Kill Yourself Part III
t.A.T.u - All The Things She Said
[YouTube] Fortunes, an experimental comedy
Renard - Great Expectations
Mark Fry - The Witch
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
[Unknown electronic sample]
[YouTube] Max Headroom 1987 Broadcast Signal Intrusion Incident
Gorillaz - Tomorrow Comes Today
Renard - Hank Made Me Vomit (Good Riddance, Undying Shitlord) or You Are My Forever-Shining Guardian Light But You Can Still Suck a Fat Dick
Macintosh Plus - Untitled
Gregory & The Hawk - A Second is a Century
The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army
VAGUE003 - Future remix with future lmao fuck soundcloud
Daryl Hall & John Oates - Out Of Touch
Diabarha - 40's Splittercore
Macintosh Plus - リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー
[Unknown SFX - Land of the Lost?]
The Chordettes - Mr. Sandman
[YouTube] You're all going to hell
[YouTube] Live Forever As You Are Now With Alan Resnick | Infomercials | Adult Swim
[Unknown - Opera?]
[YouTube] star trek TNG clips but out of context
Men At Work - Down Under
The Killers - Mr. Brightside
Phonograph cylinder - 타이틀 트랙 [the end]
3amperson - A Hydraphone In The Styx
65daysofstatic - Drove Through Ghosts to Get Here
Satoshi Ashikawa - Still Park Ensemble
Gregory & the Hawk - The Bolder Thing to Do
[Microsoft] Windows error SFX
The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army
Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood
Paul Desmond feat. Gabor Szabo - Music for a while
Nero's Day at Disneyland - Song For Dead Malls And Their Surrounding Communities
Ryoji Ikeda - Dataplex
I cugini di campagna - 64 anni
[Unknown spoken word sample - lofi, foreign]
[Unknown ambient sample?]
Simon & Garfunkel - Old Friends
Depeche Mode - People are People
Igorrr - Toothpaste
Hiroshi Yoshimura - 小鳥たこちのカフェ (Kotoritachi No Kafe)
Twenty One Pilots - Ride
Gregory and the Hawk - Blind and Unwise
[Personal] Water park
Gregory & The Hawk - August Moon
[Unknown ambient sample?]
The Killers - Mr. Brightside
Lorde - Ribs
Gregory and the Hawk - Blind and Unwise
Gregory and the Hawk - Blind and Unwise
The Chordettes - Mr. Sandman
t.A.T.u - All The Things She Said
The Kingston Trio - I'm Going Home
if i die in mississippi - watching Goosebumps at my grandma's old house
Gregory & The Hawk - Fin Song 8 (Orange River Remix)
Nero's Day at Disneyland - Amethyst MSM Gate Mortgage Remix
Simon & Garfunkel - America
Hiroshi Yoshimura - 小鳥たこちのカフェ (Kotoritachi No Kafe)
Twenty One Pilots - Ride
[YouTube] Land Of The Lost - Intro
ジャズ (Jazz) 福居良 (Ryo Fukui) - I want to talk about you (1976)
if i die in mississippi - watching Goosebumps at my grandma's old house
[YouTube] Look at how cute these pens are vine
Renard - Great Expectations
The Queenstons - Guiding Light
Koji Kondo - Title Theme (Title Theme - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
[Unknown experimental sample - Vektroid, Starflight Iguana?]
[Unknown - Star Wars YTP]
[Unknown - YouTube applause SFX]
twenty one pilots – The Run and Go
65daysofstatic - wrong side of the tracks
Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No.3
Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling
Citizen King - Better Days (And The Bottom Drops Out)
Lorde - Ribs
ももももP - Nyan Cat
Toby Fox - Bonetrousle
Paul Desmond feat. Gabor Szabo - Music for a while
Simon & Garfunkel - Old Friends
[Unknown chiptune sample?]
Citizen King - Better Days (And The Bottom Drops Out)
Black Eyed Peas - One Tribe
The Kingston Trio - I'm Going Home
Taylor Swift - Blank Space
The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby
Gregory & The Hawk - Ghost
[YouTube] Max Headroom 1987 Broadcast Signal Intrusion Incident
[Unknown distorted indie sample?]
Twenty One Pilots - Fake You Out
Bastille and Marshmello - Happier
[Unknown samples - Blank Banshee?]
atlas - defeated
[Unknown - Reizoko CJ]
Caramell - Caramelldansen
Rihanna - Umbrella
Fall Out Boy - Thanks for the Memories
S3RL - Dealer
65dayofstatic - Don’t Kill Me
[Unknown - SCREAMR?]
Ziju - come home to my heart - mashup of every lorde song
Toby Fox - Hopes & Dreams [Replayed]
The Boats - The Ballad for the Girl on the Moon
Hara Kari Kitty - B-Movie Ho-Ho-Horror
Kana Hanazawa, Nadeko Sengoku - Renai Circulation
[Unknown - Petittube]
cockroach boyfriend - tonight
100 gecs - bloodstains (99jakes triumphant holiday remix)
Reizoko CJ - Japan Style Breakcore!!!
fat'se - i am so confident and cool af all the cuties want me
Rihanna - Diamonds
sky 空 - countryside 田舎
Sadboy Sheldon - Fresh Static Potatoes
field recordings from from the house with birds - We Just Got Birds And We're Playing Them Ambient Music As Im Browsing Memes And Taking This Album Cover Part One or Two
endless birds - endless birds
[Unknown - Various recordings from く聞]
[Possibly] Of Monsters and Men - Wolves without Teeth
Chippy Nonstop - Alone (Depressed Teenager Remix)
[Unknown electronic sample]
Juice WRLD - Lucid Dreams
P4DL0CK - Brainstorming for the collab.
Lemon Demon - Lifetime Achievement Award
Kitty - Miss U
[YouTube] this video has absolutely no purpose :)
Sonny Shimoda & VELVET - 般若心経スピードコア
Toby Fox - Small Shock
Hannah Diamond - The Ending
[Unknown - Stock music]
100 gecs - money machine
chris††† - whatever
[Unknown - Sewerslvt]
[YouTube] The sound a TV makes when dropped down a stairwell
Furries In A Blender - Atomizer
100 gecs - gec 2 Ü
Lil Peep - Gym Class
Hara Kari Kitty - Where Wolf? There Wolf!
[Unknown - y2k thread on /wsg/]
Alice Deejay - Better off Alone
Outkast - B.O.B. (Bombs Over Baghdad)
starsculptor - interlude
[YouTube] Black and Yellow Sketch | Hidamari Sketch × Wiz Khalifa
[Unknown - Stock music?]
Nero's Day at Disneyland - Song For Dead Malls And Their Surrounding Communities
Hannah Diamond - Hi
[Scratch] meow.wav
eir mazur - Audio_recording_2020-03-07_2-53-16
100 gecs - gec 2 Ü
[Unknown - Deep internet samples]
osno1 - teenagers (osno1 sad prom will never end remix)
[Unknown electronic samples]
atlas - defeated
光の緒 - Untitled
Toby Fox - His Theme
Psykosonik - Silicon Jesus (Break The Screen Mix)
[Unknown - lucario?]
Nero's Day at Disneyland - Sable Leathery Wings
Starset - Everglow
Hannah Diamond - Hi
Igorrr & Ruby My Dear - Biquett
[Unknown, Kitsune²]
Venetian Snares - My So Called Life
The Beach Boys - Til I Die
Starset - Everglow
The Conet Project - 1_06: The Lincolnshire Poacher
[Unknown - Reviewbrah]
[Unknown - HNW?]
100 gecs - ringtone
Hannah Diamond - The Ending
[Replayed] The Beatles - Yellow Submarine
[Unknown - YouTube cat purr SFX]
[Unknown electronic sample]
[Personal] Rose's cat
[YouTube] The Legend of Maneki Neko | Must Love Cats
sky 空 - countryside 田舎
[Unknown - Pokemon SFX]
LORD Ø - Cute Interfaces Ringtones
joji - medicine
Venetian Snares - Chinaski
.ExisT -
LORD Ø - Cute Interfaces Ringtones
Rihanna - Diamonds
DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You
Junichi Masuda - Lavender Town
J-CORE SLi//CER - Fun With Amens 2
LORD Ø - Cute Interfaces Ringtone
Junichi Masuda - Lavender Town
kyubae & BFF - elli3
Kero Kero Bonito - Flamingo
Ellie Goulding - Lights
[Unknown - Petittube]
NegaRen - D.A.A.N.A.C.C.E.
RHTL - shortmashcore1
[Unknown - Machine Girl,…Because I’m Young Arrogant and Hate Everything You Stand For]
Death Grips - Hacker
Chippy Nonstop - Alone (Depressed Teenager Remix)
[Personal] VRChat with Leon
Kana Hanazawa, Nadeko Sengoku - Renai Circulation
Charli XCX - Boys
[Unknown - noise samples]
Kyary Ero Guro - Untitled
[YouTube] high there holden
tomppabeats - beautiful love
Death Grips - Culture Shock
Anna Kendrick - Cups (When I'm Gone)
[Personal] Video of Leon's Aztec death flute
[YouTube] Bruh Sound Effect #2
[YouTube] I have the power of god and anime
Death Grips - Up My Sleeves
[Personal] How will I die?
Kero Kero Bonito - Flamingo
[Scratch] meow.wav
Mawile's Fake Tears - The Deceiver
Hannah Diamond - Hi
Claudia Sheffner - quantifiably_pretty_good.mp3
osno1 - uwu
Hannah Diamond - Hi
Lund - Broken
Renard - Great Expectations (Furries in a Blender Remix)
Juice WRLD - Lucid Dreams
Lemon Demon - Lifetime Achievement Reward
[Unknown - insect deli?]
[S6E21] Star Trek: The Next Generation
100 gecs - gec 2 Ü
[YouTube] Original Sony Walkman Commercial 1983
.ExisT -
chris††† - whatever
Claudia Sheffner - quantifiably_pretty_good.mp3
[YouTube] high there holden
[YouTube] DJ Airhorn Sound Effect
Negative XP - Goodbye
joji - medicine
Blood on the Dance Floor - Betrayed
100 gecs - money machine
[YouTube] 【VOCALOID Original】ECHO【Gumi English】
NegaRen - Something Beautiful
Lil Peep - Gym Class
Lorde - Ribs
Blank Banshee - Megaflora
Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling
fat'se - i am so confident and cool af all the cuties want me
[YouTube] 【VOCALOID Original】ECHO【Gumi English】
100 gecs - bloodstains (99jakes triumphant holiday remix)
The Winstons - Amen Brother
Far East Movement - Like A G6
[Possibly live?] JEFF BECK - Cause We've Ended As Lovers
Enid - Nahe Avalon
Far East Movement - Like A G6
atlas - defeated
Hannah Diamond - Hi
[S?E?] Star Trek: The Next Generation
S3RL - Better Off Alone
Porter Robinson - Fresh Static Snow【VISUAL REMAKE】
[Unknown - Stock Music?]
100 gecs - gum
i want to be dead - i'm tired of my life.
osno1 - xXsAd_PrOm_ReMiXXz_201666Xx
[Unknown - Stock music?]
Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe
Justin Beiber - Baby
[Raw data of] Mark Z. Danielewski - House of Leaves (2000)
Hannah Diamond - Hi
James Ferrarro - 107.7 XM Radio Mars
[Unknown - Insect deli?]
[Unknown - Max Richter?]
sky 空 - countryside 田舎 (Kyasuto Version)
Explosions in the Sky - Your Hand In Mine
My Chemical Romance - Sing
J-CORE SLi//CER - Fun With Amens 2
S3RL - Like This
Himeko Katagiri - B Gata House Breaks
[Unknown - Virtual Self?]
Porter Robinson - Years Of War
[Unknown - Okosan Discord 2020 recordings]
hammy - piece by piece
[Unknown - Anime sample]
[S?E?] Star Trek: The Next Generation
[Unknown - Okosan Discord 2020 recordings]
[Unknown - Mid 2020 CDR?]
[Unknown - Gunslinger-R?]
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ - CANDY CANDY
Stagedive Suicide - Japanese Forked Tongue
[Unknown - indie song?]
[Possibly live?] JEFF BECK - Cause We've Ended As Lovers
[Unknown - Lucario?]
Furries In A Blender - Caramelldansen (Wikkid Remix
Ayane Fumuki - Kawaii Holiday
[Unknown - goreshit?]
[Unknown - TCLB]
光の緒 - Untitled
Charli XCX - Boys
[Unknown - Charli XCX?]
The Media 100 Men - he is
[Unknown - electronic sample?]
[Possibly?] TSR - Elves [Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: First Quest - The Album]
Favorite 水 - See U In My Dreams
[Unknown - c418?]
[Scratch] Drum samples
Sport3000 - faded faces ii
Renard - Great Expectations (Furries in a Blender Remix)
[Unknown sample - ambient?]
Nightcore emo rap mix.
Made when I was really excited about living at school; spoiler alert, it was just lonely and sucked. Thousands of fucking dollars gone, I need to be shot.
• fats'e - im good at being lonely cant u tell
• boyfriendz - checks
• From First to Last - Emily
• lil peep - life is beautiful
• shrimp - laying in the dirt
• fats'e - room to breathe
• lil tracy - heart
• @yungtrench - cold heart
• sorrowful tears - another place where we feel free...
Two electronics mixes for fun; strays pretty far from my usual styles or aesthetic sensibilities.
Track 1 samples:
• kittynxc - key 2 my <3
• 3 Of A Kind - Baby Cakes
• A. G. Cook & Life Sim - Nu Nature
• Doss - The Way I Feel
• Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe (SAINT PEPSI Edit)
Track 2 samples:
• DOSS© - Puppy
• Future & Lil Uzi Vert - Because of You
• Delinquent - I Got U (Bassline Remix)
• Mariah Carey - (Boy) I Need You
• MORE HAZEON - My Life [Unreleased/Deleted Track]
• $WAGGOT - kicking&screaming (prod 若い蒸気 yng vapor)
• VERACOM - Boyfriend
• Ariana Grande - Love Me Harder (A. G. Cook Remix)
• TRONICBOX - 80s Remix Love Me Harder
• DJ DJ Tanner - never get 2 hold u
• Lorde - Ribs
• sign offline - memories
• Cassie - Don't Let Go
Two eccojam-style loops designed to be played seamlessly for as long as desired (probably not very long.)
Made for Jaiden's 60s label. Bonus track was made by accident and is a tiny distorted snippet of Charli XCX's Track10.
Both sample R3HAB - Icarus (R3HAB & Skytech Remix).
The cover uses elements from pvscale - the fallin and jacato.
Experiments in lo-fi hip hop. Inspired by the hundreds of lo-fi beat tapes I was sifting through for AnotherBubblebaths's
RYM lists. I'm not very good at it, but the aesthetic was too appealing to not. (The mountain on the cover is taken wholesale
from some beat tape, and I don't know where I got the Google Maps screenshot.)
Track 1 samples a super old CDR album, track 2 samples Favorite 水's I Could Never Be Loved, track 3 samples something
from default.cfg's i hope you get wet with the rain and telemarketer hold message, and track 4 samples
The Beach Boys's Girls on the Beach.
Track 1 samples Gregory and the Hawk's Miss Miss and みっちりねこマーチ (Mitchiri-Neko March.)
Track 2 samples Cold Hart's Little Lamb and hammy's piece by piece.
Track 3 samples oaf1's it's hard :/
Track 4 samples The Smiths's This Charming Man.
Track 5 samples La Page's Emma's House.
Track 6 samples Negaren's Something Beautiful and capoxxo's my heart
Track 7 samples Renard's Bara Love Blast Dogges and Emma Essex's Definition Of A BadBoy (Trancebeat Remix)
Track 8 samples The Smiths's This Charming Man (again.)
Cover art uses found and original images, as well as Supersheep's Superbee and Current 93's Since Yesterday (1995.)
Track 1 is basically a nightcored field recording of myself listening to Steve Roden's Stars of Ice (leaking through
my headphones,) plus a conversation with my mom and a video I had to watch for class. Towards the end it gets collaged
with other field recordings, including myself listening to CRT麻痺.
Track 2 samples May I Please Enter?
Track 3 samples tomppabeat's rain jacket over a puddle and the bonus track on Blank Banshee's BB0 cassettes.
I forget the actual sample used for most of track 3, sadly. The first 17 seconds were recorded in 2018.
Cover from a super obscure YouTube video that I'll link here if I ever find it again.
Originally released as a split with Jaiden, but with all due respect I prefer it on its own. Thanks all the same.
Every track was made by recording random YouTube meditation livestreams into Audacity while my laptop was muted in class and plundering them from there.
(Except for the first and last one, whose origins are unknown; possibly from the STS-75 Tether Incident.)
Cover uses aquatic sketchbook and Wave Notation 2: Still Way, plus music notation for Music for Airports by William Basinski.
Originally released via Mediafire links on
Touchscreen new age project.
Images collected from just about everywhere online.
Accompaniment to net art project QUERY
• Unknown artist - Untitled
• A. G. Cook - ID (Siliconscious)
• Hiroshi Yoshimura - Feel
• sky 空 - countryside 田舎
• Satoshi Ashikawa - Still Space
• Haruomi Hosono - Muji Original BGM
• steve roden - music for clouds
• 16kbp Future Nostalgia - .232323220000000200
• sorryman / torrent my pets - white room
• last login - /l、(゚、 。 7 l、 ~ヽ じしf_, )ノ (frosted windowpane bus ride)
• Steve Roden - Winter Couplet
• Contour Architect - The Last Sunset
• love again - blind & numb
• LORD Ø - Cute Interface 09 / Cute Interface 01
Various edits of Charli XCX's Track 10.
Also samples:
• xaev - look idk what to call this song just give me plays
• Hannah Diamond - Love Goes On
• Drums from D-Mode-D (Lapfox.)
Gum commercial plunderphonics, originally on recycled tapes stored inside a perfectly shaped plastic gum container.
Sample: 1988 - Wrigley's Spearmint Gum - Talking Computer Commercial
I made this both as a genuine musical concept and to get rid of all the tape-sized gum cases I had sitting around.
Track 4 samples Don't listen to the static.
All other remixes sample their respective tracks primarily, plus the usual sample packs and whatnot.
Unknown cover origin; possibly a YouTube thumbnail.
Collection of every WebSDR recording I could find from between ages 13 and 20.
Happily ended up at 99 tracks.
All recorded from
Compilation of pre-quarantine nightcore & post-nightcore works.
Track 1 samples LIZ Y2K's BTR2GTHR.
Track 2 samples hammy's zombie.
Track 3 samples S3RL's Better Off Alone.
Track 4 samples Pusher's Clear (Shawn Wasabi Remix)
Track 5 samples Dark Cat's Bubble Tea.
Track 6 samples Shawn Wasabi's Burnt Rice.
Track 7 samples Hannah Diamond's Hi.
Track 8 samples My Chemical Romance's Teenagers (osno1 remix.)
Track 9 samples lil happy lil sad's lil numb.
Track 10 samples we could die here's wolves.
Track 11 samples Deltarune ~ Hip Shop (LoFi Hip Hop Remix)
Track 12 samples atlas's defeated.
Track 13 samples various lo-fi hip hop tracks downloaded from Soulseek.
Track 14 samples SOPHIE's Whole New World (SOPHIE and Doss Remix.)
Track 15 samples Chippy Nonstop's Alone (Depressed Teenager Remix)
Track 16 samples Chippy Nonstop's Alone (Depressed Teenager Remix)
Track 17 samples pulp finish's can't get away.
Track 18 samples BAROFSOAP's stars.
Track 19 samples BROKEN_CANYON's Sleep Drone 2.
Track 20 samples Ellie Goulding's Lights.
Track 21 samples Soulja Boy's Kiss Me Thru The Phone.
Track 22 samples A. G. Cook's Superstar.
Track 23 samples hammy's past life
Track 24 samples lil tracy's heart.
Track 25 samples Aurastys's The Grey.
Track 26 samples myself playing my friend's guitar with a Hatsune Miku magnet.
Track 27 samples a track I made with Xandro for a TSA project.
Track 28 samples school shooter's beamer boy (and the acoustic version.)
Track 29 samples hammy's nowadays
Track 30 samples the Killer's Smile Like You Mean It, Toby Fox's Home, Lorde's Perfect Places & Million Dollar Bills,
65daysofstatic's The Major Cities Of The World Are Being Destroyed One By One By The Monsters, Zpore Zpawn's No Concept Is Concept,
and Starset's Starlight.
Track 31 samples The Black Eyed Peas's I Gotta Feeling.
Track 32 samples 【VOCALOID Original】ECHO【Gumi English】
Track 33 samples fatse's i am so confident and cool af all the cuties want me.
Track 34 samples TLORD Ø's Cute Interface Ringtones, Asriel SFX from Undertale, and iPhone SFX.
Track 35 samples (some remix of) Carly Rae Jepsen's Run Away With Me.
Track 36 samples Juice WRLD's Lucid Dream (and Porter Robinson's Sea of Voices.)
Track 37 samples LIZ Y2K's BTR2GTHR.
Track 38 samples The Smiths's There is a Light That Never Goes Out.
Track 39 samples Soil Dripping Honey's #1 Autogenerated Orchestra.
Track 40 samples Soil Dripping Honey's #2 Found Instrumentation
Track 41 samples Soil Dripping Honey's #2 Found Instrumentation
Track 42 samples Hannah Diamond's Hi.
Track 43 samples the MIDI of Hannah Diamond's Fade Away.
Track 44 samples capoxxo's better off without me.
Track 45 samples Shawn Wasabi's Marble Soda
Ttack 46 samples Charli XCX's Boom Clap, some YouTube SFX, and QT Boiler Room x SXSW '15 DJ Set.
I didn't edit the cover, the actual Amazon listing for the cat lamp actually had a half-erased
floating fragment of a face in mid air. The idyllic foliage is taken from a Soundcloud spambot’s profile picture.
For someone very special.
Track 1 samples Pinkshinyultrablast's Blaster.
Track 2 might sample Ai Aso's Agenda, as well as an episode of Shinigami no Ballad.
Track 3's sample is forgotten, but includes SFX from a waving cat toy on YouTube.
Track 4 samples fatse's i'm good at being lonely can't u tell.
Track 5 sample's tomppabeat's darling & Waqs drums.
What track 6 samples is unknown.
Track 7 samples Kowloon Walled City (1989.)
Track 7 samples something forgotten & 65daysofstatic's The Conspiracy of Seeds.
Track 9 samples:
• quarterbacks - center
• +0000 - the stray [black cat cold day]
• wormy - dragonfly
• dissociative youth - untitled demo 2
• if i die in mississippi - tree house like in the movies
• death of a dream - emily
• zen michelin - tulip
Pretty sure the lobit garbled noise in track 9 used to be Hannah Diamond’s Hi, not like it matters at this point lol
Track 6 samples emotion x's i can't fake it anymore.
Track 7 samples Pacific Purgatory's Gothic.
Track 8 samples an unknown song from some kemono VN.
Track 9 samples 暗い自然 [Dark Nature]'s Snow Wasteland & Gregory & The Hawk's The Bolder Thing to Do.
Track 10 samples 土谷知幸's hug and kiss, lacrosse's you can't say no forever (old version),
dj sailor moon's i want to end it all & the field mice's the last letter.
Unsure what the collaborative track samples.
I forget what all the tiny split second samples were, but I remember:
Track 1 samples Emoticon vs. Jackal Queenston's You're Already Dead & Shiny Happy Days from Nekopara.
Track 2 samples Furries in a Blender's Love Me & Bones's Klebold.
Track 3 samples NEET's 🔙🔛🔝🔜 & S3RL's Rave Boy.
Track 4 samples Anhero's FOR THE HELL OF IT & Fried by Fluoride's Dead by 30.
Track 5 samples various Death Grips songs and sadworld's space.
Track 6 samples some Kitsune² song, Sum-41's In Too Deep, My Chemical Romance's Na Na Na, and the ambient outro of a Rocketship song
Track 7 samples Furries in a Blender's Master of Diagrams (Wikkid Remix) and the Land of the Lost Theme Song (1974.)
Track 8 samples's Postal, Postal Workers, and The Naked Gun (1988.)
Track 9 samples S3RL's It Went.
Sample clusterfuck lol. The only thing I recognize is ✰✭✰MORNING今日のプログラミングDAYTIME✰✭✰ and The 50 State Nightmares.
Split with slutshit, also known as like a bajillion other aliases.
Track 1 samples Darude's Sandstorm and Linkin Park's in the End.
Track 2 samples Lucky Star and some Timotei commercial (IDFK where the electronic melody is from, sadly.)
Track 3 samples TWKYK's "Kill the President" sketch, M.I.A.'s Paper Planes, and Dying Adolescence's my world.
Track 4 samples Death Cab for Cutie's I Will Follow You Into the Dark.
Track 5 samples Opus III's Fine Day, Renard's Intensive Care Unit, Babylon Bwoy, goreshit's a flat chest is fine, too., Burzum's Naar Himmelen Klarner,
and Burzum's Rundgang Um Die Transzendentale Saule Der Singularitat.
Track 7 samples Charli XCX's Boom Clap (& Pyle's suicide shot from Full Metal Jacket (1987.))
Track 8 samples Seira Kagami's Super Special & Buckshot's If I Had a Gun.
Track 9 samples Weezer's Smile, Buddy Holly, Glorious Day, and Surf Wax America (& some songs by Anamanaguchi.)
Track 5 samples Sematary's Goat Man & I'm Reloading & My Bloody Valentine's When You Sleep
Track 6 samples small mistake's frederica bernkastel, tiku sens's Melody Of The Tiny Lives, and maedasalt's dec 13 (a ne plus nous revoir)
Track 7 samples Kiya Lina's My Waffle and Me, KRS-One's Sound of Da Police, Technohead's I Wanna Be A Hippy,
DJ S3RL's Dealer, Babylon Bwoy, My Chemical Romance's Na Na Na, & Porter Robinson's Lionhearted & Divinity.
Track 8 samples Passenger of Shit's Staple Tape Worms on My Penis, Cascada's Everytime We Touch,
Suicidal Rap Orgy's Blood Clot Lunch, D12's Fight Music, Data llistening to 4 musical pieces simultaneously, & Nota's Happy Nota.
Track 9 samples Alan Walker's Faded, Emoticon's Throbulator, OneRepublic's Counting Stars, and Girls in the Eighties's We're Balloons
Track 10 samples Dune's Can't Stop Raving.
Track 11 samples Pururin, X-Cision's X Rated, & Falling in Reverse's Game Over
Track 12 samples Weezer's Photograph.
Track 13 samples Beastie Boys's No Sleep Till Brooklyn, Lorde's Buzzcut Season, Death Grips's Inanimate Sensation,
Linkin Park's In The End, some Negative XP clip, Death Grips's Inanimate Sensation & something by Machine Girl.
Track 14 samples S3RL's Crystal Sky, Awolnation's Sail, & Buckshot's Long Walk Home.
Track 15 samples:
• Disciples of Annihilation - NYC Speedcore
• Under17 - さみしくないもん
• J-CORE SLi//CER - Fun With Amens 2
• J-CORE SLi//CER - Fun with Amens
• goreshit - toromi hearts 2
• [YouTube] AVGN - Shit Reel - Vol 1 DVD Bonus -
• Skrillex - Cinema
• Loli Ripe - All I Wanna Do Is Touch Your Power Points
• DJ西宮硝子 - ト〃<や勹彡☆ミ
• Vaenus - For You
• The Gerogerigegege - Gay
• JAPSHITFUN - [something from Fainaru 3/goreshit/Lolishiiit/Japshitfun split]
• The Quick Brown Fox - Shut Down Everything
• Shoebill - furfag melody (a Renard pastiche)
• flower97 - you (with me)
• Exit Introvert - Beg
• i want to be dead - she crushed my last hope for happiness
• My Bloody Valentine - When You Sleep
• reptilian club boyz - ohh yeaaa juiced up pop punk emo swag
• STAK CHIP - Juke music instrumental
• Bubblegum Octopus - [Several tracks from The Album Formerly Known as 8-Legged Dance Moves]
• Spirits - Coping Mechanisms
• Striker - Suffering and Pain
• Unknown artist - deleting in 12 hours
• school shooter - girlfriend
• [Possibly] Hallend Oats188 - Lunch Table Full Of Scene Girls Arguing About Chiptune And Judas Priest And Crap
• Napkin Terrorizer - I don't like Sunday ends
• os29 - Gakkō No Jikan! / 学校の時間!
• Sam Fauchon - Cuddling With Marilyn Manson In His Rape Room
• Sam Fauchon - I filled your hookah with lighter fluid and your bong with k2. Have fun at woodstock, loser
• Nero's Day At Disneyland - Plumes of ATM Sinew
• Nero's Day At Disneyland - Action Winter Journey
• Nero's Day At Disneyland - [Something else from From Rotting Fantasylands]
• [YouTube] Taco Bell Dorito Taco Review
• Sam Fauchon - The Most Miserable
• Izum1 - Flower Tower
• Izum1 - アーメンセンセーションアーメンセンセーション
• my worthless life - i love him
• Baby Cham - Babylon Bwoy
• Passenger Of Shit - Mixed by DJ SheiZE
• 50 WAYS TO KILL ME - (mixed by DJ SHEIZE)
• os29 - Fox
• Thomas Ligotti - The Player Who Takes No Chances
• Clams Casino - I'm God
• Fort Minor - Remember The Name
• Particle - Audio Visual
• Renard - The Club
• Viper - Money Got Different
• Gokou Kuyt x Tohji x Sleet Mage x Who28 - nap
• Butchered Soldier - Monday
• Jerry Hutchison - Keep Your Cool
• bulldog eyes - i remember, i forget
• os29 - Melo D
• vivian eats feat & she gets it - 23y/o
• [YouTube] Domino's App Feat Hatsune Miku (Original)
• [YouTube] How dangerous are 3D-printed guns?
• Stephen Paul Taylor - Everybody Knows Shit's Fucked
• Base Attack - Nobody Listens to Techno
• [YouTube] Polar bear gif screaming meme
• Pink Guy - Fried Noodles
• bulldog eyes - demon
• Porter Robinson - Lionhearted
• DJ 4RCA$H - elixir
• [YouTube] DJ Tool Sample pack (studio acapellas)
• Frost - Grow
• Werewolf - The Return of Wolf's Brothers
• Turnabout - Husqrider
• Last Login: 7/25/2008 - Linkrot Gods #3
• ・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=) - ・゚✧ - Hugs and kisses
• Kero Kero Bonito - Rest Stop
• spongetransphobica v.s. ratiohead - swagfreestyle
• bulldog eyes - ashtray
• bulldog eyes - have i always looked this way
• ・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ/ ✪=) - ・゚✧ - Only see you when I'm sick
• [YouTube] Tourettes Guy FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK
• Sorry about my face - stay away
• Sorry about my face - excess of glitches
• internet based ghosts - starship husk harvestman
• Battle Lolis - 1. 반환
• CDR - Beat 205 4
• Reizoko CJ - Japan Style Breakcore!!!
• DMX - X Gon' Give It To Ya
• [YouTube] Smosh "SHUT UP" opening!
• 3amperson - Untitled
• Lord Cernunnos - Secret Sauce
• Battle Lolis - Homesick on the Homefront
• bulldog eyes - driveway
• Okosan - Wind chimes in laundry room for field recording fest (2022-07-05) [DSCF6328]
• [wUB.Man69, NiKU, ton of others I'm forgetting]
• Temma - Dancing in my dreams
• if i die in missisippi - tree house like in the movies
• Pink Guy - Fried Noodles
• [YouTube] Friends: I Am Going To Die Alone!
• Waqs - Untitled
• Burzum - Naar Himmelen Klarner
• [YouTube] [Famitracker, VRC6] Cirno's Theme: Beloved Tomboyish Daughter (8-bit/Chiptune)
• [YouTube] 1 Second of Every AVGN Episode
• [YouTube] what's happening forum
• bulldog eyes - I will not know you like I knew you
• Current 93 - The Frolic
• [Obviously] The Winstons - Amen Brother
• [Obviously] Lyn Collins - Think (About It)
Uses the same samples as the original albums, just with amens and shit this time.
▼{ ⨂ ω ⨂ }▼ also samples Rainbow ★ Star ★ 36's Procrastinating on My Summer Essay So I Can Drop These Hardcore Loli Beatz.
Attempt at making a mix including a track from every genre in existence.
Spent hours a day for months on this. Still not sure how successful it was, but I knew the idea was doomed from the start anyway so the fact that I did it at all is mildly nuts.
Not copying the tracklist here since it’s stupidly long.
Pretty happy with how this one came out.
Soundcloud got on my ass for the sampling (why now???) so it was on Mixcloud for a while.
• larsht_ - unreleased
• DJ Sailor Moon - she sucked someone's dick and then kiss your lips
• &she gets it+loveaddictspropylhexedrineoverdose - hurt arms want hearts mix[live @my apartment]
• DJ Sailor Moon - my biggest and only fan is grandma, but she's dead already ^.^ lol
• ・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=) - ・゚✧ - Trolling Myself
• The Quick Brown Fox - Rave Girls
• loveaddictspropylhexedrineoverdose - so tired & angel remix
• PacMan SFX & whatever the fuck else
Track 2 samples:
• Shoebill & Sonny Shimoda - Squat Party Soundclash (Remix Pack)
• Styles & Breeze's You're My Angel
Immense thanks to Sam for making this happen.
Track 1 samples Happy Hardcore *99 Red Balloon's*, tAtU's Gomenasai, girls with illness's a-a-a-a-a, Gigi D'Agostino's La Passion, and Waqs drums.
Track 2 samples DJ Encore's I See Right Through to You & Ludacris's Move Bitch.
Track 3 samples a YouTube upload (now deleted) of Sam Fauchon and someone else screaming under a bridge, some Emoticon song, some Denpa song, The Gerogerigegege's Garden, Neil Young's Rockin’ in the Free World, & some AVGN clip.
Track 4 samples Interactive's Forever Young & Ke$ha's Die Young.
Track 5 samples Owl City's Vanilla Twilight, i want to be dead's broken, & Ayane Fukumi's Kawaii Holiday.
(IIRC) My role in this release was just noisemaking with a Monotron and rainstick, the sampling was all Eir.
I think the cover was mine too, but using it was Eir's idea.
Cover art by Rt0no on tumblr. Plus breaks from various Waqs tracks. I forget what was sampled in track 8, sadly. Samples used:
• Lovewave - 그 밤 / the Night
• Curve Nail - a l o n e
• Current 93 - A Voice From Catland
• Scissor Shock - Ghost Shock
• Senenene - Recaptcha fucks
• Torture - Untitled I
• :waiz - canary
• memory twin - tired eyes
• emotion x - kapp'n
• tomppabeats - darling
• tomppabeats - lonely boy with a toy ukulele
• memory twin - will i see you again sometime?
• Kiki - 11:11 remix
• Gomon - 1
• Gomon - 2
• Gomon - 3
Tracklist sourced from Oyasumi Punpun.
Most samples unknown, except for below.
Track 4: Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo's Smile
Track 5: Dune's Can't Stop Raving
Track 8: Lotte Kestner's You’re In My Head
Track 9: M83's Midnight City
Track 12: Weezer's Surf Wax America
Track 18: On The Way Down
Track 24: tAtU's Gomenasai.
Track 26: Ghost Data's Carnal Desire & The Chainsmoker's Roses
Track 27: Sleep ∞ Over's Romantic Streams
Track 28: Furries in A Blender's Sleepy Eyes & Ryan Cabera's True
Track 31: Daft Punk's Emotion & Porter Robinson's Polygon Dust.
Track 32: DEEPEST PUSSY's SHINONOME & Rocketship's I Wanna Be Your Guy
I forget the rest, sorry.
Track 1 samples nothing; noise jam.
Track 2 samples bulldog eyes's king go nowhere.
Track-by-track remix of lunaht's "thousands of thotiana samples."
I don't think I added any samples besides my usual sample packing.
I was depressed when I made this and distracted myself by staying up all night making shitty music, which is a pretty apt summary of everything recorded in 2021 and 2022. I stared death in the face and just kept on chopping amens because why the fuck not. Being 18 sucked but hey, I got like a bajillion mediocre albums out of it.
This particular one got released on Rotten Trash, and they took it upon themselves to make 50 mini CDs of it. They definitely lost like 100$ on that one, so sorry. I mostly gave the 25 they sent me away at a rave in New York a year later.
Mostly sample-free, except for:
Track 9, which samples Cutty Rank's Limb by Limb.
Track 10, which samples DJ Skinhead's Extreme Terror and please rise.
Track 11, which samples some anime or something who fucking cares.
I forget which track here uses the "ugly and retarded" sample, but that's from Amen Weed.
Cover is myself laying down in the road. I was 18, cut me some slack.
Track 1 samples dssctveself's play w ur food (plus me singing teen suicide's haunt me x3)
Track 2 sample some old-skool hardcore track I forget, Dune's So Beautiful, and Styles & Breeze's You're My Angel.
Track 3 samples... idfk I forget. The noises weren't intentional though, the export just got fucked up.
Teack 4 samples a l e x's The Burn Marks on My Epiano Wont Go Away.
Attempt at making slushwave with lolicore.
• goreshit - beautiful thing
• goreshit - toromi hearts 2
• japshitfun - i would amputate my legs to be with these girls
• tiku sens - natsukashiii!
• loli ripe - all i wanna do (is touch your power points)
• goreshit - thinking of you
• akamushi - dry and soft
Every track here is an utter sample clusterfuck, but the ones I can remember are:
Track 1 samples Loli Ripe (IDK the track.)
Track 18 samples Gregory & The Hawk's Whisper the Answer.
Track 29 samples Heavenly's Wrap My Arms Around Him.
Track 56 samples Antony Raijekov's Yellow Flowers.
Track 57 samples Round Table's Let Me Be With You.
Track 59 samples bulldog eyes's shame.
Track 60 samples bulldog eyes's closer than ever.
Track 61 samples some Manekineko video from YouTube.
Track 62 samples ちゅううううううう!!!!!!'s Kogal and mossss suck my junior aidol album covers.
Track 63 samples ちゅううううううう!!!!!!'s Mossss sucks my 12 inch dick discography.
Track 64 samples an unreleased remix of BOTDF's Sexting from some Discord server I was in.
Track 65 samples tomppabeats's Darling.
Track 66 samples tomppabeats's you're cute & if i die in mississippi's treehouse like in the movies.
Track 67 samples 3-kyū's マ.
Track 68 samples meronti's あなたは私を幸せにする✿ and Dev's Booty Bounce.
Track 69 samples princess army wedding combat's 15 second minimalist lolicore track.
Track 70 samples it's me! no love's nothing to live up to.
Samples Toby Fox's His Theme.
Try finding out what the alias means >:3
Another “who knows what I sampled” type beat noise drone tape.
Really no clue. Sorry.
Made for Eir’s attempt to spawn “vantablack ambient” on /mu/.
Samples school shooter's 11/14/16.
Who knows what I sampled here.
Empty drone noise.
All songs originally by Tinyfolk (from 36 Cat Songs.)
Created by collaging raw takes and destroying samples using all kinds of effects in DJ mixing software.
Spliced together from live takes; live takes included as bonus tracks.
Samples include:
• Goreshit - Super Special!
• Deepest Pussy - Shinonome
• Porter Robinson - Polygon Dust ft. Lemaitre
Attempt at browser beats. Improvised in one session, edited in post.
I don't remember any of the samples, except for Bloody Wednesday (1987) in “postal.”
Infinity Frequencies inspired computergaze single.
Sample from 長い夢.
Cover from ノロイ Noroi: The Curse (2005.)
Improvised, real time acid techno. Minimal or no editing afterwards.
Samples File:Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) on Troops Marching.
Track 4 samples some other 1960s LSD video.
Made in one night. Favorite 水 and Plastic Neesound inspired.
Track 1 samples Dido's Thank You.
Track 2 samples Ponderosa Twins Plus One's Bound.
Track 3 samples:
• a l e x's The Burn Marks on My Epiano Wont Go Away:
• tomppabeat's your cute
• BAROFSOAP's stars
• idealism's nagashi
• a l e x - falling asleep on a vietnamese train
• moow's your in my head
Two hour mashup. I have no idea how I had the energy for this thing, sure couldn't do it today.
Full tracklist on the Bandcamp, not copy pasting it here because it would be a monolith of text.
One ambient real-time set cut short by my dad, and a random HexD Haunted Mound mix.
Track 1:
æver - everlasting sunset
Okosan - Birds at 6AM (2022-04-16)
Okosan - Scratching for Negativland remix (2022-04-20)
Unknown Artist - Unknown (Last Login edit)
Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo - Your Smile
Dune - Can't Stop Raving
a l e x - the burn marks on my epiano wont go away
Track 2:
Depressive Silence - Dark Side
Sematary & Ghost Mountain - Nazgul
Sematary - I'm Reloading
Sematary & Ghost Mountain - Goat Man
Sematary & Ghost Mountain - Deer God
Sematary - Shotgun
♱HARD🕊CHRIST♱ - Ice Cold
Buckshot - Keepe Out
Most tracks made for a scrapped split with hallend oats188, and the rest were added on after that idea dropped. I obviously forget a ton of the tiny samples.
Track 1 samples:
• The Beatles's Yellow Submarine
• Skrillex's Kyoto
• [Announcer] SFIII 3rd Strike - Welcome...
• Random AVGN clips
• Round Table's Let Me Be With You
Track 2 samples:
• His gear? W A C K
• The Beatles's All You Need is Love
• DJ S3RL's Dealer
Track 3 samples:
• Some song from Azumanga Daioh
• school shooter's four letter word
Track 5 samples Joyce Manor's Heart Tattoo
Track 6 samples Dido's Thank You.
Track 7 samples Ryan Cabreras's On The Way Down.
Track 8 samples school shooter's four letter word, plus Undone, Photograph, and Buddy Holly by Weezer.
Track 9 samples Kola Kid's Stage 2 (w4nn4b3 DJ S41l0r M00n R3m1x,) dyingdiy's kira kira, and something by DJ Sailor Moon.
Track 10 samples Babylon Bwoy & Pururin.
Track 11 samples Tan's Girls!
Track 12 samples hammy's past life and goreshit's winkles twinkle (plus some stuff Pawplay contributed, idk)
Track 13 samples kanye telling someone to shut the fuck up
Covers from random online cat bed listings.
Main tracklist:
fuvk - anywhere
Dying Adolescence - flowers
bulldog eyes - donut
starsculptor - iris
愛しています - 3 アム
愛しています - 1 アム
ボーイフレンド - New Boyfriend
fuvk - if i stay
The Queenstones - Wasting Time
lava_girl99 - misty euphoria
lava_girl99 - sunset of my life
bulldog eyes - alright ii
larsht_ - the mocking buzz of the fan (12:21)
Track 2 samples fuvk's if i stay.
Track 3 samples fuvk's ghost sheets.
Track 4 samples fuvk's fardels bear.
Track 5 samples an unknown track from the Zen Buddha Hotel CD.
Track 6 samples Nintendo Orchestra's Lavender Town Theme.
I forget what track 7 samples.
Track 8 samples bulldog eyes's alright.
Track 9 samples:
• Underworld's Born Slippy. NUXX
• 65daysofstatic's The Major Cities Of The World Are Being Destroyed One By One By The Monsters
• [YouTube] Japanese TV commercials 1990 - Part 2
• 65daysofstatic's Antique Hyper Mall
• (& possibly another 65daysofstatic song.)
Purely WebSDR recordings; edited or totally unmodified.
Number station inspired.
Collection of sets.
Temmafest (2022/03/13):
・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=) - ・゚✧ - Heart eyes forever
Gregory & The Hawk - Whisper the Answer
Tina Dartrix - sleep
It's Me! No Love - Nothing To Live Up To
Dying Adolescence - last night
if i die in mississippi - this could be us but u playin (keithwho remix)
MaedaSalt - .45
starsculptor - untitled
small mistake - frederica bernkastel
:waiz - Pulsing Pupils, But He Stares At The Faded Lights
My cat purring
DJ K1RA - i luv it when you sleep
Yuno (Kana Asumi), Miyako (Kaori Mizuhashi), Hiro (Yuko Goto), Sae (Ryoko Shintani) - Sketch Switch (スケッチスイッチ)
Weasel_24 - 7
Loliqueen - Moistened By The Yellow Knife
Loliqueen - Uncontrollable
Sonny Shimoda & Shoebill - Squat Party Soundclash
The Quick Brown Fox - Rave Girls
Hammy - Zombie (WindyBoi Cute Remix) ❤️
Gregory & The Hawk - Fin Song 8 (Orange River Remix)
Unknown Data - X-5AS482-0664 x waiz - they walk past you with looks of disgust
Emotion X - Kapp'n
Bulbasaur Adderall - HM10: DMT
Tina Dartrix - Spinning
Chima - Urar
Shako-Pani - Twilight Colors
Gregory & The Hawk - Trouble and Disappointment
Spongebob Squarewave - Fly Swatter
Shako-Pani - Knaesky
memory twin - will i see you again sometime?
Very happy I got to be part of this. Thanks to tiku and everyone else who supported me.
• fuvk - anywhere (just for this set "unedited sample pack" remix)
• Gregory & The Hawk - A Wish
• Tina Datrix - sleep
• bulldog eyes - running]
• CDR - Ara (Sam Fauchon FUCK WORLD Remix)
• ・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=) - ・゚✧ - Loveless x Furries In A Blender - Sleepy Eyes (Remix)
• RAINBOW ★ STAR ★ 36 - fucking hypocrites 2
• small mistake - If u like to watch anime... you are degenerate, kill yourself
• Nabokov's Super Slumber Party - Beautiful Extratone Thing x CDR - Violent Beat Free Samples
• ghxst - starving myself for my cardboard cutout anime girl (・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=) - ・゚✧ rmx)
• wUB.Man69 - Fistfuck Till I Shed Blood
• Pantsu Senshi - Ultra Mega Beep (・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=) - ・゚✧ rmx)
• [Samplecore clusterfuck featuring Sam Fauchon, Ninja McTits, RAINBOW ★ STAR ★ 36, JAPSHITFUN, etc.]
• CDR - horie n chillno (Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mix)
• ID (I forget ;_;)
• Akamushi - Dry And Soft
• Temma - Single just to show off my あにこあ on CD
Collage of audio artifacts from voice processing software.
Basically just collecting "vocals" filtered from where there actually aren't any and giving them the sound college ambient treatment.
Unsure of the songs used; I think Rocketship's It's Gonna Be Soon is in there somewhere.
Unsure of samples, probably field recordings.
Cover model: Sneakers.
Track 1's tracklist includes:
天気予報 [Weather Forecast]'s Good Morning!
Something by 아버지 [father]
waiz: - mayday
[????] my memory sucks
Track 3 samples
Track 4 samples fatse's i'm good at being lonely can't u tell
Unsure what tracks 5 & 6 sample.
Track 7 samples Gregory & the Hawk's Trouble and Disappointment and Spongebob Squarewave's Fly Swatter.
Track 8 samples wormy's dandelions above my ears.
Track 9 and 10 sample we could die here's death.
Track 11 samples something by we could die here's self titled.
Split with Sputnik; it got a writeup here!!
Track 1 samples Gregory and the Hawk's Whisper the Answer.
Track 2 samples fuvk's stream of consciousness and Current 93's A Sadness Song.
Samples La Page's Emma's House and pulp finish's i can't get away.
Released on a now-deleted label.
Samples myself screaming, I think. No other samples probably.
Samples a plethora of Petittube videos, now long forgotten and undocumented.
Same with the cover and bonus images.
Dumbass mashcore shit. It was originally on Soulseek exclusively but OFC nobody downloaded it (🤯)
The version on bandcamp also includes stuff from two EPs:
Track 1 samples ARANTXA YAROS's 120 BPM ONLY AHHAHA.
Track 2 samples Neko Girl's Litter Box's Guro Faggots.
Track 3 samples Cutco Gut Hook Hunting Knife's Cutco Gut Hook Hunting Knife.
Track 4 samples anal frustration's made in 4 seconds.
Track 5 samples DJ Sailor Moon's I hate mondays (and in general every day) (and some news report on Brenda Spencer.)
Track 6 samples Pantsu Senshi's Ultra Mega Beep
Track 7 samples Sam Fauchon's Worst Party Ever
Track 8 samples LOLI RIPE's A Drug That Makes You Dream
Track 9 samples Anal Frank's Pururintone
Track 10 samples CDR's Bonus.
Track 11 samples ~'s warning (from valve) (bonus)
Track 12 samples DJ Dickfucker's Jack Stauber Kittydog Animation Meme 2000
Track 13 samples larsht_'s your least favorite breakcore artist
Track 14 samples r63ralsei's r63 ralsei & Daft Punk's Face to Face
Track 15 samples Lain The Raw Data Archivist's Online Budget Summary.xls
Track 16 samples Japshitfun's i am gay
Track 17 samples larsht_'s slowing down every track on this release to be a minute long and calling it drone
Track 18 samples PANTSUKILA's It was totally waste of time for making this album
Track 19 samples Merzbow's Dolphin Sonar
Track 20 samples Lord Cernunnos's We Live To Dye
Track 21 samples Otaku Molester's Stop ranting about your waifu and pull the trigger
Track 22 samples DJ Sailor Moon's I want to die
Track 23 samples RAINBOW ★ STAR ★ 36's this is actually an ambient album
Track 24 samples DJ Sailor Moon's Does God Exist?
Track 33 samples Men at Work's Who Can It Be Now? & FBI Open Up.
Track 35 samples some anime scene I can't be fucking bothered to find right now
Track 36 samples Negativland's Car Bomb.
Track 37 samples Alice Deejay's Better Off Alone & DOOR STUCK
Track 38 samples Brokencyde's Freaxx & The Beach Boys's Til I Die (so fucking sorry)
Track 39 samples Negative XP's MK Ultra Victim & Falling in Reverse's Game Over
Track 40 samples Linkin Park's In The End & DJ Kasumi's Hyoeyu (& other Waqs drums.)
Track 41 samples Kiya Lina's My Waffle and Me, KRS-One's Sound of Da Police, Technohead's I Wanna Be A Hippy,
DJ S3RL's Dealer, Babylon Bwoy, My Chemical Romance's Na Na Na, Porter Robinson's Lionhearted & Divinity.
Track 42 samples Aphex Twin's Avril 14th, Technohead's I Wanna Be A Hippy, Toby Fox's Start Menu, Far East Movement's
Like a G6, teen suicide's no the moon, Toby Fox's Small Shock, and Rainbow ★ Star ★ 36's Procrastinating on My Summer
Essay So I Can Drop These Hardcore Loli Beatz.
Track 43 samples Sematary's Goat Man & I'm Reloading & My Bloody Valentine's When You Sleep
Track 44 samples Sematary's Arson & Furries in a Blender's Master of Diagrams (Wikkid Remix)
Track 45 samples RAINBOW ★ STAR ★ 36 's I MASTURBATE WHEN YOU SLEEP & Sematary's World's A Fuck
This release exclusively samples broadcasts of Coast to Coast AM.
I probably sifted through days of recordings.
Inspired somewhat by Absent Erratum.
Sampling unknown, probably field recordings.
Fully improvised real-time DJ mix, rendered in 8kbps.
Cover from Yotsub& and Semicrystalline. (Little Busters! album)
Tracks used:
天気予報 - My Dreams Come True
Saito Koji - 57
[Unreleased] Last Login - Freedom
Nightcore - SOFTPRETTY
Lorde - Ribs
Mermaid Plate - _ _ _
waiz - 海峽
Jun Maeda & Rintaro Iwashita - Tomorrow (So Artificial)
Dune - So Beautiful
The Queenstons - The Current State of Affairs
天気予報 - Good Morning!
Green Rust - curve
S3RL - Crystal Sky ft. Sara
Last Login - The winter sky
Alan Walker - Faded
Porter Robinson - Sea of Voices
The Queenstons - The Current State of Affairs
Originally on Dream Hijacker.
Unknown Forever - Void
Dilly - Forever
small mistake - only you
土谷知幸 - hug and kiss
Seifuku Sound - Orange Sunset After School
Recovering Hikikomori - Midnight Suburbia
明晰夢のキャッチャー - 骨格外
Last Login - [Unreleased slushwave track, probably samples Lifelines - Night Skies]
Muslimgauze - Sacrifice Pit
Seifuku Sound - Overcast Sendagaya Skyline
J-CORE SLi//CER - Fun With Amens
axtrmnt - suicide
・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=) - ・゚✧ - Sakura sunset after school club
Jun Abe - Solitude
2047 부드러운 아픈 - Песма Иунг Део воли
Lacrosse - This New Year Will Be For You And Me
tiku sens - melody of the tiny lives
waiz - Mayday
VxBxDxDx - Untitled
Last Login - Missing You Often
larsht_ - you can totally tell what 4chan board and thread i got this cover and title from lmao
Improvised real-time DJ mix, rendered in 8kbps. Performed in 4 sessions and stitched together in post.
Kiki - Solving All Your Problems
・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=) - ・゚✧ - Heart eyes forever
Gregory & The Hawk - Whisper The Answer
Tina Dartrix - dream
It's me! No love - nothing to live up to
Dying Adolescence - Last Night
Rocketship - I Wanna Be Your Guy
if i die in mississippi - your best friend's cat
bulldog eyes - letter
if i die in mississippi - this could be us but u playin (keithwho remix)
mayadere - memories
Starsculptor - Interlude
maedasalt - sad brain (alt mix)
Minogame - Living in Kowloon
[Probably] 808sndmindbreak - ik it is naive to hope that 1 person can relieve u of a lifetime of pain but i believe in miracles
tiku sens - lolicraft
[Probably] 808sndmindbreak - idk the words to describe how happy i am to have met you
if i die in mississippi - Nintendo 64 (Alex G)
negative xp - daydream demo
Dying Adolescence - my world
teen suicide - i wanna be a witch
spree - rathole
Tinyfolk - A Wish For Fur Pt. III
willow - :(brushurhair*demonightcore*
S3RL feat Chi Chi - I'll See You Again
Furries in a Blender - Master of Diagrams (Remix)
Furries in a Blender - Sleepy Eyes (Original 09 Style)
ちゅううううううう!!!!!! - You're Listening To This Because Your Parents Think You're A Disappointment (And Autistic)
Nota - Run!
DJ Sailor Moon - I want to die
ちゅううううううう!!!!!! - Shotacon Antics
tiku sens - im tired
tiku sens - melody of the tiny lives
・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=) - ・゚✧ - purity
・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=) - ・゚✧ - jump
^_^ - empty bed
witchlift - ~&& tackle you onto my old bed &&~
808sndmindbreak - life too painful but at least i have you
loveaddictspropylhexedrineoverdose - so tired & angel remix
bulldog eyes - dream / corona
lfsx - sweater weather (demo)
operationanna - Emily
Parasitic Humanoid Volleyball Club - Three
cockroach boyfriend - tonight
After School Knife Fight - My Shattered Glass Heart
small mistake - your eyes have drunk in my love ((me and +++++ ・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=) - ・゚✧ !!!!))))
Ritsuko Okazaki - For Fruits Basket [on Air Version]
OK Friends - Wish You Were Here
Favorite 水 - dontleavemealone
Unknown artist [・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=) - ・゚✧] - All our memories just feel like blurry dreams
Rocketship - Heather, Tell Me Why
Recovering Hikikomori - Syria
Seifuku Sound - Orange Sunset After School
Recovering Hikikomori - 8Daze
pulp finish - i cant get away w/ jinx
chꜵs [+0001] - Sounds from The Hospital
Copey11 - Emily
DJ Sailor Moon - skate witches (crying remix)
・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=)-・゚✧ - i'll wait for you
tiku sens - happy lucky jewel
i miss you sis - tummy kisses
Furry Loser - I Kissed You
OK Friends - The Stars
ちゅううううううう!!!!!! - You're Gay
Recovering Hikikomori - Nonexistent Prom
maedasalt - .45
bulldog eyes - jump
ebookjapan - Acoustic I (2017)
Эконом Класс - Конец
small mistake - frederica bernkastel
Okosan - Rain In A Car, Trying To Be As Quiet As Possible (2022-02)
Noisecore demo; attempt at seeing how absolute shit-fi I can make a recording.
Recorded through a landline from across the house.
Last Action's side seems to be lost, sadly. Let me know if you have it.
Simon and Garfunkel - Old Friends
Split Lip Loser - Sad Song Playing From Your Neighbor's Bedroom As A Gunshot Goes Off
The Earwigs - REALLY Short And Unofficial August 1990 Rehearsal Tape
t.A.T.u. - 30 Minutes
Sy & Unknown - Pictures of You
Force And Styles - Field Of Dreams
maedasalt - sad brain (alt mix)
maedasalt - in my head
光の緒 - Untitled
Rocketship - Carrie Cooksey
"blue glow of my computer monitor
it's raining outside the windows
everything hums onward
things would be better if you were here"
Track 1 samples a bunch of lo-fi hip hop from Soulseek.
Track 2 samples Hannah Diamond's The Ending.
Track 3 samples joji's unsaved info.
Track 4 samples a live session by 7FORM's geyser ensemble.
Track 5 samples Call me by 90sFlav.
Track 6 sampled Goodnight, Don't Leave Me This Way, and And You Disappeared by Tomppabeats.
Internet crush feelings. "rain against windows online friends alone together"
Ambient, nightcore, emo rap; the holy trinity, basically.
fairy lights - under the light of sunset
peace treaty - darkened screens
fairy lights - i will be wherever you are whenever you need me
field recordings from the house with birds - [VRChat 2020] The room with the rain (alone, listening to the rain and snow)
Explosions in the Sky - Your Hand in Mine
ボーイフレンド - New Boyfriend
fairy lights - fear not
Favorite 水 - ゆっくり休んで
hammy - zombie remix
N0123NOISE - サーナイト
sky 空 - countryside 田舎
スーパーボール (Superball) - Side A
No samples on track 7 & 8.
Track 9 samples Prelude (or something else from that album) and probably N0123NOISE's Gardevoir, the Embrace Pokémon.
Track 10 samples 光の緒's Untitled's and the anime Given.
Track 11 samples some cybergrind track? IDFK and Reizoko CJ's Japan Style Breakcore!!!!
Tracks 1 & 2 are field recordings made on Xandro's phone.
Track 3 is glitched audio from a Petittube video.
Track 4 samples 100 gecs's gec 2 Ü.
Track 5 samples My Chemical Romance's Teenagers (osno1 remix.)
Track 6 samples field recordings.
Track 7 samples lil tracy's heart.
I don't know what track 8 samples.
I think track 9 samples me fucking around with audacity circa aug 2015 by Octa Möbius Sheffner.
Samples random found Italian tapes.
Also original instruments made from bamboo.
Three tiny EPs, merged into one.
All were originally made to released on Archiseztsfew-koū Thirty Records, but I waited too long and it closed down.
Track 1 samples Kyari Kyari Pamyu's Candy
Track 2 samples some Lapfox track.
Track 5 samples fucking normies.
Track 6 samples Ninja McTits's Single Just To Show Off My Lain On PS1.
A tribute to an oversampled epic; a brief and oversimplified summary of almost 20 years of influence. Made for fun in 2020.
Eir has a MUCH more expansive and infinitely better version of this concept in the works; this is just a prelude >:3
Track 2 is 4 GUNSLINGER-R tracks and 2 itami tracks synced and layered.
Track 1 is:
itami - calm caramell
Himeko Katagiri - Chikandensen
331Erock - CaramellDansen Meets Metal
itami - !!ESIRPRUS (Ver. 2)
itami - SURPRISE!!
.ExisT - SUGAROVERDOSE (Nightcore / Speedcore edit)
valyri - a noise/glitch pop cover of Caramelldansen
itami - death of caramell
Track 1 and 11 are original compositions, amens notwithstanding.
Cat on cover from Wikimedia.
Track 2 samples in love with a ghost's i just loved you.
Track 3 samples Nyan Cat, Ke$ha's Warrior, and DJ RAY-XANS's WITHOUT YOU I'M NOTHING AND NO ONE.
Track 4 samples Sewerslvt's Lexapro Delirium
Track 5 samples Samasukuru's Go Ahead.
Track 6 samples Caramelldansen.
I forget what tracks 7 & 8 sample.
Track 9 sample Lord Cernunnos's Tsubame Murota.
Track 10 samples Porter Robinson's Fresh Static Snow.
All tracks are excerpts from a radio-surfing tape my dad made in the 80s.
As such; origin known, samples unknown.
Track 1 samples 6SNOT's 6SNOT IN THE PARTY.
Track 4 might sample Sewerslvt or something.
Track 5 samples my Latin teacher talking.
I was too self-conscious to scream for my cybergrind, but luckily kids in my Latin class were screaming all the time so I just recorded them.
I'm still not convinced that class wasn't just a thinly-veiled special ed. God knows we all fucking deserved it. Poor Mrs. Quinn.
Guitar from Hard Christ's Eatshitdie and some other places probably.
Original recording was my mom on piano.
Thanks to Octa for putting this on their vanity label, that was nice of you :)
Made at a TSA event.
Samples field recordings (of said TSA event.)
See also: TSA Event (February 2020)
Mixes made for the sole purpose of listening to on the bus to and from school, 9th grade.
""we are cats... and that is that. no deep meaning, truth or facts.
take from this... what you will. don't blame me if you feel ill."
- enigmatic YouTube comment I still think about all the time
Cover from
Track 1:
tomppabeats - rain jacket over a puddle
atlas - defeated
gregory and the hawk - for the best
irene moon - go away dreadful creature
fuvk - ghost sheets
memory twin - dead pigeon under a lemon tree
tompaabeats - you're cute
toby fox - small shock x tomppabeats - then you disappeared
gregory and the hawk - boats and birds [2005 8-track demos]
Track 2:
Koji Kondo - Title Theme
Harusomi Hosono - Muji Original BGM
SleepResearchFacility – 79°S 83°W
Junichi Masuda - Lavender Town Theme
65daysofstatic - Natasha Beats The Devil
Fiona Apple - Sleep To Dream
Macintosh Plus - Untitled
Track 3:
if i die in mississippi - over-romanticizing the laundromat at night + star trek sample
atlas - defeated
gregory and the hawk - for the best
tomppabeats - you're cute
ok friends - take time (messy house ver.)
3amperson - ceramix
infinity frequencies - The time that remains
gregory and the hawk - boats and birds
3amperson - derelict (cassette version)
"made these to listen to on the way to school super early in the morning.
pop invoked through slowed down folk, ambient, and strange combinations.
benevolent creatures."
“very faint melodies almost threaten to appear but never really do. not a big fan but someone like it enough to buy it so ye"
Improvised, Garden Angel inspired acoustic guitar noise. Not very good.
DIY abstract outsider emo.
Inspired by Hatoful Boyfriend. Sorry, Keegan.
Just some sequencer experiments and sketches and doodles.
Releasing this is like releasing the scribbles on your notebooks and the back of your hand, but the cover is still funny.
Featuring homemade, found, and digital instruments. Unplanned sketch of a release.
Art collaged from Waffleimages.
No samples; no point. Made to exist.
Free improv session; recorded alone in a freezing dojo.
Samples the Beatles. Cover design by Octa Möbius Sheffner; thank you.
Track 1 samples various YouTube livestreams of meditation music.
Track 2 was recorded in the yard at sunset with arrows and bones.
Tracks 1 & 3 sample various meditation livestreams and generic ambient videos on YouTube.
Track 2 is a screen recording of a typing program reading off a niche copypasta sent to me by meowboy.
Documents of cultural residue and media collapse.
Created under the influence of ramen.
Track 1:
TCLB - Instant Ramen Packaging
Tahnya Tregaskin - Onsen Ramen
sorryman / torrent my pets - ヾ(・ω・-)ノ top ramen
Malon Makes Lemonade - Big bowls of Ramen
Lord Cernunnos - Send Noods
waiz - Will Yuu Reed Me A Book On Ramen
CDR - I ate ramen
佐伯佑佳 - Love Ramen Life (OTAKU-ELITE 2009 edit)
economy elite - ramen... again
guitar wolf - ramen shinya 3-ji (ramen at 3am)
Track 2:
RAWINTHEVOID - you're already dead
Alligator Farm - organic*
hannah banannah - introduction (cinema) (beverly moors snake whisperer)
charalambides - hyetal
reject committee - the uploader
Hari Kari Kitty - Life Does Not Exist After Game Over
Track 3:
Circa Survive - Glass Arrows (Live)
Winter Carousel - car-o-sails
Stars To-Night - Angel's Egg (Demo)
h3artcrush - inner
internet-based ghosts - noise improv #3
Sun Worship - ☼ ☼ ☼ Sun Worship // Erasure // Deser Priest, Gold Collar: canvas of light
The Mossy Throats - Microelectronix (Sides A-F)
internet-based ghosts - live @ 7form discord call
Olde Fox Den - A Sunset Forlorn
Loneliness breakcore; as maedasalt dubbed it, "sappy nightcore."
Track 1 samples the anime Given.
Track 2 samples Tori Amos's I Don't Like Mondays.
Track 3 samples Kitty's Miss U and Oceanlab's Clear Blue Water.
Track 4 samples Above & Beyond's Breaking Ties.
Track 5 samples look at the sunset and cry...'s hearts and tears.
Track 6 samples trashton's love like you.
Track 1 samples hammy's piece by piece
Track 2 samples hammy's zombie.
Track 3 samples fats'e's i am so confident and cool af all the cuties want me
Track 4 samples Nightcore's R.Y.U.S.E.I.
Title from Lovecraft.
Cover taken in my bedroom.
Basically a geyserpost, just not on geyser.
Track 1 samples various Scratch SFX.
Track 2 samples 100 gecs's gec 2 Ü.
Who knows what track 3 samples.
Track 4 samples SOPHIE's Whole New World (SOPHIE and Doss Remix.)
Track 5 samples fatse's i am so confident and cool af all the cuties want me.
I sent Eir an ultranightcored version of 1000 gecs and the rest is history.
Track 1 samples the OP to Kaguya-sama Love is War.
Track 9 samples .ExisT’s SNAILDREAM.
Track 15 samples .ExisT’s SNAILDREAM, as well as other unidentified sources.
Tracks 30 & 31 sample Juice WRLD’s Lucid Dreams.
Track 28 samples lil peep’s gym glass (though it’s beyond obliterated.)
Cover comes from the Fiend Folio (1980.)
No samples on track 1.
Track 2 samples Gregory & The Hawk’s Tin Can Ride.
Track 3 samples some cat meowing from YouTube.
Track 4 samples Gregory & The Hawk’s Oats We Sow.
Track 5 & 6 sample 65daysofstatic's Massive Star At The End Of Its Burning Cycle.
Track 1 samples the Lavender Town Theme (and a split second of Igorrr's Tout petit moineau.)
Track 2 samples Gregory & The Hawk's The Braver Thing to Do & Six Feet Under
Track 3 samples Internet Club's By Design.
Track 4 samples Steve Roden's Winter Couplet.
Tracks 5 & 6 use no samples.
Track 7 samples tomppabeats's rain jacket over a puddle
Track 8 samples starsculptor's interlude.
Track 9 samples Mogwai's Take Me Somewhere Nice.
Track 10 samples Lorde's Ribs
Track 11 samples Mogwai's Take Me Somewhere Nice, Merzbow's Mantra Part 1, Nero's Day At Disneyland's Dog Cooking Eggs, & memory twin's will i see you again sometime?
Track 12 samples Untitled by スーパーボール (1993.)
Track 13 samples Kero Kero Bonito's Flamingo [obliterated lol]
Track 14 samples 65daysofstatic's Natasha Beats the Devil.
Track 15 samples Lorde's White Teeth Teens
Track 16 samples Lorde's Ribs
Track 18 samples Vi Hart's How To Toothpaste
Crush processing; nightcore mixtape.
Track 1 samples:
DJ Hyperdeath - Mindless Bliss
Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter (Video SFX)
Toby Fox - His Theme
100 gecs - hand crushed by a mallet
Track 2 samples:
Nightcore - SOFTPRETTY
うふふふ (Ufufu) from あの夏で待ってる (Waiting in That Summer)
Track 3 samples:
pulp finish - i can't get away w/ jinx
A Winged Victory For The Sullen - Minuet For A Cheap Piano Number Two
Track 4 samples Chippy Nonstop - Alone (Depressed Teenager Remix)
Track 5 samples:
Nightcore - R.Y.U.S.E.I.
lil happy lil sad - lil numb w/ teen pregnancy (prod. lilhappylilsad)
Track 1 samples William Basinski's Cascade.
Track 2 samples William Basinski's Cascade.
Track 3 samples... not sure, sorry.
Track 4 samples A Winged Victory for the Sullen's Requiem for the Static King Part Two.
Track 5 samples Steve Roden's Winter Couplet.
Track 6 samples We Could Die Here's Wolves.
Track 7 samples mew's nothingness.
No samples, just field recordings of my living room.
Mere geyserpost; waffleimage cover, low effort content.
Nice pre-quarantine memories. 7FORM was comfy.
"i went to the city at night with my mom once and drove past empty corporate buildings and it's haunted me ever since.
visions of abstract unreality in pristine nocturnal mundanity.
when i was 14 i tried channeling these into techno influenced vaporwave and it didn't quite work but i sat on it for a year then released it anyway."
Samples Vance Joy's Riptide (One Bit Remix.)
Objectively terrible free improv; sparse, Chromebook built-in microphone.
Recorded and released purely to document a fun evening with the 7FORM crew.
Appears on FormLive.
Instruments used:
• Rainstick
• 2 cassette players
• Laptop
• Geiger counter
Cassettes used:
• if i die in missisippi - artless
• Sport3000 - dilate
• The Smiths - Meat Is Murder
• Sister Sledge - Bet Cha Say That To All The Girls
• Robert W. Baldwin - Wolf Talk
• The Beatles - 1962-1966
Made when staying home from school sick.
Very nostalgic for me; finally realizing what I want out of life. Quiet, stillness, darkness.
Unedited WebSDR recordings.
Borderline voyeuristic glimpse into erratic emo teenager's mind. A certain beauty in that, hopefully.
Track 2 samples Bubblegum Octopus's No Advice (and myself singing Neighbors Do Bad Things.)
No samples; chiptune loops.
Titles taken from discord conversations.
Cover taken from a dragonkin tumblr post.
Live coding EP. Samples Scratch SFX and amen breaks.
Made for the sake of existing. You had to be there.
Another geyserpost.
Amen breaks and whatnot.
All the titles were originally YouTube links, now garbled beyond all hope of recovery.
My first geyserpost.
Samples various Scratch SFX.
Live coding doodles.
The metal frog on amethyst on the cover just appeared in my uncle's attic. I still have it somewhere.
These are the same album.
It was originally going to be Lucario, then I put it on geyser because Octa wanted more releases there.
(and the label Lucario was supposed to be on didn't get back to me.)
Preserved both versions here.
Track 12 samples Kero Kero Bonito's Time Today.
I'm unsure of the other samples, but I think there's Venetian Snare's Pwntendo and mhzesent.
(Plus other noise wall samples. I think track 6 was me singing.)
Inspired by a YouTube video that I kept on getting recommended no matter how many times I hit "not interested."
I made this release as an exorcism to make it leave; it immediately did. Drone ritual successful.
All tracks sample cat purring.
Final track samples Hannah Diamond's The Ending and Emotion X's I Can't Fake It Anymore.
Field recordings made after getting birds. Documentation of daily life.
No samples besides a YouTube video of ambient music playing in the background.
One flew away not long afterward; one died last year. Fly high, wherever you now are.
(Post)Nightcore mixtape. Self-indulgent 𝕸𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖑𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗 tumblr aesthetics and teenage feelings.
Track 1 samples Taylor Swift's Style.
Track 2 samples Taylor Swift's We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Song.
Track 3 samples Charli XCX's Boom Clap and the Lavender Town theme.
Track 4 samples Icona Pop & Charli XCX's I Love It and Emotion's Last Moment on Earth.
Track 5 samples Charli XCX's Break the Rules.
Track 6 samples TheFatRat's Fly Away.
Track 7 samples S3RL's Better Off Alone.
Distorted samples in imitation of ☆♀☆♀STAR GIRL☆♀☆♀.
Skip listening to this, just listen to ☆♀☆♀STAR GIRL☆♀☆♀. It changed my life.
Track 1 samples 4lung x MowMowMow's Everybody Loves Me.
Track 2 samples Lorde's Ribs.
Track 3 samples Renard's Great Expectations (FIAB Remix.)
Track 4 samples The Quick Brown Fox's Rave Girls.
Track 5 samples Kero Kero Bonito's Only Acting (also the origin of the cover.)
Mustering up the courage on the bus home from a field trip to ask Eir to do a split with me is still such a sweet memory to me.
This is what resulted. Pure ☆♀☆♀STAR GIRL☆♀☆♀ worship.
Track 1 samples NGC 3.14 x Tenkitsune - LEMON SODA.
Track 2 samples NGC 3.14 x Tenkitsune - LEMON SODA.
Track 3 samples Kero Kero Bonito's Time Today.
Track 4 samples Kero Kero Bonito's Bonito Intro
Track 5 samples NegaRen's D.A.A.N.A.C.C.E.
Track 6 samples Porter Robinson's Fresh Static Snow.
Track 7 samples internet crush's and now that you're gone...
Track 8 samples Crystal Castle's Leni.
Track 9 samples Lorde's Still Sane.
Track 10 samples DJ Ray Xan's WITHOUT YOU I'M NOTHING AND NO ONE.
Feelings processing; sample theft mixtape. ☆♀☆♀STAR GIRL☆♀☆♀ worship.
❀☆◈ samples: ◈☆❀
Track 1 samples The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It
Track 2 samples The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It
Track 3 samples The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It
Track 4 samples Cascada - Everytime We Touch
Track 5 samples 65daysofstatic - 65 vs. Everyone. 20minute Mix-up.
Track 6 samples Toby Fox - Home
Track 7 samples Fox - Snowdin Town
Track 8 samples GHOST DATA - CELESTIAL BODIES feat Jovani Occomy
Track 9 samples Lorde - Perfect Places
Track 10 samples Lorde - The Love Club
Track 11 samples Lorde - Million Dollar Bills
Track 12 samples 65daysofstatic - The Major Cities Of The World Are Being Destroyed One By One By The Monsters (Skin Of The Horse's Teeth Version)
Track 13 samples Starset's Starlight.
Track 14 samples Starset's Everglow.
Track 15 samples Starset's Everglow.
Cat noise wall.
Titles from Wikipedia.
All tracks sample purring.
Outtakes from Domestic cat I.
More lonely feelings expressed via nightcore.
Track 1 samples Porter Robinson's Fresh Static Snow.
Track 2 samples S3RL's Better Off Alone.
Track 3 samples TheFatRat's Fly Away.
Track 4 samples Charli XCX's Boom Clap.
Track 5 samples Steve Roden's Winter Couplet.
Cat noise wall debut. Went unreleased until 2023.
All tracks created from purring.
Titles from Wikipedia.
Made this when left alone for three days for the first time.
I can see it being unenjoyable to others, but I had a blast.
Try rendering songs you like in 8kbps sometime, it's fun.
Track 1 samples Life Sim'd IDL (QT Remix.)
Track 2 samples Hannah Diamond's Hi.
Track 3 samples A. G. Cook's Beautiful.
Track 4 samples BFF's tripping over myself.
Track 5 samples Kitty's Miss U.
Track 6 samples Hannah Diamond's Hi.
Track 7 samples NegaRen's Something Beautiful.
Track 8 samples internetparty's Leave It All Behind.
Cover from Merzbient.
Nightcore mixtape that never got finished.
Cover uses elements from ☆♀☆♀STAR GIRL☆♀☆♀ and a fanmade music video for Death Grips's Hacker.
Track 1 samples LORD Ø's Cute Interface Ringtones, Asriel SFX from Undertale, and iPhone SFX.
Track 2 samples some remix of Carly Rae Jepsen's Run Away With Me.
Track 3 samples Juice WRLD's Lucid Dream (and Porter Robinson's Sea of Voices.)
Track 4 samples Shawn Wasabi's Burnt Rice.
Track 5 samples some remix of Alessia Cara's Wild Things.
Recorded with a connected setup of Laptop (or MP3 player for track 2,) tape deck, and Monotron.
Track 1 uses some incidental voices from a Bible tape, as well as:
The Chainsmoker's Roses
Lorde's White Teeth Teens
Kero Kero Bonito's Only Acting
Kero Kero Bonito's Flamingo
Oneohtrix Point Never's Sleep Dealer
Lorde's 800 Lux
Irene Moon's Dreadful Creature
Winter Carousel's car-o-sails
Lorde's Ribs
if i die in missisippi's Watching Goosebumps at My Grandma's Old House
Track 2 samples:
Kero Kero Bonito's Time Today
Kero Kero Bonito's Trampoline
Lorde's Sober
Favorite 水's Nano
Favorite 水's sk8スケボー少年
Saint Pepsi's Skylar Spence
Sonny Shimoda & VELVET - 嬉LUCK嬉
Sonny Shimoda & VELVET - 般若心経スピードコア
Lorde's Supercut
The Chainsmoker's Roses
Track 3 samples Lorde's Ribs.
All tracks sample random Petittube videos, except for "eternal locked gate," which also samples a now-deleted video from my high school.
I don't have a link to it right now, but the Japanese camera on the cover is still online, which is cool.
Three things made in 2017 and earlier.
No real samples to note; just putting them here because they're kinda separate (pre-Bandcamp, if you will.)
First Bandcamp release, naive sound collage made in Garageband. Uses loops and Lapfox SFX, plus:
(Track 1) as i think i am + Ryoji Ikeda + Dad beatboxing
(Track 2) God and Anime + House of the Rising Sun (on tesla coils)
(Track 3) Imagine Dragon's Monster
Clockwise from top:
• Ryoji Ikeda - 1000 Fragments
• Igorrr - Hallelujah
• Renard - Because Maybe
• Venetian Snares - My So-Called Life
• No Artist - The Conet Project
• Venetian Snares - Songs About My Cats
• Unknown post from r/fakealbumcovers
• Photo of myself at the middle school dance
• The Queenstons - Undertones
• various artists - radio.wavs//volume.3
• Ryoji Ikeda - Dataplex
• Brian Eno - Music for Airports
• Ryoji Ikeda - Dataplex
• duendita - one of one
• Infinity Frequencies - Computer Decay
• tomppabeats - harbor
• Luxury Elite & Saint Pepsi - LATE NIGHT DELIGHT
• Steve Roden - Forms of Paper
• Tycho - Dive
• Yasuaki Shimizu - Kakashi
• jinsang - call
My first released breakcore.
Cover comes from Google Maps. God only knows where.
Originally came with an SCP-ish story that's since been lost to time.
Track 1 samples some vine
Track 2 samples 65daysofstatic's Drove Through Ghosts to Get Here (and a bunch of other stuff, some Beethoven and an Abbott and Costello skit, Windows SFX, etc.)
Track 3 samples Alessia Cara's Here (Lucian Remix,) plus the same opera sample, the Max Headroom broadcast intrustion (1987), etc.
Track 4 samples Lapfox sample packs and some vine
Track 5 samples the iyatsu. lofi sample pack and the SCP-682 interview log.
Track 6 samples Lotte Kestner's You’re In My Head (+ Boredom's TV Scorption, alt-J's Breezeblocks, vihart's as i think i am, The Kingston Trio's I'm Going Home, a subbass sample, etc.)
Track 7 samples tAtU's All The Things She Said + screaming deer
The raw data noise release every 14 year old Bandcamp experimental musician winds up making.
No sampling (besides the raw data, obviously.)
First album. Samples Lapfox SFX and Scratch SFX. Cover by Salvador Dali.
Unsure of the origin of the number stations sample on track 2.
Also uses Antony Raijekov's Yellow Flowers on track 9.
Samples Bring Me The Horizon's Sleepwalking on track 4.
Cover is me getting hit by a foam head Xandro threw at me at his house, taken on a polaroid.
Bunch of random tracks I had sitting around at the time.
Track 1 samples Wrong Side of the Tracks, Bio, and happy balloons.
Track 2 samples Tomppabeats's Rain Jacket over a Puddle
Track 3 samples Erik Satie's Gymnopédie No.3 (or something else by Satie,) and My Dad's Tape!!
Track 4 samples Nero's Day at Disneyland's Lost in Bonerland, The Beatles's Eleanor Rigby, and a (replayed) sample of Vince Joy's Riptide (One Bit Remix.)
Attempt at recreating the nonsense thoughts and logic collapses that happen when you're falling asleep.
Distinct influence from surreal meme culture, too.
Track 1 samples Prelude.
Track 2 samples Garageband loops.
Track 3 samples Men at Work's Down Under.
Track 4 samples Lord Huron's Ends of the Earth and The Kingston Trio's I'm Going Home.
Track 5 samples 65daysofstatic's Drove Through Ghosts to Get Here.
Track 6 samples I cugini di campagna's 64 Anni, Gaelic Storm's Scalliwag, Erik Satie's Gymnopedie No.1, and Bring Me The Horizon's Hospital for Souls.
Track 7 samples I cugini di campagna's 64 Anni.
Samples a ton of WebSDR recordings; the only song I recognize is Belinda Carlisle's Heaven Is A Place On Earth.
Cover is from an early neural network that converted lines to cats.
AFAIK it's the second neural network album cover ever (the first being Turning Ever Towards the Moon.)
Messier was a project that lasted 1 year, 4 months, 25 days and consisted of an ambient single made for every Messier object (first described in 1774 by Charles Messier.)
It was as creative as it was purely functional; I wanted to make decent ambient music later on, and in order to do that I needed lots of practice, so I chose a theme that
would keep me busy for a long time. It began as paulstretched, reverb-soaked samples (originally OC synth recordings for the first couple though) and features a ton of
experimentation as it goes on (hexdbient, brone, vaporwave, sound collage, deep internet, etc.) Also a lot of it was a kind of exploration and dialogue between myself and
the music I love, as well as the memories of my grandfather (a lifelong astronomer) and childhood visits to Tuscon, Arizona. The project ended shortly after I returned there
and made it all full circle.
Samples for the project listed here.
new home
Cover and title from various YouTube CM and short films. Further information lost to time.
Cover and title from various YouTube CM and short films. Further information lost to time.
Closing track samples Timothy Leary & Ryoji Ikeda as well.
Track 1 (and the cover) originate from something on Cartoon Animal Underground. (IIRC)
Track 2 samples This Charming Man by The Cat and Owl.
Audio and visuals originate from something on Cartoon Animal Underground.
Cover from 気 Breathing
Sampling mostly forgotten, but includes Steve Roden, Western Digital (“Pilot of Dreams,”) Vi Hart (“as I think I am,”) etc.
Cover from Glimpse of the Garden by Marie Menken (1957.)
Samples unknown.
Samples a collection of CM from YouTube, modified and exported and modified and exported until I was confident that I left no stone unturned.
The same concept as residual data imprint.
Again, exact samples unclear.
No samples; windchimes and cassette tape.
Recorded as elegy for Steve Roden.
Cover from 1986なつ by 松本俊夫 [Toshio Matsumoto].
Cats found in my house. Artist unknown.
Sampled from Vi Hart.
Highly influenced by Vektroid’s cRASH 1. Samples shattered and put together in intricate micropatterns as a mosaic.
Track 1 samples the same short film sampled in our beautiful shifting topology.
Track 2 sample unknown. Possibly a biography on M. C. Escher.
Track 3 samples Simon & Garfunkel’s Old Friends.
Cover from Glimpse of the Garden by Marie Menken (1957.)
Samples Bladee’s Close.
Samples 潘安邦 [Pan An-bang]’s 紛紛飄墜的音符
Japanese postage on the cover sent to me by CDR; other media found.
Track 1 samples capoxxo’s untitled.wav (prod. taher).
Track 2 samples Hiroshi Yoshimura's Blink.
Samples 芦川聡 [Satoshi Ashikawa].
Track 1 samples Lorde’s Perfect Places.
Unsure of track 2 and 3’s origins.
Cover is from Jerome Hiler's In The Stone House.
Dedicated to Charles Emlen.
Samples primarily from Of Monsters and Men.
Cover from M.C. Escher documentary.
No idea what was sampled here, except for that it was likely at the beginning of a song.
Steve Roden inspired.
Hopefully it'll come to me one day.
Two ambient DJ mixes made for someone in Europe when they ordered a package of stuff.
I told them it would be on cassette, but my cassette deck wasn't cooperating so I put it on a USB drive inside a tape deck.
First one is mostly my tracks, second one isn't.
Cover from an archival picture of a local mine.
pixelheal - we can stay up late
crystal editions - hinoni
crystal editions - teen mall cop
lan - midnite litescape
unbroadcast - untitled
still world - tumbolia (emlen)
still world - empty home
crystal editions - xhaustion bliss state
ecological networking - roses (instrumental)
mahoudreams - luv u bb (pixelheal edit)
capoxxo - 7 months
lan - skies above
Datavis - Airmail
steven roden - oder delias or butterflies
torrent my pets / sorryman - white room
BROKEN_CANYON - Sleep Drone 2
Richard Chartier - Sketch for Winter (2002)
William Basinski - Cascade
Darius - falsewood
Haruomi Hosono [細野晴臣] - Muji Original BGM
last login - /l、(゚、 。 7 l、 ~ヽ じしf_, )ノ (frosted windowpane bus ride)
芦川聡 [Satoshi Ashikawa] - Still Park (Piano Solo)
I hope it goes without saying that I don't actually think anybody cares about this stuff,
it's just another outlet for my compulsive organizational tendencies (read; it's fun for me.)