2007.12.14 (Garfield) I don't remember it as I was a small child but I asked my mom and she thought it sucked. https://www.last.fm/event/4651043+A+Garfield+Christmas 2017.xx.xx (Gaelic Storm) My mom took me because no one else could go with her. I remember the parking lot, entering, and leaving. The actual performance has been effaced from my memory with almost surgical precision. 2018.09.26 (Wounding of the Bright) They soundtracked an art show hosted by the person who used to live in my house, it was really cool. I got to talk to them and that helped get me into music making in general. I'll never forget when they told me that the song currently playing was made by running three guitar notes through paulstretch, it was only a matter of time before I became an experimental music nerd but they probably accelerated the process. 2023.01.20 (Someone filmed the show on VHS and I appear for 1 (one) second in the footage) Himeko Katagiri 20 minutes of absolute ear destroying amen fueled nightmare + SCREAMING. Schoolbook_Depository The live glitching was really cool. Meronti They played my track!! (Also in the B&B they showed me a rare chiptune CD that had a mediafire code written on it to an exclusive bonus track, which I committed to memory in the like 30 seconds I had to look at it and jotted it down as soon as I could and now I have said rare bonus track. One of my proudest moments.) Goreshit I sat in the back of the venue and read Neuromancer on my phone because I was tired. Gallsac The lights were off, the volume was maximum, the rhythms were indecipherable behind the speedcore and noise and screaming and there was no negative space whatsoever, just a wall of electronics/ It was hours and hours into a long night and I haven't eaten in a day or so, and I stayed in the moshpit for a while. I zoned out so hard that the entire experience was downright meditative. I lost my shoe at some point. DV-i (Don't remember much) Slippymudman (Don't remember much) COI_N (Don't remember much) Homeowners Association (Don't remember much) xxhardbit3s (Don't remember much) Distict memory of walking around the rest of the warehouse, the sound faded really quick. It was quite cold and I just spent a while staring though a wire-covered hole in the ceiling at the night sky. 2023.01.21 Himeko Katagiri I was exhaused and spent most of the night talking to someone at the back of the venue but I did hear him play a Viper track about 9/11. Goreshit I stood in the back of the venue talking with someone about Carl Sagan until the bouncer told us to go into the show or GTFO. So while I didn't actually see goreshit, I did feel the floor vibrating. Sunryze One of the last sets I saw in NY, dropped a Dune track. Cool dude. and I did run his DJ set's projected Tiku Sens Incredible in every way. Hearing my own track was surreal + moshing to Rocketship isn't something I'll ever forget. The visuals for the entire night were playing off of a Google Drive link off of my laptop. Helping with a Goreshit show was not on my 2023 bingo card yet here we are. Some other people played, my memory is fuzzy. I'll probably never go to a rave again, but I had a blast. All in all, possibly the best 48 hours of my life. Endless thanks to everyone who tolerated me there. 2024.xx.xx Negativland Lifechanging film, livechanging show, lifechanging band. They've been active since 1980 and still have a razor-sharp understanding of the cultural climate. Decades ahead of the game, even now. To quote a YouTube comment: "Instant classic. Both of the future generations will show this masterpiece in their history classes." Thanks to Keegan for letting me know and getting me to go. I bought a CAR BOMB bumper sticker, which my parents hard vetoed putting on any vehicle we own, sadly. 2024.xx.xx David Wilcox A singer-songwriter and storyteller my mom's a fan of. It was in a public park, it got dark over the course of the show, and I wandered around the park later in the night. Not the kind of thing I'd listen to usually, but good vibes all around.